Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Wednesday the 5th of December 2007

Although I am not a buddist believer I feel quite close spiritually to budda but without buddism (if this is contradictory we need to think that I am living contradiction myself). As you can see in this piture I have a buddist cloth in the entrance of my flat; I do have also aother one facing the window in the kitchen (but on the opposite wall of the window but this one I dont show it to you now as you can see in that picture below is only on wall in the hall at the entrance of the flat)

in this other picture I show you two things the bed side table with the touch activated lamp and some essential oils but on top of the bedside table there is also a similar cloth to the one that I show you in the picture above but different; actually very different as this one was sold to me as the Protector and I do hope that is doing that well. It is facing the window in my bedroom and the reason is that is fengshui belief all the windows in the house is through wall the evil or negative energy comes into the house and its recomended to have a mirror opposite any window but since I am a very stylish "queen" I do choose to have mirrors where it looks nice, besides this one is doing more than just that I hope it protects me also in health point of view.

On the bed side table I got a touch activated lamp that I bought in Argos (most of the thing I have are cheap but with style ) and I have some essential oil bottles; Geranium for skin complains, Tea tree for any skin infections and for some lighter infections I might use lavender also, peper mint and lemon to put in to the daily foot bath that I have every evening and finally although very importantly Thyme that I find out from the girlfriend of a friend of mine over 3 years ago that is very good for bringing any infection from inside the body outside (any infection to do with breathing) and of course this happens quite a lot in my case but thanks to all the care I do about myself I haven't have any fever acces since March 2005.


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