Tuesday, March 04, 2008

4th of March
I talk, talk, talk so much and I am so happy talking that sometimes, only sometimes, I forget what I said in a previous time. I explain.
It seems that last Friday when I met the photographers (they suggested to call the group SEEDS and I agreed with this) i said I did not have time to listen to any music; Well actually that was not true (so much for somebody who thinks that speaks only the truth); the reality is that I listen to music in the mornings when I do exercise but i only hear it i do not actually listen, however in the evenings when I am in bed I listen to very relaxing, classic music but I forgot this when i said, that I did not listen to any misic. Well it is not to late to rectify and this is what I am doing now as I did before when we met again.
(I blame the new moon for this; we have a new moon in pisces on Thursday)


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