Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday the 15th of January 2008

Everything changes; transformation, evolution, everything changed.

The electric bed that I had had to be replaced for a new one; still electric but I think that the matress is not the best one or maybe it is that is new and I have to get used to it, one good thing that happened is that my inner ears were itching a lot and by changing the matress they stopped itching so maybe there was somekinsd of microorganism in the old matress (I had that bed bought in June 1999).

My main carer is leaving because of family problems and I have a new one strating on the 4th of February; I was feeling already settling in my life at the moment and again I have to move staying in the same place ,of course, but my emotion and my mind are moving a lot all when I was thinking that i was going to have a period of stability in my life. Another thing that is changing is my menu by reading first the book the Tao of Nutrition and then one titled Prince Wen Hui's Cook Book Chinese Dieteary Therapy I am coming to realise that in order to treat myself not only the brain damage but about my emotional behaviour with other people I need to change the diet; apparently it is all coming down to what I eat so I can understand quite well how I do behave. One thing I am finding out is that I cannot generalize what is good for me at this moment may not be good for me in two years time and the extension of that is that what might be good for me at any moment in time it might not be good for other people. This is quite a lot of information to get into so I will be asking my Accupuncturist, Nick Masters, to help me to understand and to put into practise all of this because its too mucjh for me, too much.

For example I find out that, well I knew it before already, I have a big EGO and this is due to fire yang in the liver well I am going to put a remedy to it for example by not having any more citric and I was having a lot something like having 14 lemons of it and now I added to that 7 grapefruits a week also. At the same time that I do quite helpful things to myslef in the sense of the diet I was trusting whatever other people would reccomend me without questioning anything about it so the mind exercise that Josechu recomended to make and I told you what I was doing so I appologize for this I discoverd by hearing better now that all is about is a big afirmation exercise in which a voice is telling you that you are clever, artistic, intelligent, that other people listen to your ideas, that you are masterful and well I see that this can be very good for the low selfsteam that Josechu suffers from as a resullt of a very challenging life that had many addiction problems but that kind of subliminal text for somebody with such a big EGO like me is not good at all; I trust that if people think that my ideas are rubbish they will ignore them not listen to them... also about something that Josechu recomended to me (he is one of the ex friends perhaps pseudofriend that could not adapt to the new "turn" in my life and I had to live beside) was that he recomended me Jasmine essential oil and fennel essential oil if applied to the head are quite good for healing a brain damage according to Ayurvedic medicine; and here comes my big ego thinking that he is telling me the best for me and I got exactly that I started to use it after mixing it and then I look in the internet whether those oils are good for healing a brain damage and I didnt find any reference at all. However I cannot blame him for me being such a stupid EGO.

So as you can see changes, changes, everything changed.


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