While having the hands in the buddah position that I did before although I take the "miki" out of everything I am really very polite so I keep hands after that and that I go with the arms above the head extending them and as I am having the chest extended by extension of the arms I do make a sound pronouncing the letters from the English alphabet that I think can benefit me more in my speech impediments ; this are the letter : "B" (but pronounced beah), "d" (that can easility be confused with the sound "t" but when you make the sound "d" the tip of tounge goes to a point between the ballat and the front teeth and when you make the sound "t" the tip of tounge goes to the edge of the teeth only so slightly different) "g" (pronounced guh and it makes the sound with the middle or deep throat) "h" (aspiring it meking the explosion in the upper throat near the pallat ) and "K" (pronounced kuh makin the explosion of the sound in the middle of the ballat) ; this was only the first group because with every group I fill and empty the lungs but this is me your needs maybe totaly different; the second group goes with letter "m" (making the sound in the nose) "r" (making the tounge, that as I told you before is a muscle, to vibrate ) "s" and "v" (very similiar to "b" but the sound of "b" is with the lips only and the sound for "v" is with the upper teeth with the lower lip it sounds actualy very close to an "f" but its not obviously; the 3rd and 4th groups are not groups at all becuse they are only one sound that only prolong as I do sound a snake, I am a snake? well in order not to be like snake I do interupt the sound every two or 3 secs and I make it again (if you pronounce in your mind "k" and "s " there you will have the sound for "x" )

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