Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saturday, 16 February 2008

I don't know if you can understand Spanish but yesterday I saw a Spanish movie that was awarded with a GOYA that is the equivalent but on a small scale of BAFTAs in this country, or the OSCARS in America (well, in comparison to the OSCARs much but very much actually smaller) the title is "LA SOLEDAD ERA ESTO". It gives me a very positive insight into my position of being alone or better to say on my own; this insight is not from the point of view of looking at being by yourself in opposition to being in the company of somebody else but from the point of view of if you happen to be alone there is a completely new world to explore about yourself in the company of youself and today I saw another one that is called "STRANGER THAT FICTION" in which it tells you a story of a person that after having his life completely and utterly planned for every day of his life finds that he needs to break away from his own routine what means that he needs to break away from the planner and the consequences of what is being planned for him but without him and of course he has to go through an accident or body injury that makes him to be completely free so the price of his freedom is risk but there is life at the end nonetheless.
So I take the messages from this two movies and with the one I got from other previous movies and by talking to people I make up my mind of how my life has to change and I am starting to do so already with the first step as breaking of pseudo friendships that I talked about before (the latest chapter in that point was that although I pass a message to those pseudo friends for acting regarding me as if I didn't exist they do that for nearly everything but there is something that still has been left up to my previous existense and it's up to me to react according to the new existence in which they are not included)


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