Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday the 30th of November 2007

Only one day left to go to Wold AIDS Day and today , finally, I hear on the radio for the 1st time , a gay radio in London, that there is no AIDS virus ; well I knew that but not many other people knew that as most people is used to hear about the AIDS virus anyway...

I am so excited... ! today and for the weekend until Monday there are coming three friends of mine from my home town (3 women, well after all I am a "queen") one of them is one of my best friends and she kept saying that was coming to visit me in Dec 1998 and 9 years later she will finally come... GREAT!


Well yesterday I told you that there is one more exercise (not physical just mental) left but probably there are more that I connot remember now and in anycase as I go along through other people using my own intuition I "find" new positions or exercises that will improve my looks. This menthal exerise is one o the many suggestions or recomendations I got from my friend Josechu before he had to move back to the counry Basque becuse of medical reasons with his life partner Luis Mari (I still have to get many more but here you go he is busy now, very busy ) ; it consist of an exercise that I started doing everyday for 20 days and then once a week (except this week that I had a horrible migraine) through headphones first applied to the ears and then applied directly to the part of my body that has got the damage (in my case the cerebelum in yours I have no idea) . I got the exercise from this website

in here you can find vibration exercises for the mind for exverything that you can imagine but following the recomendations of my friend I do the DNA ACTIVATOR MAX that lasts for 18 minutes but remeber I do it twice once applied the ears and once more to the cerebelum that is behind the ears (of course stupid of me). With the help of my carer I found headphones that are big enough to cover my whole ear and has got a grip strong enough without hurting me for keeping close to the back of the neck where the cerebelum is having the ears opened; the main idea of using this exercise is the vibrations it produces in your brain and in the area that you need to work so if you try it dont put it too loud!


Among the many things I do I discovered that the RADITECH ( ) technology that was invented for cleaning nuclear stations form electromagnetic and geodetic energies was good for treating peripheral neurophathy that comes as a result a long time living with HIV or sometimes as a side effect of the combination therapy was complitely gone after a few days of using the raditech tower ; the model I have is TSP7000ME that apparently they dont make anymore here I show a picture of it:

Apart form this technology I use others like a harmonisers that I got from a company in PLymouth ( I dont get on with the people in this company but as I said everything in here you may be not getting onm with me at all but maybe there is something that may be good for you so take it and in that case that company I take what they make but I don't take them if you know what i mean) and I have one harmoniser for the water entering the flat, another inside of the fridge another for the medication shelf (where I have all my medication ) and one more on top of the amethist crystal on the desk in the bedroom alternatively after I question this need with on of the nutritionish I talk usually (Charlotte Watts: ) and she told me that she knew nothing about the raditech people but that she knew that magnetising technology would do the same so she told me one company an I bought (economically of corse) one magnetiser for the water that is already filtered, one for the back that I sit on the wheelchair and one for the pillow.

So at the end you can say that I spent a little bit of many but it was spread over the years so it wasnt much but one at all could be over 1 thousand of pounds this is a lot and beyond my possibilities, although I try to live budgeting my money probably sometime I go beyond my possibilities and sometimes this attitude of mine brings me down psycologicaly speaking but thanks to my friend Josechu (again) I started to work on the psychological issues with the Bach flower remedies but I live this for another time.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

With this group I finish the physical exercises. For tomorrow I have one more exercise but don't fear its not physical but menthal.

The collor in the bathroom is at the moment light pink and it will become beige or light brown although I am playing with the idea of making it "light coffee" like again its all about fengshui and accorgind with this the bathrrom is not hygienic because we have a place with clean water we wash everything that is not clean like shit or urine, shower or bath or even washing our face and hands; so because of this what is the point of trying it to appear white or blue better to make it to appear clean but without using white or blue, don't you think so?

This new exercise you need to check it better with physiotherapist because it contains (although you cannot see it) 3 movements one done with the neck and the chin moving it towards the throat but without touching the throat and of course, another try to join the shoulder plates and one that you cannot see that is flexing the perineum muscle that is located bettween the testicles or vagina and swinter (this one I got for Barefaod Doctor and its suppoused to give you extream physical beauty that will atract you everybody; stupid to me although the Barefoad doctor mentioned that I continued doing it and therefore atracting a lot of unwanted attention. Finally one that might dissapear soon, probably next week. This one I got in my childhood from na oftalmologist; you see I started in life with a little bit of estrapism and in order to correct it the oftalmologist give me some glasses (it was 1965 what do you want) and therefore ending up having miopy astigmatism and conjunctivitis and I dont know why I sill keep this exercise now. It makes the optic nervers to get together so both eyes will focus on the same point and I go with the index finger from the tight to my nose and vice versa 15 times with each hand.

Continuing with the exercises on the toilet , this next movement is about joining the hands by catching the fingers in the spine therefore making flexible the joints of the arms with the shoulder and stretching the spine, this exercise together with the next on are very good for back pain and were recomendet to me by a physiotherapist a few years ago but. ( this is something that I need constantly remind myslef ) need to be done slowly

This movement that comes out as I told you is very good for back pain.

