Now this two next pictures come together as part of a group because I do them immidiately in "real" life. In the one above by having hands strethced on top of the head with the hands closed I still move the lips from left to rights as the other exercise for improving speech.
On the one below I show the arms still stretched and above the head but as far behind as I caqn without hurting me and with the hands separated and opened and then I close them making a fist and then I open them again doing this for 60 times but you can do it for as long as you think may good for you.
By doing this 2 exercises with the ones that come after note that I have the limes complitely clear there for the breathing is clear and by exercising the muscles in the arms I am "working out" the muscles in the chest area therefore making the lungs to increase its volume/capacity. As a consequence or side effect of my brain damage I started to use the diafram only and this was very good for saving my life because this use drains the body but also makes the breathing better and because of my voice training I was using is already an my lung capacity as before it 5 different movemens or 6 if I count putting them all to work; This breathing movements are: Diafragmatic , torrasic, on the sides of torracs, on the shoulders, using muscles in the back of my body and of course this exercises of having clear the lungs area are very good for them so I would recomend them to you. 

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