Saturday, December 01, 2007

Saturday the 1st of December 2007

Worlds AIDS DAY. I dont know whether to congratulate myself or to feel pitty about me.

Anyway yesterday when I mentioned to you a few things that I am doing about my health I forgot to mention that I have a personal magnetiser around my neck as a pendant that although I bought the cheapest one ot looks very good around my neck.

As I told you yesterday I am receiving the visit of three friends of mine from my home town this weekend. One of them is one of my closest friends and I am really excited about everyone coming but especially about her (not physically excited although it shows through my mouth and my behaviour ) and I find it all a little bit too much. You see in my home town we are quite loud not only speaking but behaving and I used to be the wild one among my friends and everybody who knows me in my home town so you can imagine the chaotic scenes that we have here but I like it very much is breaking some kind of isolation that although I was living with I didn't pay much attention to it until now. (I really miss to be in my home town)

Although in my case because circumstances of my yourney in life brought me to it I realize how important its to have a clesely need knitted circle or need of friends.

When I was drinking alcohol I used to have many,many friends as you may know I am a highly sociable person, but when I became recovering alcoholic I lost most of them (in around of 95 per cent most probably) ; people that had put on with me through my HIV diagnosis and posterior living with disapeared after I was declaring myself recovering alcoholic , after this I made a lot of "recovery room" friends and these ones also disapeared around 10 years ago when I became a person living with AIDS. So this is why now I am house bound not so much because physically I cannot get out (that I cannot much anyway) but because I have nowhere to go and nobody to see. In the last few years once my speech and look became more acceptable and changing to daily used trousers instead of pyjamas bottoms (was a big change ) I started to call my all hometown mates and to my suprise although geograficaly a long way away from me they seemed to be open and receptive towards having the friendship reignited . So lucky for me .

So this is why I am here today having this visitors and this is why I am so excited and today is Worlds AIDS Day .

(sorry I am just enjoing myslef at the moment)


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