It consist of rotating the shoulders forward 10 times and backwards ten times also, making the full rotation joint movemnt when its possible. (A AH I forgot to tell you that the catching of the hands in theback i do it 3 times toith the left hand being at the bottom and 3 times the other way)

Thursday the 29th of November 2007

This picture (now I restart the final group of physical exercises) shows the toilet in the batroom its empty and closed so you will not feel bad about it but I show it to you because here the one of the most important daily activities takes place, the daily bowel movement. I do have here 5 exercises although one of them I will finish it soon and then I end up by having the one I start the day with in the early morning; its the one that my friend Josechu recomended me and I share with you its called Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT ) that as I told you I do 4 or 5 times a day. The time I usually allow for all of this is of 10 to 12 mins, time that I open the front door, the garden door and the window in my bedroom if your flat ,it might be different if you want to do it, in order to ventilate the flat; this is something that I got from Feng Shui to move the energy in ther flat but I also found that its very hygienic since our flats especially in the winter get warm and sometimes a little humid that is the perfect enviroment for microbial life to get on so no wonder we get very sick during th winter time.

The first exercise that i do as i migth show you below is by using the hand rails that I have around the toilet and that were suggested by the occupation therapist. Basically this exercise is by moving the upper part of the body first to the left holding with the right arm and then moving it to the right holding it with the left arm, ten times each; this exercise do not only provide me with flexibility in the waist area of the body but moves also by massaging the two intestines and puts some pressure on the liver and pancreas.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday the 28th of November 2007

On Monday the 19th of November at 12 ,exactly, midnight I was disconected from the company talktalk and I went back into BT. The telephone service was connected straight away but the internet broadband connection was possible to bo done just now so if in this 9 days you missed me sorry!

Here is my new post


You may wonder why I tell you of so many exercises that I do do them and I have not finished very close to it but not just yet. You see when a body, like mine does not walk the muscles that "process" the food that is taken in meals do not move either or otherwise we could say taht it (the food) doesnt reach properly the whole body because one part of the digestive chain is missing. When we eat , the food enters the body and some muscles are already processing that meal in the mouth through the throat into the esofacus but some of the autonomic movements after the esofacus used for digesting that meal in the big picture for the digestion to finish move that food down the body, so from the sofacus to swinter there are some minimal autonomic movements of the muscles but the body needs to be in motion in order to absorb (this is very important) and to pass through that food. Here we enter a "catch 22" situation; in order for for those muscles form the sofacus down to the swinter to absorb the many nutrients that the food is providing them with they need other group of muscles moving the body and in this movement makes the digestive muscle group to move (I hope I havent made a big mess than what it sounds!).So this is why I have so many exercises that not only make my body look "drop dead gorgeous" (ha,ha,ha) but because of a "domino effect" allow other muscles to digest and process the food and therefore ending in a proper bowel movement (that otherwise I have as constipation but thanks to this exercises is not very acuted and I managed to go to the toilet once daily) (It cost me a lot of bleeding to find out that is not good to push down when you go to the toilet because what it comes out more often than not is blood and to break something in that area can give you blood poisoning that you can end up having with an immune deficiency problem and it makes that problem even bigger; that is why for example it is not very advisable to people with HIV infection to wash that part inside that can be a very healthy alternative for other people)
You see many thousand years ago (probably between 25 and 35 thousand years ) humanity started to walk a path that took human kind many thousands of years to complete; this path was to have their own self (social) healing put onto the hands a of social healer, which doctor or shaman (male or female), and the result is that 25 to 30 thousand years later we have people needing healing and have lost that inner knowledge that would enable them to heal themselves and we have so called shamans, which doctors or other traditional healers (and here I include also all the university trained medical doctors) having all the power for healing other people and instead of doing so when social need arises they wait to see what you bring to them before they do anything to you (we call this people "fat cats") we cannot blame this "people" for that nor we can blame ourselves for it neither as what happened was something very necessary for evolution but now here we are at the treshold of a new "link" in the long "chain" of human evolution that is progressing, it will "slim" us but not "finish" us; as I see this situation we dont need to go back to the begining nor to stay where we are but perhaps a combination of both. By this I mean that public health a big yes but individual control of our healing also a big yes.
On CNN I found out a few years ago there was somekind of approach to medical practise coming about in the USA in which some doctors had started to practise something called integral or integrated medicine; by this thay meant doctors that knew not only about the orthodox medical practise but also about the alternative practices (I prefer to call them complementary). When I told my hospital consultant about this he said something in the order of "...we are doing quite a lot already..." so I would imagine that in order to gain acces to integral or integrated medicine you need to be "fithy rich" but for the rest of us (I am one of that "rest") we need to collaborate with our public health doctors in order to get it and this is all I am doing here, not sharing with you my final result but an ongoing process; I am not much special than the rest of you so if I can do it also you can.
I usually have a lot of "bullshit" in what I say and how I say it but its my "bullshit" I am allowing myself to say "bullshit" things from time to time I just hope that you allow me too also.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday the 19th of November 2007

You were introduced to my bathroom last year (i think) now I am going to show something that you didn't know about the bathroom and some activities that I do that the tool is there .

