I said before to you that I take ideas from anywhere and from anyone that may help my rehabilitation well this one shows exatly this point. I heard about this exersise on the radio so one done by the sigle madonna in which she tries to keep her wrists up and hard and as she looked very healthy I thought I may do it as well.
The idea is to join the shoulder plates with each other by moving backwards the shoulders and holding for about 3 or 4 sec for about ten repetitions. This one complements with another one I do on the toilet In which I move the chin towards the throat but without toching it of course and I flex the perineum (this muscle is situated by testicles or vagina usually we flex it when we think like for going to the toilet but we hold for some longer, can be massged when having sex or making love this area is discribed as Kundalini Chakra, highly sensitive).
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