As I show in this two pictures (the one above shows the pet rise as I told you before with my right leg bended and over the strech left leg with the left elbow pressing the left knee aginst it and by doing this working the knee, tight, hips and abdomen. And the one below trying to move the feet forward using only the torse while I am sitting at the edge of the bed with it being complitely flat; this exercise is very good for the feet heals and ankles ) You need to avoid any idea about perfectionism , being perfect. If you like me was born in a christian country some time or another you may have heard the damaging sentence (BE PERFECT AS OUR CELESTAL FATHER IS PERFECT) and obviously this headline was taken, as usual, out of context but the result is total and complete damage for the character bit of whoever gets to listen to it.
From a christian point of view we can understand that somebody that some people call Jesus the Christ or Jesus Christ (its seems the same but is different one is human being the other a divine one) was showing us that if you walk a particular way you will arrive to God , the father, that for our human standarts its perfection itself but if you happen not to "walk " that way you need will not arrive to that idea of human perfection; besides what about being perfectly in perfect? And by this I mean being human!
So don't try to do any of the exercises I showed you in this blog or any other thing that I may show you from a perfection angle. It has taken me over 7 and half years to arrive to the psyhological point that besides rechabilitating my self physicaly I need to lear my life as I am now and not as the "ideal" that I have of the human being when I was not so disabled.

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