First of all let me show you the corner where I have the exercises with the hand rails and later when I show you the exrcises that I do there you will understand my motives now

Finally I will show you the basing (nothing special) with the shelf above it that has all the things for the shower and on the basing I have the gell for washing of my hands (twice daily), a cup for rinsing my mouth after washing it (twice daily) and one another plastic bottle (I have one in the kichen, another in the living room and one more in the bedroom) that has an antiMRSA gel that I use as often as neccessary and also my assistant or careworkers because something that I do consider very importatnt in my possible rechabilitation is cleaness (you know the saying "cleaness is near o godlines"). I do not only consider important (one thing that the American Health Service has that the recomend to you hands twice or 3 times daily and this is assumed as something that might avoid them bird flu because of the hygiene they observe in everytghing they do)the hand cleaning but also body and flat cleaning as well as ventilating it for 10 mins minimum everyday .

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I do have two more sets or group of exercises but I would like to recommend you now a lot of temperance in all of this. Do not think that I am obsessed (I used to be ) by my own rechabilitation by being an average person contributing into society in every sense.

I start my daily routine of exercising at around 7 30 AM (well because I am blessed/coursed with my sleeping pattern I tend to wake up before this time usually therefore having enough time for them or better to say that is this time that I have set the alarm clock so when my morning carer comes at 9 30 AM I am well rested. everyday after lunch I don't do any more exercises (this self rule costed me a lot of mental effort , discipline, but at the need I managed); I do exercise myself everyday of the week except friday , do not ask me why on friday , probably there is a logic reason but I do not remeber and in anycase now what I tend to do is that the exercising before my carer come I may have chosen at random any other day of the week however the exercises after my morning carer comes always on Friday a day off. This is rule (having at least one day of a week) that I only break if I have a very good reason like I feel tired in bed or asleep and the exercises after my carer come if I have a busy day (In the computer usually or on the telephone sometimes ) . The point is not to be precise with everything in my life; I did try to be precise controlling but now part of my new found nature (probably the change from Alfredo to Elfrid did it ) I do try to do this but with contradictions of course.

This is a group of exercises that I usually do with the help and assistance of my carer while he sits on a chair and ties the rubber band around one leg of the chair (of course not mine, what did you think?) . First is to try to move the knee taken by the rubber band to touch my opposite knee for ten times and then by moving with wheelchair my other leg (knee). The second picture shows you how I do the exercise of my triceps by moving the arm up and down with the handy cup of one side of the rubber band being tight at one of the handles of the wheelchair ; I do this exercises 15 or 16 times with each arm and the other (the first one since I forgot to tell you ten times each leg ) The final picture shows you one exercise in which I am with the two legs inside a cicle made by my carer with the rubber band separating the knees in a 45 degrees opening ; I do this one for 25 repetitions and its good for working, again, in the lumber area.

I will continue with the exercising now but before I continue I remembered this morning doing exercises while in bed that there is one , a new one that I forgot to mention maybe for 2 reasons, one is that I do it with my eyes so having the blindfold to hide my identity made me to forget about it and the other one is that is new, given to me by a friend of mine who used to live in La Laguna/Teneriff Island and now because of medical reasons (his partner) moved to the north center in Spain the country Basque; a place known as their Donosti but maybe better known as San Sebastian); his name is Josechu and his partner Luis Mari; well because of Josechu I have made a great improvement in many of the things I am doing , of course, I was doing things already but his input helped me a lot since last January and its me the one who is helping him in the difficult situation that he is going through with Luis Mari but that is what friends are for I think.

Anyway the exercise is with the eyes and doing movements with them in order to achieve the pararelism that "normaly" one has ; I do them in repetitions of 5 times and not holding them in every position for 2 or 3 sec. First I go to the extreem left then to the extreem right for 5 times each; then extreem up and extreem down for 5 times each; then extreem right and extreem left for 5 times; extreem up and them extreem down for 5 times; then extreem right to extreem left 5 times; extreem up to extreem down 5 times; extreem left to extreem right 5 times; and finally extreem down to extreem up 5 times also. I do this instead of doing a circular motion with the eyes becayse although I started in this fasion (circular) soon I discovered that was difficult even painful for me but I hope that after a few months after doing them my eyes will be "stronger" to do the circular movement again . I do this exercise (remember you can do them whenever you like) after doing the exercises of moving my legs up and down each and touching the knee with my opposite hand; and when I do also the legs up and down with the arms bended by the elbow and going up the body but the opposite arm to the left if you know what I mean.


Now I go back to the last exercises when I am in bed if you remember I told you one address for you tube for doing kinesiology ( ) I do exactly this exercise but sitting on my bed like the photographs show :

15 times each making the sound of infinite that is a lying "8" but you can chose any symbol that you fancy or even the letters of the alphabet .

before of this kinesiologic exercises and because of my own convinince (yours might be different I do the exercises that I already showed and I show you again now fo putting my body into a spiral lag with legs and arms crossed and so on if you remeber)

and then I do the streching flexing of the ankle (each ankle at a time) like I show you below:

Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday the 16th of November 2007


Ever since I started to write this blog I was not happy with tha name of it "holyspiritofelfrid" and even on Monday I had to justify a very close friend of mine what was the reason of me to put that name so last night I had the "feeling" that I could change the name of it so whenmain carer arrived in the morning I told him to see whether it was possible, it was, it is; Actually and this is why I am so happy I can change it as many times as I like (this isngerous with my mind but ... ) .

