Saturday, January 05, 2008

Saturday the 5th of January 2008

Spain is my country of birth; it has a custom that I do not agree with from the point of view of the recipient. Tomorrow 6th of January is Epifany day and traditionally is when the 3 Wise Men (3 Reyes Magos) give their pressents to the baby Jesus and of course Spain being such a traditionalic catholic country celebrates that the giving of the presents that the rest of Europe gives for Christmas in Spain are given for Epifany day leaving no time for the children to enjoy their presents but of course the church is going to feel very happy indeed because christmas is only christmas celebration all about religion not about presents. Anyway (as you can see I talk too much) yesterday I received my Christamas (a bit late for it) or Epifany (a bit early) present with 42 years of delay.

This last Monday, New Years Eve, after doing the morning exercises I had still some time until my morning carer came, so when its like this I do listen to "today" on Radio 4 and they do have guests coeditors from christmas till New Year ,more or less; and they had on Monday a former Nobel Prize Winner who is a profesor of chemistry (sorry but sadly I don't remember his name) and as it is trditional with coeditor guests the regular presenter interview him at the end of the program and he mentioned that his interest in Chemistry started when as a child in the 1960 he was given a "chemistry set" as christmas present; I told this to my friend Collin who happens to be a profesor of Chemistry at the University in Plymouth and very kindly he sent me a chemistry set by post and I got it yesterday.

When I was a child my parents gave me a few presents (well more than just a few) but I was always wishing for a chemistry set however they were not mind reading people so they didn't give that present to me. I commented this to my friend collin but as a "secret" as much for him as for me , but it was only that a secret thank you non the less because he sent me one set.

Now because of my physical limitations I cannot use it without the help of somebody else so I will wait for him to come and visit me in one or two months time so I can start to experiment; I dont think I am going to grow up to become a chemister now, as I didnt think that I was going to grow up to be such a person before but it is lovely.

Yesterday I was commenting it to the accupuncturist Nick Masters and He mentioned of a book that he recommended me to read called "The Periodic Table (Penguin Modern Classics)"Primo Levi , becouse apparently this guy (the author) was a jew taken to a concentration camp by the nazis and was able to get through that horrible tornment because of the practical knowledge of the chemistry and this particular book I am told , is written with every element making a human story so I am looking forward to read it.

On Thursday I went to the dentist I didn't have any pain in my teeth but because I had 2 holes; One of them happened to be a little infected so the dentist to feel it in put me some anaestethic. As I might have told you I have some ichines in the skin lining of my ears and I found out that for this ichines the best thing for me is that in a clean area of the skin I apply the same gel that the hospitals use for anti MRSA and one or 2 mins after I put aloe vera gel; this combination seems to be working wonders but last Thursday I found out that after the dentist put the anaesthetic liquid to work on my tooth as usually it was numb not only that part of the mouth but it was also the right ear and the right eye because the teeth was on the right of my above jaw so I realised that something in the anaesthetic was not making to be very happy the particular microorganism that produces the ichiness not only in my ear but my armpits anbd shoulders. So today I did a lot of searching/surfing in the net and I found out that one of the two components of the anaestesy is adrenaline. Through TCM I know that the Kidneys or Kidneys system is very importatnt for the function of the body and from my old age of being a student I know that there was a system of adrenal glands but I forgot that these glands were on top of the kidneys I just assume that they were a part of the brain (obviously I was wrong) so I found out that in order to active the adrenal glands I need to take a diffrent look at my life style and diet. I want to take care of my adrenal glands because they make the blood vessels in the body to constrict and the system that produces the adrenaline is "unhappy" by loud sounds or strong light and this are the exact sympoms of migraine that I had twice , once was arround the end of December 2006 and the other on arround the end of November 2007 lasting in both cases for quite a while. At the begining I thought that the migraine was the brain problem (wrong again) but after consulting with my hospital doctor I was informed that its produced ,actually, by small blood vessels inbeded in cranium so obviusly if I constrict those vessels by increasing the level of adrenalin I will stop the migraine (maybe I am wrong again I am not a medical doctor but...).
The first change I am introducing is in my diet and I have taken off the food that I eat all the potatoes changing them for basmati brown rice or quinoa according with the rest of the menu.
Also I realised something that was quite obvious after reading this that I couldnt see the connection before. Coffee we drink it (well I dont drink it but anyway) in order to give us a boost or kick of energy and we have that energy from the adrenal glands so this is exactly what coffee does but in the wrong way because it gives you also a problem in the digestive system that makes you to loose liquid besides according with TCM the less liquid we have the better of course this is discoused by the Ayurvedic Medicine that tells you to drink at east 3 or 4 litres of water a day but personally in this case I link towards the TCM.


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