Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday 29th of November

Last Thursday evening I called my friend Carmen who lives in Santa Cruz de Tenerith. I knew already that her partner had a very high cholesterol (basically he drinks a lot of alcohol) but on Tuesday he had the results of a blood test that confirms that and even smth else that I am not going to tell you because it is not my life. She told me that he had met a colleague of him at work who in the past had high cholesterol also and recommended him to take Mexican krill oil.
So when I spoke to Carmen she told me about krill oil and immediately they started looking into the Internet but as I was a little bit cautious I didn't want to take it although she mentioned that she would give it to her mother (who has heart problems) and even she would take it herself because it is good for menstruation problems, too. So she told me that she would try it and would let me know but already curiosity was in my mind.
When I finished talking with Carmen I called my friend in Plymouth, Colin; he was very cautious as well and he mentions that there are many oils that are good too like hemp, flax or even fish oil; however I said him that hemp seeds are not much good to you as they have Omega 6 that interact negatively with some chemicals in you brain and can go against you and facilitate Altzeimers disease (well, science says). So he said that he would look more into it.
Yesterday evening I look in the Internet myself, I got amaze and I bought enough for 1 year.
What I found so far is that although there is no much scientific research into it because it is being quite unknown until now it has been proven to reduce bad cholesterol and to increase a good one, good against arthritis and any kind of inflammations, also good for cardiac problems and even PMS. For me I find out that it can go through the blood barraer that protects the brain and can work in the protection of the nervious system as well (so this last 2 things were the ones that made it).
At the beginning the krill oil was harvested from the Pacific Ocean (that is why my friend originally told me that it was Mexican Krill Oil) but nowadays it is being collected from the Antarctic Ocean too, because it seems to be less contaminated and obviously if the sea water is contaminated the plankton is as well; as krill feeds from plankton krill is contaminated as well. So I think it is better to buy krill oil from the antarctic but it can be quite expensive so looking into how much i spent I looking to this too and I ended up buying the cheapest one.
Well I wish you good "serfinng" in the internet.
Ah, do not forget that the 1st of December (this Coming Monday) will be the World AID's Day.


This morning when I published this blog I made a geographical error - I was talking about the Antarctic krill when in reality it is Arctic.
Anyway, I have been surfing a little bit more about facts regarding krill and I found very interesting link for you to check out

Ah! I bought more NKO that is a bit more expensive that the one I previously bought but I think it is better quality this time.


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