So the new name of it from now on is "holycrapofelfrid" (that I think is more apropiate since I always refer to what I say as rubbish or my own personal bullshit). So the new address for this blog is as you may now .

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday the 15th of November

Of course you didn't know that my most favourite month in the year is September and my less favourite month of the year is November and that this year I choose the moth of November to tell you the most, probably, important things. It is a contradiction, isn't it ? But then I am Pisces swiming into opposite direction and of course I am double Pisces so I can tell you that I am a living contradiction; A contradiction with legs, as I like to say sometimes but yet again I have also arms head ... a body anyway . And in this body there is a mind and this mind is making constant questions because I am of the nature I am I try to find answers and my most important question is that; Was there something, or nothing as some may say before the begining and will there be something afer the end; by begining I mean the begining of the Universe sometimes called Big Pine not the begining of the individuals life and of course by the end I mean exactly the same that means that what was (is) before the begining will be as it was (is) at the end or after the end but of course in that situation before the beging after the end (there is no time or space so strictly speaking there is no "before" or "after")

Some very logic people say there was nothing before the begining and there will be nothing after the end so I guess that in order to find out if there is something we need to become illogical (so much for universities) so perhaps after all this thinking that we had for the last 30 thousand of years we need to get into a mental asylum in order to find from the mental or crazy people in there how really is the before, the begining and after the end ( and to think that we have to try to push them away all this time ... ! )

My thinking about it is that there is vibration before, during and after and this vibration make possible everything that we see now or that we feel (actually seeing or feeling is nothing but that vibration at a very "quantum mechanics" point of view) and in some genesis/theologies they say that at the begining was the World, what is this but vibration?

To explain what it is the begining of life in a an individual basis and what it happens after it finishes we have religions and I am not talking about that.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday the 14th of Nov

Here I give you the menu for the whole of the week; it changes quite a lot constantly because I keep adapting it to my taste and being healthy same time; if I find something that is tasty but not healthy and vice versa when I find something that is helathy but not tatsy I don't have it either; it needs to be both tasty and healthy.

Another thing that you need to0 consider is that if you need to make some of it your own but don't follow it just because may be good for me because it might not be good for you.

Here it is:

Before leaving the bed Elfrid has a glass of water with one drop of Tea Tree, this one to be added to the water immidietly before he has it, with all the antiHIV medication (a few minutes after he will have Mate Tea).
Monday to Friday is porridge that it will be 25 grams of millet porridge and 25 grams of scottish porridge oats and the grounding of 4 brazil nuts with 1 teaspoon of the following: pumpkin, sunflower,lin and hemp seeds - grounded well and mixed with the porridge. All of this is mixed with rice milk and put in the microwave for 1 min, when it comes out you stir it well and add more rice milk if necessary before serving put for 30 sec in microvawe then put half of tea spoon of cinnamon powder-stiring it well add more rice milk if necessary.
On Saturday and Sunday breakfast consists of kefir this is semi skimmed goats milk through a sieve into the blender (you need to use the sieve in order to distinguish the kefir grains from the solid milk, because the kefir grains go back to the bottle), with the grounding of 4 brazil nuts and 1 teaspoon of the following seeds: sunflower,pumpkin,lin and hemp seeds, adding 1 tea spoon of Xylitol and half of a tea spoon of cinnamon powder, all of this is put together with half a liter of kefir; blending well adding a little bit of water to the blender if necessary and you give it to Elfrid in 2 tall glasses for him to have it with a straw.


MONDAY- 100grms of buckwheat pasta, then you blend with the frying of one steak or loin of tuna fish that has been defrosted since sunday lunch to which has been added two tbls spoons of extra virginolive oil, a chopped and crushced clove of garlic, one tea spoon of the following: chives, oregano and parsley, add salt if necceaasy. (don't blend it too well because Elfrid likes to chew a little bit) In the blender you put another clove of garlic and 25 mustard seeds.
Tuesday – Half of butternut squash (or whole one depending on size) that needs to be steamed , The butternut squash is blended together with 1/2 jar of anchovies plus the the juice of a whole lemon and 1 teaspoon of chives
Wednesday –Defrosted cod that has been stir fried in the wok with grapeseed oil and one clove of garlic then blended together with 75g of beetroot. In the blender you need to add 1 clove of garlic, less that half of goats milk yogurt, tea spoon of capers that have been washed, 1 teaspoon of chives. When all is blended adjust salt if necessary..Add 1 teaspoon of Xylitol.

Thursday – you put in the wok 2 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil, the whole bag of squid that has been defrosted since wednesday, two chopped cloves of garlic and one tea spoon of the following: parsley, thyme and chives. when done you put in the blender with 200gr of boiled potatoes and another clove of garlic, the juice of half of a lemon and adjust the sqalt , blend well.

Friday – 100 grams of potatoes that has been washed and boiled. grape seed oil, one chopped or crushed clove of garlic together with a loin or stak of sword fish that is defrosted since thursday lunch in the fridge ( when you put it in the wok it need to be cut in 4 pices) add tea spoon of the following orgena, reosemary, tyme and chives also 25 mustard seeds. Once the fish is ready you add less that one half of goats milk yogurt, blend the fish and quinoa and one extra clove of garlic.(blend slightly)

Saturday – 80 grms of boiled basmati brown rice blended with 100g of steamed broccolli and 1 regular size carrot, that need to be steamed also,(100g aprox.) In the blender you need to put the rice and the steamed vegs, a glove of garlic, eight olives and the juice of a whole Lemon.You blend it well and serve( remember on wednesday morning before you came to work to buy a broccolli for that day only).

