Thursday, December 06, 2007

Thursday the 6th of December 2007

Today I was going to continue publishing text and pictures of many things I have in this "treasure" flat but something totaly suprising happened yesterday and as usual was something good coming from something bad; although my mental and physical parts are still (let me stress me the word still because I dont think it will be forever) not working well because last week I had a migrane maybe it was neuralgial my spiritual site is working extremely well beacuse yesterday my intuition gave me a big suprise.

I had been thinking about my body loosing weight but apart from talking with my friends Iona and Collin about it I was doing nothing about it but yesterday when trousers what size were 37 although they were suppoused to be 44 when I put them they were complitely loose around my waist I went into a near panic mood; first I contacted on the telephone THT direct they couldnt help me at all ( I dont know why there are they actually sometimes they can do absolutely niothing they are useless absolutely useless) then I contected an specialistness in my local hospital and as she could not help me at all I contacted the nutritionist that comes always very helpful when there is a problem (Charlotte Watts) and she suggested that I could have an increment in the "healthy fats" like extra virgin olive oil, seeds and nuts, oily fish and fatted yogurt. Well I do it quite a lot of fish already (whether its fatty or not I dont know but I do it anyway) I do have seeds and nuts in my diet as you may know and the yogurt I have is made from from goats milk and more often that not tends to be made form kefir; about oil I was having olive sometimes grape seed and the olive is extra virgin always, so I substituted everytime I have grapeseed for olive and sometimes I even increased it; but the suprise came now, I dont know why I thought wallnuts and I put them in my breakfast 2 a day) and even I thought of having them from time to time as a snack when I get in bed in the evenings. Later that evening I thought of searching the Internet to find out what ever it was there in wallnuts that I could benefit from and I found what I paste you below. I think its absolutely amazing and I will not say anything else about that, only paste that.

Medicinal Benefits In one region of southern France known as Perigord the long-standing traditional diet is very high in fried foods, rich meats, and fatty patés. Yet, the people suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. At first medical experts explained this phenomenon by attributing this miracle to the red wine they drink. Red wine is known for its superior antioxidants to protect the heart. Yet, the residents of this region didn't drink any more red wine than those in other parts of Europe. Closer examination revealed that their daily green salads were dressed with walnut oil and chopped walnuts, helping to lower their levels of LDL and overall cholesterol in the bloodstream.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 1994, showed that those whose diets included nuts, either walnuts or almonds, were able to lower their LDL cholesterol by 9 to 10%.
Another study that appeared in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, July 1995, found that walnuts could also diminish the extent of heart damage after a heart attack.
From ancient times through the nineteenth century herbalists prescribed the walnut, the bark, the roots, and the leaves as an astringent, a laxative, a purgative to induce vomiting, a styptic to stop bleeding, a vermifuge to expel worms or parasites, and a hepatic to tone the liver. The walnut served to induce sweating, cure diarrhea, soothe sore gums and skin diseases, cure herpes, and relieve inflamed tonsils.
The nut itself was used to prevent weight gain, calm hysteria, eliminate morning sickness, and to strengthen one's constitution. The hulls were boiled and used to treat head and body lice, herpes, intestinal parasites and worms, skin diseases, and liver ailments. The leaf was decocted to cure boils, eczema, hives, ulcers, and sores.
Even the walnut oil was employed as a medicinal aid. It was first diluted before it was used to treat colic, dandruff, dry hair, gangrene, and open wounds, while the green rind of the walnut was used to treat ringworm.
Nutritional Benefits Nuts are a highly concentrated form of excellent nutrition; however, it's important to stress that they ought to be eaten in moderation. Because walnuts, like other nuts, are high in fats, it's important to note they are also high in calories.
While one-fourth cup of raw, unsalted walnuts contains 180 calories, be aware they contain 18 grams of fat, 1.5 grams saturated. The fat in walnuts is mostly polyunsaturated. If you are watching the fat, you can calculate your fat intake by dividing the 77% of calories from fat by the180 calories to learn that a one-fourth cup serving contains 43% fat. That percentage may sound high, but it should not discourage a healthy person from gaining nutritional benefits from eating walnuts in small quantities.
Walnuts are rich in protein, providing 7 grams for that same one-fourth cup, 2 grams of fiber, and only 7 grams of carbohydrates. Walnuts can be considered a super food because they contain a full complement of vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and folic acid. They also contain a wealth of minerals, such as iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
Walnuts contain Vitamin E--alpha, beta, delta and gamma-tocopherol, making it exceptionally high in antioxidants.
Nutritionists tell us that Omega 3 fatty acids are found in only a few plant food sources, yet are essential to a healthy body. In a 2,000-calorie diet, 3 tablespoons of walnuts will provide our daily requirement of these Omega 3 fatty acids.


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