Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday the 15th of November

Of course you didn't know that my most favourite month in the year is September and my less favourite month of the year is November and that this year I choose the moth of November to tell you the most, probably, important things. It is a contradiction, isn't it ? But then I am Pisces swiming into opposite direction and of course I am double Pisces so I can tell you that I am a living contradiction; A contradiction with legs, as I like to say sometimes but yet again I have also arms head ... a body anyway . And in this body there is a mind and this mind is making constant questions because I am of the nature I am I try to find answers and my most important question is that; Was there something, or nothing as some may say before the begining and will there be something afer the end; by begining I mean the begining of the Universe sometimes called Big Pine not the begining of the individuals life and of course by the end I mean exactly the same that means that what was (is) before the begining will be as it was (is) at the end or after the end but of course in that situation before the beging after the end (there is no time or space so strictly speaking there is no "before" or "after")

Some very logic people say there was nothing before the begining and there will be nothing after the end so I guess that in order to find out if there is something we need to become illogical (so much for universities) so perhaps after all this thinking that we had for the last 30 thousand of years we need to get into a mental asylum in order to find from the mental or crazy people in there how really is the before, the begining and after the end ( and to think that we have to try to push them away all this time ... ! )

My thinking about it is that there is vibration before, during and after and this vibration make possible everything that we see now or that we feel (actually seeing or feeling is nothing but that vibration at a very "quantum mechanics" point of view) and in some genesis/theologies they say that at the begining was the World, what is this but vibration?

To explain what it is the begining of life in a an individual basis and what it happens after it finishes we have religions and I am not talking about that.


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