Sunday – 120 grms of boiled rice with 1 tomato (raw and cut) in the blender with a big clove of garlic and 1 teaspoon of oregano and parsley (also one rounded tea spoon of wheat grass powder). When ready to blend remeber to put, a teaspoon of Tahini, 1 tablespoon of extra virginolive Oil and a half of a jar of olives + juice of the half lemon.( the wheat grass goes into it because on sunday supper we have no soup so the wheat grass has to go into the lunch) and a clove of garlic)

Note - Everyday for lunch Elfrid has cup of white tea with one level teaspoon of xylitol, leaving it to brew for at least 45mins when it's on the table add 5 drops of morning flower remedies. After lunch the PA needs to leave on the table a cup of magnetised water with a table spoon of honegar (home made 50% cider vinegar and 50% honey blended for 10 min; this means the bottle not the spoon) with 5 drops of flower remedies-remeber the evening ones.

Monday – 80 grams of Quinoa, that has been washed and boiled, 1 teaspoon of the following: oregano, parsley and thyme, one tablespoon of each seaweed approx 5 grams of each), soaked for 10 mins before using, 1/4 jar of olives, one clove of garlic , half of Avocado adjust the salt + 1 tbs of grape seed oil(remember to take of the freezer one 110gms of anchioves in garlic so they will be ready for tuesdays supper)
Tuesday–An omellete of two eggs with two big cloves or garlic you put in the frying pan one table spoon of grape seed oil (remember to put to defrost the cod for Wednesday lunch)
Wednesday – with the boiling of one aubergine and onion blend well with 1 medium clove of garlic, 2 fresh tomatoes & 1 tea spoon of: rosemary, oregano, thyme and parsley.(remember to put to defrost squid , for thursday lunch).
Thursday – You need to put in the blender 25 grm of goat's milk cheese plus the grounding of 1 table spoon of hempseeds, a pinch of tumeric, a half avocado also 60 grams of quinoa , 2 cloves of garlic, 30 seeds of mustard, 20 olives,1 teaspoon of Kombu seaweed soaked for 10 mins, 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil and the juice of half lemon, all in the blender with 1 tea spoon of the following: rosemary, oregano, thyme and mint. Blended all together.ADJUST THE SALT!
(remeber to take from the freezer and put in the fridge one steak or loin of swordfish so it will be defrosted for fridays lunch)
Friday – 250 of spinach, 90g of boiled potatoes, a white of a boiled egg , 175g of beetroot, 1 tea spoon of the following : rosemary, oregano,and thyme, juice of half a lemon, and 1 clove of garlic, all of this is blended together with 30 mustard seeds,5-6 grams teaspoon of Wakame seaweed soaked for 10 mins
(Remember to take out of 100 grams of frozen anchiovies for Saturdays supper)
Saturday - In the blender you put 100gms anchioves (that have been washed, soaking for ten minutes). one clove of garlic, a tea spoon of the following: rosemary, 1 teaspoon of Arame seaweed soaked for 10 mins, oregano, thyme and parsley, a quarter jar of olives. Add 1 table spoon of grapeseed oil, the juice of half lemon, 100 grms of quinoa , 25 grms of goats cheese .(remember to take from the freezer and put in the fridge 175grms of mussels so they will be ready for sunday supper)
Sunday – Vegetable Salad (boiled only). with the white of an egg (boiled also), 100grs of boiled carrots that have to be washed and together with this you put ¼ of a jar of olives plus 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil, the juice of the half lemon, and a pinch of turmeric; when going to blend add one tablespoon of each of the seaweeds approx 5 grams of each), that need to be soaked for at least 10 mins before using. All of this is blended together with 175 grms of already defrosed mussels. (rember to take out of freezer put into the fridge one tuna steak for monday lunch)

NOTE: for supper Elfrid has usually one cup of soup(to which has to be added one rounded tea spoon of wheat grass powder, stiring well) the soup is made fresh every monday and thursday morning and is made as follows, In a pot put 1 tbs of grape seed oil,1 tbs of each of the seaweeds, 1 aubergine cut inpices, one cucumber also cut, 200grms of carrot and a full bag of spinaches, 1500mils of magnetised and filtered water add salt and boil for 20 mins, when cooked leave to cool down, and add 1 tea spoon of the following seeds that have been grinded (pumpkin, sunflower, lin, hemp)when ready to blend add 6 cloves of garlic, the juice of a half of a lemon, blend well and adjust the salt if necessary . This soup that will do Monday to Saturday is one of the drinks for dinner, the other drink consists of a lemon drink that is made as follows: put in the blender 300ml of filter water,1 whole lemon(to which the seeds had been taken out never peelled, and cut in 8) and 1 tblspoon of extra virgin olive oil, blend well for 3 minutes and then siev (pressing with a spoon in order to get the maximum of the liquid) all of this into a special cup (one of those that have 2 handles). (On Sundays that there is no soup, the drinks for dinner will consist of the lemon drink and one cup of water).

