Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday24Th of March
It is not easy at all, to find home care workers, beside my character still the one of a very independent person who has not adapted to becoming disable. One factor I did not see before is that although I live on estate Benefits I do pay my carers quiet well but first mistake, I put all the advertisement in a very general Home care website and I get a very general kind of people that are very interested in the job for the job not about me, they seem to be interested on how heavy is the work load and somehow they look only at their hourly rate because they can see that they can get very good amount of money pretty shortly, and lately I discover that if they have any economic problems they can work here and sort out their finances; First of all they are self employed so they pay taxes to Inland Revenue like everybody else ones a year but unlike everybody else only less than £2 per week so if they are "legal" they can get weekly between £350.00 and £360.00; that is not bad at all.
I will illustrate now these with a few examples; I had a person last July, getting the job, who told me that he was going to study medicine and then he would go to Africa (obviously he saw the movie THE LAST KING of SCOTLAND and was seing Africa tru a romantic filter glass, exately the last thing Africa needs) 2 months after (sometime around the middle of September) he told me that he was not going to study medicine anymore and since he had moved closed to where I am living so I thought I had to give him the benefit of the doubt; 2months later after showing me that he was not very good in the job I decided to keep him extending the benefit of the doubt. When he came for the interview in July he had told me that he will try keep in the job for two years or so and to my surprise at beginning of January this year completely out of the blue he told me that because of family problems back home (he's from Poland) he needed to leave and a few days later of this surprise I found out that his economic problems had been sorted in the time he worked here. So obviously he did not need to support Elfrid anymore having in mind that sometimes Elfrid can get quiet angry speaking very loudly. Than I had a guy who told me he was a doctor but he lasted here only one month and never show any medical discipline at all.
At the end March 2006 I had a guy who new everything about my circumstances ( in the advert I always state that i have HIV) but 2months after taking the job then he "ask" me weather he needed to take an HIV test and when I asked him why he told me that because he had been working with me for 2 months already, of cause; I could not believe it... On the 13Th of December that same year he told me that as he was 32 years old he could not see himself being a carer when he was going to be 40 years old; he left on the 26 of January 2007, after I had found an other person to substitute him and after he tried to hurt me (not physically) for the last month of being here and the echoes of his actions continue until today (metaphorically speaking of cause).
I firmly believe that people from the former Soviet Union bloc are not good at all in the Field of HIV as they are full of fear and ignorance and we all know what these two lead to that in turn result in more, again, fear and ignorance. There are, of cause, exceptions to this comment; thanks haven for them!
So all in all I have not had any good experience in the Home carer from as 97% of the people applying for the job are just unemployed and they want that job.


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