In the spring of the year 1984 I joined a theatre collective in Madrit in Spain that was basing its approach to drama from a voice point of view basically; with them I know everything that needs to be known about the voice and one year year later I improved my voice by half an hour weekly classes of voice with a piano and a metronome as I told you already but we had once as a collective go to selection of theatre groups for a Spanish festival of theatre and this is how I found the exercise that I show below and that i something that Should not be done often but since the danger of doing that very often is that the tong (that is muscle after all ) can become used to it and my not "work" for acting in the usual way and since my speach was a problem already I thought that doing it was going to be Ok. It came out to be very good actually.
I will "explain" with three photographs but I will comment them now.

Lastly with this one I show you the precise moment in which the shell pleced where it has to be placed does the work of obstaculising the speech that I do for about three or 2 mins you may choose a prayer or several prayers or a pice of any ext that you may remeber. What I have is two proverbs "made" by myslef , one christian from the AA recovery rooms, "Our Father" christian prayer and a native american indian prayer from the Hopi Nation)
This single exercise has done by itself mostly the biggest change in my speech in last 2 or 3 years so I do recomend it to everybody.
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