Put One good teaspoon of Mate Tea into a cup and a few drops of cold magnetised water enough to wet the mate,then put 3/4 of hot boilig (also magnetised) water. Leave to brew in the mug(Covered) for FIVE minutes and then drain the water off pouring through the sieve into another cup,or mug.Then sweaten it with Sweatener called ZYLOSWEET(One Teaspoon and stir well):Once this is done you add five drops of the FLOWER REMEDIES that are prepared in the living room,and then give to Elfrid with one straw,that could be the one used to give him the water with TEA TREE,but make sure that the liquid has cooled enough,if needed add a bit of cold water before giving it to him.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

While having the hands in the buddah position that I did before although I take the "miki" out of everything I am really very polite so I keep hands after that and that I go with the arms above the head extending them and as I am having the chest extended by extension of the arms I do make a sound pronouncing the letters from the English alphabet that I think can benefit me more in my speech impediments ; this are the letter : "B" (but pronounced beah), "d" (that can easility be confused with the sound "t" but when you make the sound "d" the tip of tounge goes to a point between the ballat and the front teeth and when you make the sound "t" the tip of tounge goes to the edge of the teeth only so slightly different) "g" (pronounced guh and it makes the sound with the middle or deep throat) "h" (aspiring it meking the explosion in the upper throat near the pallat ) and "K" (pronounced kuh makin the explosion of the sound in the middle of the ballat) ; this was only the first group because with every group I fill and empty the lungs but this is me your needs maybe totaly different; the second group goes with letter "m" (making the sound in the nose) "r" (making the tounge, that as I told you before is a muscle, to vibrate ) "s" and "v" (very similiar to "b" but the sound of "b" is with the lips only and the sound for "v" is with the upper teeth with the lower lip it sounds actualy very close to an "f" but its not obviously; the 3rd and 4th groups are not groups at all becuse they are only one sound that only prolong as I do sound a snake, I am a snake? well in order not to be like snake I do interupt the sound every two or 3 secs and I make it again (if you pronounce in your mind "k" and "s " there you will have the sound for "x" )
Tuesday the 13th of November 2007

Very bad luck if you happen to be in Spain . Well I am Spanish but thank God I am in this country; And choosed today to continue with this blog so thanks God also that I am not supersticious (Well I am really ha,ha,ha!) .

This exercise is to help me and known to help the posible path you will know what I mean when you see the exarcise. In it I pronounce the syllabus "om" but dividing it into to two sounds "O" and "M". Both produce very good singing and perhaps healing sound/voice that, I hope, will massage with vibrations the part of the body that need to be done so like the thymus and pineal glands for example only.

When I do this exercise I am imagining and only imagining that I make "flower" the mens chakras in the body and some important although secondary regions in the body also (I believe and let me strees the word believe here that there are 7 men chakras : crown, third eye, throat, heart, sollar plexus or ego center, hara kiri, cundalini and the one in the sacrum that is in the bottom of the spine and use to be when we were animals and it was prolongated the tail but I also have other areas that I work on like the kidneys, the liver wit the billis gland the pancreas with spleeng gland and the the two intestines ; finally when I do this also I do the the area that is the thymus because I think that pineal gland area I have it covered when I do the third eye)

When I do the sounds doing the exercise they are the "O" sounnd 6 times then the union one of O and M into "OM" once and then the "M" sound seix times more ending with another union of the sound "O" and "M".

Please note that although I show below other possitions of the body in which I do the same exercises but without the religious/spiritual conotation the main importance of it after the sound making is to have the chest and stomach areas complitely free so the breathing is withouth obstacles if possible.

From this position I go into the next one.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I will finish for today with one picture of me using the cardiovasular bicycle that I use for half an hour twice week (for the moment) although it used to be 3 days a week for 20 mins each day. I got the bicycle 4 years ago and I had been using it every week. At that time I was going to local gym but after a while the drivers of the taxi that were taking me there saw the physical improvement that I was making thought that I was going to the gym for pleasure not for need so in order to avoid the confrontation with their company I foundand bought the machine that was benefiting me most and it shows so.

I said before to you that I take ideas from anywhere and from anyone that may help my rehabilitation well this one shows exatly this point. I heard about this exersise on the radio so one done by the sigle madonna in which she tries to keep her wrists up and hard and as she looked very healthy I thought I may do it as well.

The idea is to join the shoulder plates with each other by moving backwards the shoulders and holding for about 3 or 4 sec for about ten repetitions. This one complements with another one I do on the toilet In which I move the chin towards the throat but without toching it of course and I flex the perineum (this muscle is situated by testicles or vagina usually we flex it when we think like for going to the toilet but we hold for some longer, can be massged when having sex or making love this area is discribed as Kundalini Chakra, highly sensitive).

One exercise that is improving quite a lot the muscle tone in the tights helping wit the proper preparation of the hips is this that I show you know. Its good but not as important to me as the other ones. So somedays I do it somedays not It depends on how much time I have available before the morning carer comes.

Now this two next pictures come together as part of a group because I do them immidiately in "real" life. In the one above by having hands strethced on top of the head with the hands closed I still move the lips from left to rights as the other exercise for improving speech.

