I will continue with the exercising now but before I continue I remembered this morning doing exercises while in bed that there is one , a new one that I forgot to mention maybe for 2 reasons, one is that I do it with my eyes so having the blindfold to hide my identity made me to forget about it and the other one is that is new, given to me by a friend of mine who used to live in La Laguna/Teneriff Island and now because of medical reasons (his partner) moved to the north center in Spain the country Basque; a place known as their Donosti but maybe better known as San Sebastian); his name is Josechu and his partner Luis Mari; well because of Josechu I have made a great improvement in many of the things I am doing , of course, I was doing things already but his input helped me a lot since last January and its me the one who is helping him in the difficult situation that he is going through with Luis Mari but that is what friends are for I think.
Anyway the exercise is with the eyes and doing movements with them in order to achieve the pararelism that "normaly" one has ; I do them in repetitions of 5 times and not holding them in every position for 2 or 3 sec. First I go to the extreem left then to the extreem right for 5 times each; then extreem up and extreem down for 5 times each; then extreem right and extreem left for 5 times; extreem up and them extreem down for 5 times; then extreem right to extreem left 5 times; extreem up to extreem down 5 times; extreem left to extreem right 5 times; and finally extreem down to extreem up 5 times also. I do this instead of doing a circular motion with the eyes becayse although I started in this fasion (circular) soon I discovered that was difficult even painful for me but I hope that after a few months after doing them my eyes will be "stronger" to do the circular movement again . I do this exercise (remember you can do them whenever you like) after doing the exercises of moving my legs up and down each and touching the knee with my opposite hand; and when I do also the legs up and down with the arms bended by the elbow and going up the body but the opposite arm to the left if you know what I mean.
Now I go back to the last exercises when I am in bed if you remember I told you one address for you tube for doing kinesiology ( http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=kiuj2zlHwnU&mode=related&search ) I do exactly this exercise but sitting on my bed like the photographs show :

before of this kinesiologic exercises and because of my own convinince (yours might be different I do the exercises that I already showed and I show you again now fo putting my body into a spiral lag with legs and arms crossed and so on if you remeber)

and then I do the streching flexing of the ankle (each ankle at a time) like I show you below:
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