Friday the 30th of November 2007
Only one day left to go to Wold AIDS Day and today , finally, I hear on the radio for the 1st time , a gay radio in London, that there is no AIDS virus ; well I knew that but not many other people knew that as most people is used to hear about the AIDS virus anyway...
I am so excited... ! today and for the weekend until Monday there are coming three friends of mine from my home town (3 women, well after all I am a "queen") one of them is one of my best friends and she kept saying that was coming to visit me in Dec 1998 and 9 years later she will finally come... GREAT!
Well yesterday I told you that there is one more exercise (not physical just mental) left but probably there are more that I connot remember now and in anycase as I go along through other people using my own intuition I "find" new positions or exercises that will improve my looks. This menthal exerise is one o the many suggestions or recomendations I got from my friend Josechu before he had to move back to the counry Basque becuse of medical reasons with his life partner Luis Mari (I still have to get many more but here you go he is busy now, very busy ) ; it consist of an exercise that I started doing everyday for 20 days and then once a week (except this week that I had a horrible migraine) through headphones first applied to the ears and then applied directly to the part of my body that has got the damage (in my case the cerebelum in yours I have no idea) . I got the exercise from this website in here you can find vibration exercises for the mind for exverything that you can imagine but following the recomendations of my friend I do the DNA ACTIVATOR MAX that lasts for 18 minutes but remeber I do it twice once applied the ears and once more to the cerebelum that is behind the ears (of course stupid of me). With the help of my carer I found headphones that are big enough to cover my whole ear and has got a grip strong enough without hurting me for keeping close to the back of the neck where the cerebelum is having the ears opened; the main idea of using this exercise is the vibrations it produces in your brain and in the area that you need to work so if you try it dont put it too loud!
Among the many things I do I discovered that the RADITECH ( ) technology that was invented for cleaning nuclear stations form electromagnetic and geodetic energies was good for treating peripheral neurophathy that comes as a result a long time living with HIV or sometimes as a side effect of the combination therapy was complitely gone after a few days of using the raditech tower ; the model I have is TSP7000ME that apparently they dont make anymore here I show a picture of it:

Apart form this technology I use others like a harmonisers that I got from a company in PLymouth ( I dont get on with the people in this company but as I said everything in here you may be not getting onm with me at all but maybe there is something that may be good for you so take it and in that case that company I take what they make but I don't take them if you know what i mean) and I have one harmoniser for the water entering the flat, another inside of the fridge another for the medication shelf (where I have all my medication ) and one more on top of the amethist crystal on the desk in the bedroom alternatively after I question this need with on of the nutritionish I talk usually (Charlotte Watts: ) and she told me that she knew nothing about the raditech people but that she knew that magnetising technology would do the same so she told me one company an I bought (economically of corse) one magnetiser for the water that is already filtered, one for the back that I sit on the wheelchair and one for the pillow.
So at the end you can say that I spent a little bit of many but it was spread over the years so it wasnt much but one at all could be over 1 thousand of pounds this is a lot and beyond my possibilities, although I try to live budgeting my money probably sometime I go beyond my possibilities and sometimes this attitude of mine brings me down psycologicaly speaking but thanks to my friend Josechu (again) I started to work on the psychological issues with the Bach flower remedies but I live this for another time.
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