On the one below I show the arms still stretched and above the head but as far behind as I caqn without hurting me and with the hands separated and opened and then I close them making a fist and then I open them again doing this for 60 times but you can do it for as long as you think may good for you.

By doing this 2 exercises with the ones that come after note that I have the limes complitely clear there for the breathing is clear and by exercising the muscles in the arms I am "working out" the muscles in the chest area therefore making the lungs to increase its volume/capacity. As a consequence or side effect of my brain damage I started to use the diafram only and this was very good for saving my life because this use drains the body but also makes the breathing better and because of my voice training I was using is already an my lung capacity as before it 5 different movemens or 6 if I count putting them all to work; This breathing movements are: Diafragmatic , torrasic, on the sides of torracs, on the shoulders, using muscles in the back of my body and of course this exercises of having clear the lungs area are very good for them so I would recomend them to you.

In the spring of the year 1984 I joined a theatre collective in Madrit in Spain that was basing its approach to drama from a voice point of view basically; with them I know everything that needs to be known about the voice and one year year later I improved my voice by half an hour weekly classes of voice with a piano and a metronome as I told you already but we had once as a collective go to selection of theatre groups for a Spanish festival of theatre and this is how I found the exercise that I show below and that i something that Should not be done often but since the danger of doing that very often is that the tong (that is muscle after all ) can become used to it and my not "work" for acting in the usual way and since my speach was a problem already I thought that doing it was going to be Ok. It came out to be very good actually.

I will "explain" with three photographs but I will comment them now.
The first picture shows an empty shell of a pen, we could use a pen but pens are for writing not for doing voice exercising so better to use an empty shell of a cheap pen so when it breaks it can be substituted to a new one with not much cost.

In this one I show the "shell" being placed under the tounge with the mouth opened and I will hold with hand on the one exteem and the other on the other extreem so the shell being , of course, in between the teeth will be touching the corners of the lips, the idea is to make the speach more difficult more that usuall but when you take it out the speech improves remarkably.

Lastly with this one I show you the precise moment in which the shell pleced where it has to be placed does the work of obstaculising the speech that I do for about three or 2 mins you may choose a prayer or several prayers or a pice of any ext that you may remeber. What I have is two proverbs "made" by myslef , one christian from the AA recovery rooms, "Our Father" christian prayer and a native american indian prayer from the Hopi Nation)

This single exercise has done by itself mostly the biggest change in my speech in last 2 or 3 years so I do recomend it to everybody.

As I show in this two pictures (the one above shows the pet rise as I told you before with my right leg bended and over the strech left leg with the left elbow pressing the left knee aginst it and by doing this working the knee, tight, hips and abdomen. And the one below trying to move the feet forward using only the torse while I am sitting at the edge of the bed with it being complitely flat; this exercise is very good for the feet heals and ankles ) You need to avoid any idea about perfectionism , being perfect. If you like me was born in a christian country some time or another you may have heard the damaging sentence (BE PERFECT AS OUR CELESTAL FATHER IS PERFECT) and obviously this headline was taken, as usual, out of context but the result is total and complete damage for the character bit of whoever gets to listen to it.

From a christian point of view we can understand that somebody that some people call Jesus the Christ or Jesus Christ (its seems the same but is different one is human being the other a divine one) was showing us that if you walk a particular way you will arrive to God , the father, that for our human standarts its perfection itself but if you happen not to "walk " that way you need will not arrive to that idea of human perfection; besides what about being perfectly in perfect? And by this I mean being human!

So don't try to do any of the exercises I showed you in this blog or any other thing that I may show you from a perfection angle. It has taken me over 7 and half years to arrive to the psyhological point that besides rechabilitating my self physicaly I need to lear my life as I am now and not as the "ideal" that I have of the human being when I was not so disabled.

Sometimes in the past (not now becuse of a bugdet problem on local PCT) I used to go into rechabilitation respite hoscpices and sometimes those hospices did't have electric beds or if they had was a different system to the one I have so I ended up doing some bed exercises resting my back at the head of the bed and this is what this photograph show If you don't have an electric bed like I do you can not excuse yourself for not doing some exercises besides since all of us are left to our own devices we need to accomodate our needs to our flat enviroment and this exactly what I have done with a "lovely" result but ... .

Saturday the 10th of November 2007

On thursday I forgot to publish the most important picture of all the lot. I do it now. And in this picture I show you one position that was given to me, several times, by quite a few different physiotherapists ; the reason why its so important is because you work on the torse, feet, heals ancles, knees, tights, hips and the uppepart of the body including the arms and the neck; I do it for 5 to six times everyday starting being supported in thee feet by the solls but when you enough strenght in the lower lims you support yourself by the torse only. If you can manage to do it only once or twice at the beginning its fine. I remeber the begining of each of this exercises can take up to 3 or 5 months as there is no hurry, hopefully.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Now we move through exercises that mean more to speech improvement that to physical exercise itself ; this is coming from me having approach speach in order to being an actor many years ago in which I trained my voice with a piano and a metronome moving with the voice up and down on a musical scale. In voice coaching there are two schools one is new based on physical movements (basicaly is based on the you speak as you move) and there is an old or classical shool that is the one I did and in which the exercises are done not with body but with the voice and very tireing it was a part from expensive (this one was based on as you speak you walk; having for example some people mostly women walking on their shoes with heals and when you close your eyes the sound like a horse galloping, ha,ha,ha!)

