Sunday, March 22, 2009

One for the fans of any of the many conspiracy theories.
This one is about the actual crisis that we have and that the media calls "Credit Crunch".
Some people call it an economic crisis, but I don't think it's an economic crisis as such - more a lending crisis, that's why the media call it the credit crunch.
Lending started about 300 years ago in a more official capacity because in a non-official capacity it started a very long time ago, more than 300 years. It was created and supported by the style of governance that in the 20th century we called Capitalism. Sarcastically or ironically it was created to support military affairs but it can only exist if it is supported by military enterprises. It was created by a governing system that later could not exist without it so now we have the creature overpowering the creator.
Some people think that capitalism as a political philosophy is at a dead end, well the reality is far different. In the next phase of that growth of capitalism it needs to take over those same governments that are supporting it and this is what we are having now - governments around the world realised that they have created a lifestyle enjoyed by it's citizen, only to realise that they can only continue doing so by supporting the capitalist system that are not other than the banks and other financial institutions. So in a way the governments supporting the banks is in the first instance for the benefit of the citizens, but in the back of this first instance is the reality of the capitalist system growing to the next level that is total control like the Matrix in the "Matrix" movie.
In the mean time we, the citizens, oblivious of what is going on, enjoy the "reality" of day-to-day life, going up and down with crises and joys but not at the same time of course.


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