Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday the 13th of November 2007

Very bad luck if you happen to be in Spain . Well I am Spanish but thank God I am in this country; And choosed today to continue with this blog so thanks God also that I am not supersticious (Well I am really ha,ha,ha!) .

This exercise is to help me and known to help the posible path you will know what I mean when you see the exarcise. In it I pronounce the syllabus "om" but dividing it into to two sounds "O" and "M". Both produce very good singing and perhaps healing sound/voice that, I hope, will massage with vibrations the part of the body that need to be done so like the thymus and pineal glands for example only.

When I do this exercise I am imagining and only imagining that I make "flower" the mens chakras in the body and some important although secondary regions in the body also (I believe and let me strees the word believe here that there are 7 men chakras : crown, third eye, throat, heart, sollar plexus or ego center, hara kiri, cundalini and the one in the sacrum that is in the bottom of the spine and use to be when we were animals and it was prolongated the tail but I also have other areas that I work on like the kidneys, the liver wit the billis gland the pancreas with spleeng gland and the the two intestines ; finally when I do this also I do the the area that is the thymus because I think that pineal gland area I have it covered when I do the third eye)

When I do the sounds doing the exercise they are the "O" sounnd 6 times then the union one of O and M into "OM" once and then the "M" sound seix times more ending with another union of the sound "O" and "M".

Please note that although I show below other possitions of the body in which I do the same exercises but without the religious/spiritual conotation the main importance of it after the sound making is to have the chest and stomach areas complitely free so the breathing is withouth obstacles if possible.

From this position I go into the next one.


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