This new exercise you need to check it better with physiotherapist because it contains (although you cannot see it) 3 movements one done with the neck and the chin moving it towards the throat but without touching the throat and of course, another try to join the shoulder plates and one that you cannot see that is flexing the perineum muscle that is located bettween the testicles or vagina and swinter (this one I got for Barefaod Doctor and its suppoused to give you extream physical beauty that will atract you everybody; stupid to me although the Barefoad doctor mentioned that I continued doing it and therefore atracting a lot of unwanted attention.
Finally one that might dissapear soon, probably next week. This one I got in my childhood from na oftalmologist; you see I started in life with a little bit of estrapism and in order to correct it the oftalmologist give me some glasses (it was 1965 what do you want) and therefore ending up having miopy astigmatism and conjunctivitis and I dont know why I sill keep this exercise now. It makes the optic nervers to get together so both eyes will focus on the same point and I go with the index finger from the tight to my nose and vice versa 15 times with each hand.

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