Well based in this I started to work into my speach since only a hanful of people (maybe four or five) could understand me at the beginning and now its mybe 95 percent of people (when I get frustated I thing thay they are a bit "thick" but when I think abut this and feel sorry for me I go to the most logic explanation that they may they full inner ears full of wax, that is not a big excuse but...)

While still lying in the bed I put my hands on top of a very important glind THYMUS that is located more or less between the middle of the chest or the throat (when a baby is born has the immune system of the mother and after one year more or less, starts to "make" its own immune system until puverty is centred oround the Thymus but that after puverty every major organ in the body creates its own immune system an the body atrofiates the Thymus by surrounding it with fat but I believe or I thing that mybe still active when we try to make it so and some german scientist at the begining of 2003 were reported to think the same way) With the hands on Thymus giving it the body heat from the hands I go into trying to whistle .

from the whistling I go into one exercise that you cannot see in here because it would compromise my identity in which I try to close tightly and then opening my eyes as widly as possible for 10 times. (this one together with of the others come form the knowledge that speech is nod only made by the vocal in the throat but also by the muscles in the mouth and nasal cavities that are located not only in the nose but on each sides and over the eyes and hopefully by opening and closing the eyes I am exercising them)

After the exercise that I cannot show there is another one that I can show and that is about putting the lips together and moving them tightly up and down to the teeth when they are opened also for ten times.

While this exercise explained and shown above moves the muscles aroun the lips moves also some muscles around the throat.

With this last exercise by moving the lips in circular motions 15 times in the left but the right not only motion the muscles around the lips but,hopefully, the muscles inside the mouth and the jaw .

Continuing with left and right globules of the brain being exercised in this two following exercises I go from leg stretch to bend 15 times each touching the knee first with the opposite hand and then with the arms bend as the opposite leg moves up also does the bend arm in the opposite site . (I do hoe that you understand me now)

Now while still on the bed in the same position I do three more exercises with the legs all the three. (first I give you the three pics and then I will explain one by one)

In this one as you can see with legs stretched I lift first the left one and by motion the foot I move the ankle; first the foot goes in the extension then in the flexion; then the other leg; (ten times each leg)
Thursday the 8th of November 2007

Where I start today is not the beggining but the continuation (remember its you who decides your begining not me)

I start (today) with an exercise recomended to me by a friend of mine that is taken from kinesiology and its suppoused to work on the two globules of the brain and its specialy indicated for people that like me have difficulty coordinating the left (weaker) and the right (parkisons like and by this I mean shaking but strong) site, by making it to exercise the two sites of brain. I got a link to the short video ( ) that will give you some help with kineosology exercising; its in german but hopefully you will be able of adapting it to your needs and perhaps you know somebody who may have a very elemental knowledge of german and therefore understanding what it means (the exercise is shown in the video I do it myslef but adapted to my circumstances and I does not shown what I will show you now).

The exercise that I show you now is not only to exercise the two globules in the brain but also works with the image that we use while we have of the DNA this is in spiral. Two things that you cannot appreciate because of the identity problem and because of the stillness of the pictures is that my eyes are looking in the opposite direction that the head is facing an I do try to move or direct the foot (this is very important even if don't move the foot at the begining because in time you will be able to although at the begining it may seem frustrating); ten times directing to the right then ten times to the other first with one foot and twhen you change the possition with the other.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Finally (my careworker is getting tired of to many post today but I know I can see not very well but can still) The last picture for today showing me still in the same possition but this time with the arm extenden on the shoulder level in front of my body and rotating the hand from facing ceiling to facing floor 15 times with each arm.

Now still with the support of the arm rests in the wheelchair I bend the wrist so the fist of one arm can go towards the elbow.

While still in the half way of the yoga position in which I have still my legs open and in front of my body first using one arm and then the other for 15 times each first the hand faces the floor and while moving up to touch the shoulder on the same site (quite difficult if you do it with your left arm and you hade a stroke like) then in the middle of the motion upwards, more or less, the hand moves to face the ceiling (its seems easy but it is painful)
This three exercises that come now I started to do them with the support offered to me by a table and now I do them with the support offered to me of the arm rests of my wheelchair.

With this one I go back to a less specific kind of exrcises but still quite important. This possition that I improved over the months and according to my physical stamina I got it from a friend who at that time was doing yoga and I questioned her about some exercieses for the lumber area; she told me about one in which you are sitting (very good for me with the legs open and extended before your body and try (this is very importatnt just try otherwise you may break your spine) to put your head between your knees (I found this one also very good for flattering my stomach that as a result of being a full time wheelchair user the fat from my bottom and tights went to my stomach)

In order for doing this position you need to have (and I have it of course ) a very good general muscle tone I was given to me by a carer after he asked for me to his gym instructor here in london. As I said before you can get the information about the things you need to do in everywhere . In this exercise after putting a rubber band holded in my hands by my upper back I go down with fist until they touch the floor on their side of my feet and then while still stretching my back I go with the fist to touching my knees while I ark my back by the lumber area (I tried to work very much into this one I don't know if it appears clearly) I do this for ten times .