Now we move through exercises that mean more to speech improvement that to physical exercise itself ; this is coming from me having approach speach in order to being an actor many years ago in which I trained my voice with a piano and a metronome moving with the voice up and down on a musical scale. In voice coaching there are two schools one is new based on physical movements (basicaly is based on the you speak as you move) and there is an old or classical shool that is the one I did and in which the exercises are done not with body but with the voice and very tireing it was a part from expensive (this one was based on as you speak you walk; having for example some people mostly women walking on their shoes with heals and when you close your eyes the sound like a horse galloping, ha,ha,ha!)
Well based in this I started to work into my speach since only a hanful of people (maybe four or five) could understand me at the beginning and now its mybe 95 percent of people (when I get frustated I thing thay they are a bit "thick" but when I think abut this and feel sorry for me I go to the most logic explanation that they may they full inner ears full of wax, that is not a big excuse but...)
While still lying in the bed I put my hands on top of a very important glind THYMUS that is located more or less between the middle of the chest or the throat (when a baby is born has the immune system of the mother and after one year more or less, starts to "make" its own immune system until puverty is centred oround the Thymus but that after puverty every major organ in the body creates its own immune system an the body atrofiates the Thymus by surrounding it with fat but I believe or I thing that mybe still active when we try to make it so and some german scientist at the begining of 2003 were reported to think the same way) With the hands on Thymus giving it the body heat from the hands I go into trying to whistle .
After the exercise that I cannot show there is another one that I can show and that is about putting the lips together and moving them tightly up and down to the teeth when they are opened also for ten times.

With this last exercise by moving the lips in circular motions 15 times in the left but the right not only motion the muscles around the lips but,hopefully, the muscles inside the mouth and the jaw .

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