Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday the 11th of December 2007


Olive Leaf 1 (400 mg of olive leaf extract contains minimum 75 mg of Oleuropein)
Emtricitabine 1 (Hospital medication 200 mg FTC ;nucleoside analogues)
Raltegravir 1 (400 mg integrase inhibitor)

Breakfast is served in 3 stages , the first and second stage is in bed, and the fird and the last one in the living room on the table, first stage one cup of magnetised water with one drop of tea tree give to elfrid with all the breakfast medication; about 10 or 15 mins later he has a cup of mate tea with a rounded tea spoon of Lions Mane ( Hericium-MRL; hericium erinaceus , cultivated mushroom biomass powder) after stiring well you give to elfrid with a fresh straw to drink it; to the solid part of the breakfast you need to add 5 drops of Bach flower remedies (Crab apple, aspen, mimulus, heather)


Vinpocentine(Perwinkle) 1 (Perwinkle extract 10mg )
Neem Leaf 2 (450 mg Neem Leaf Powder in a gelatine capsule)

For lunch elfrid has the soup with a well stirred tea spoon of wheat grass powder (Sun grown wheat grass powder 2 g-tea spoon) and 5 drops of flower remedies. After lunch on the table the carer needs to leave 1 cup with juice of a banana, grapefruit and a pinch of ginger with the 5 drops of flower remedies that are on the table, and a bag of walnuts opened with a tea spoon.


Vinpocentine(Perwinkle) 1
Olive Leaf 1
Raltegravir 1
Atazanavir 2 (protease inhibitor, 200 mg per capsule, )

for supper elfrid has a cup with the lemon drink that has 5 drops of the flower remedies (Wild Oat, Vervain, Impatience, Beech)


Melatonin 1 (1.5 mg, Active-Melatonin ;98-99% pure)

On Mondays and Thursdays, remember to change the water in the bedside table (including one drop of wlanut flower remedy and another of water violet), so Elfrid can have fresh water; remember that in those same days the PA needs to change the water (filtered) in the containers by the site of the little altar in the living room.
Above you have my medication list as from yesterday. This half way official and half way food suplementary I have it together with all the execises I do and the diet i have responsible for how good I look from health point of view. So I will give you now a short description of why I do I have or why do I think I have everythink I have.
I do have have the olive leaf extract because its a very powerful antiviral and I first heard about in the Tv, Tea Time program of Richard and Judy showned in channel 4.
Emtricitabine together with Raltegravir and Atazanavir (this last two are a nucleoside analogu or second generation of anti HIV drugs and the last one is a protease inhibitor or third generation of the anti HIV medicacion) are the only "hospital" medications I have everyday, twice a day; this emtricitabine is the newest generation of drugs designed for HIV. Without much medical information I can tell you that this is the 4 generation, the first one was coming out of the panic that affected communities in America had a consequence of Hiv and was pressing the scientific comunity to give them something, no matter what and the first med they came out with was a big killer until they found the right doses (quite a few years after) AZT; the second generation was trying to attack with no much succes HIV but doing not very much about persons immune system; the third generation protease inhibitors, vere a big break through because the scietist have discovered a protein that HIV needed to attach to any cell of the immune system in order to reproduce besides taken in combiination with other previous drugs was not only protectin the body from HIV but was somehow rebuiding the immune system; finally we arrive to the 4th gen, (there is the 5th one in the line but only in the labolatory experimentation), this is going deeper in the attachement that HIV needs to reproduce and therefore to depress the immune system , leaving it complitely useless because it cannot reproduce so it comes being in the body that infects but doing nothing at all so no need to rebuidd the immubne system because it never gets a chance to be depleted (we really hope it works in does show that in lab but in reality we don't know becaus the main problem with hiv is that it mutates so might overcome this situation, well see ... )
Lions mane, I am not royal but its been used by TCM only for the "palatine" people in the imperial households in china and Japan; basically its a component for helping the digestion but recently has been discovered that it works very well also for the brain; I am not suprised since I knew already that there is an intimate connection between digestive system and brain funtions. (I hear about it from a nutritionist in the nutri centre then I did a search in the internet and I found a very good and cheap supplyier in the UK) ( http://www.vibrationalgaiarising.com/p/272594/lions-mane-mushroom-mycelium-powder-60gm.html )
Bach flower remedies, I will elaborate closely to that at a later stage because they seem to be working wonders with me (they were suggested to me by Josechu)
Perwinkle, I use it as something that brings down the brain barrier and allows good things to get through because it improves the blood flow in the brain.
Neem Leaf, I think it was the Hindu god Shiva, said reffering to the Neem tree that it was among trees like he was among gods. Its antifungal and its been studied as it may work against HIV also.(I first heard about in Easter last year on radio 4 and of course the Internet lead me to the best supplyiers in the UK) ( http://www.theneempeople.com/ )
Wheat grass,powder, It would ideal to have it in juice but taking into the consideration the pracical reasons of my situation the sooner I could have after being made the juice would be 40-45 mins and idealy you should have it withing 20 mins of being made; I could have it also in a tray and cultivating it myself I could have it when I needed but the juicer has to be only for it and the minimum tag price is about 70 or 80 pounds and it vould get more expesive besides so far I have change quite often of carers so the constant would be me and physical circumstances made it totaly imposible; I take it mainlty because it have everything that a human being may need to survive, actually, I believe that some people take it as an only source norisement because it has everything that the body needs to live. ( http://www.bodykind.com/productdetails/RefererxKelkoo_Lifestream%20Wheat%20Grass%20Powder%20-%20100g/PartnerIDx6/CatIDx222/ProdIDx719/lifestream-wheat-grass-powder-1x.htm ); (this supplyier was recomended to me by Charlotte Watts because its very good quality and cheap)
I get the Melatonin bought from the Internet from the USA because in that country its commonly used as a source of the much needed muscle relaxant, (this is why I have it ) when people have jet lack, as far as I know its not comercialised in Europe. Its made naturaly by a human body but with age the production in the body decreases.
Well I think that I told you about everything i take but if I forgot anything forget me.
I just had an email from Charlotte Watts telling me something about the wallnuts that is also found in the Omega 3 oil, this is an antidepresant called URIDINE so thank you for this Charlotte, everything is still cheap and cheerful. (I hope.)


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