Wednesday, December 05, 2007

As you can see on the pictures above and below I have also energy symbols like the ones REIKI but in this case they are egipcians given to me by my friend Josechu; I think that the pictures are self explanatory I don't need to say too much only that the one below has also the computer in which my PA works for doing this blog. This very very helpfull desk costed me only 44 pounds in Argos and for the computer I pay less that 21 pounds a month that it will be untill the middle of 2010. About the computer screen I made a mistake of thinking that bigger would do better and I bought one that is also TV that is 27 inches big wide screen and high definition costed me only less than 28 pounds a month until the middle of 2009 but the mistake was to think that by seing something bigger I would see better and when I had it I realised the mistake, many people do it so I did this also. I have brain damage not eye damage. So taking adavntage of a difficulty with the bigger screen I bought this one that is made for computer actually and its big enough 22 inch widescreen; since the sound was "crap" I eneded up buing speakers and for everything I payed the lovely amount of money of 194 pound last May and I think it was worth it.


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