Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday the 28th of November 2007

On Monday the 19th of November at 12 ,exactly, midnight I was disconected from the company talktalk and I went back into BT. The telephone service was connected straight away but the internet broadband connection was possible to bo done just now so if in this 9 days you missed me sorry!

Here is my new post


You may wonder why I tell you of so many exercises that I do do them and I have not finished very close to it but not just yet. You see when a body, like mine does not walk the muscles that "process" the food that is taken in meals do not move either or otherwise we could say taht it (the food) doesnt reach properly the whole body because one part of the digestive chain is missing. When we eat , the food enters the body and some muscles are already processing that meal in the mouth through the throat into the esofacus but some of the autonomic movements after the esofacus used for digesting that meal in the big picture for the digestion to finish move that food down the body, so from the sofacus to swinter there are some minimal autonomic movements of the muscles but the body needs to be in motion in order to absorb (this is very important) and to pass through that food. Here we enter a "catch 22" situation; in order for for those muscles form the sofacus down to the swinter to absorb the many nutrients that the food is providing them with they need other group of muscles moving the body and in this movement makes the digestive muscle group to move (I hope I havent made a big mess than what it sounds!).So this is why I have so many exercises that not only make my body look "drop dead gorgeous" (ha,ha,ha) but because of a "domino effect" allow other muscles to digest and process the food and therefore ending in a proper bowel movement (that otherwise I have as constipation but thanks to this exercises is not very acuted and I managed to go to the toilet once daily) (It cost me a lot of bleeding to find out that is not good to push down when you go to the toilet because what it comes out more often than not is blood and to break something in that area can give you blood poisoning that you can end up having with an immune deficiency problem and it makes that problem even bigger; that is why for example it is not very advisable to people with HIV infection to wash that part inside that can be a very healthy alternative for other people)
You see many thousand years ago (probably between 25 and 35 thousand years ) humanity started to walk a path that took human kind many thousands of years to complete; this path was to have their own self (social) healing put onto the hands a of social healer, which doctor or shaman (male or female), and the result is that 25 to 30 thousand years later we have people needing healing and have lost that inner knowledge that would enable them to heal themselves and we have so called shamans, which doctors or other traditional healers (and here I include also all the university trained medical doctors) having all the power for healing other people and instead of doing so when social need arises they wait to see what you bring to them before they do anything to you (we call this people "fat cats") we cannot blame this "people" for that nor we can blame ourselves for it neither as what happened was something very necessary for evolution but now here we are at the treshold of a new "link" in the long "chain" of human evolution that is progressing, it will "slim" us but not "finish" us; as I see this situation we dont need to go back to the begining nor to stay where we are but perhaps a combination of both. By this I mean that public health a big yes but individual control of our healing also a big yes.
On CNN I found out a few years ago there was somekind of approach to medical practise coming about in the USA in which some doctors had started to practise something called integral or integrated medicine; by this thay meant doctors that knew not only about the orthodox medical practise but also about the alternative practices (I prefer to call them complementary). When I told my hospital consultant about this he said something in the order of "...we are doing quite a lot already..." so I would imagine that in order to gain acces to integral or integrated medicine you need to be "fithy rich" but for the rest of us (I am one of that "rest") we need to collaborate with our public health doctors in order to get it and this is all I am doing here, not sharing with you my final result but an ongoing process; I am not much special than the rest of you so if I can do it also you can.
I usually have a lot of "bullshit" in what I say and how I say it but its my "bullshit" I am allowing myself to say "bullshit" things from time to time I just hope that you allow me too also.


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