Friday the 7th of December
Today I am going to publish two forda pictures with litlle "treasures" that I have in this flat; this are quite important things for me so this is why I publish them; but before a few thoughts that I want to share with you.
The weekend of the 24 of November I started to have pain in the front corner in the head and most certainly after getting upset (well I am a men after all what do you want) (a woman friend of mine in spain told me if men had to have children because the pain in it the planet would be you know what I meant by my last "quick" thought ?) with the doctor that so kindly came to do home emergency visit I started to get much better. Regarding the pain because there are two side effects well actually three that I was not counting with; hopefully two of them will disapear in some time but the third one I think that will stay with me for a while if not forever. I see much less good (I dont like to use the word worse) and although this is a complete suprising develepment the other two although still suprising I can look at them in a funny point of view (Thank God for this); for one of them I need you to imagine the near frendships that some crabs or spiders have in which they move "arms like" towards their mouth well this is what I imagine it to be and that is how I share it to you also it could be seen as a flashing light incredibely quickly and rather small, its difficult to describe so I hope you can use your imagination, the other side effect with me for the time being is one that you need to use your imagination again, take in your imaginationation one plastic bag that is transparent and translusive that has water in it but frozen water and then imagine that you try to see through (funny isn't it) well do notice that sometimes I see double or that I manage to see the third dimention of things that was denied to me once my left eye decided to go on holidays on the left since the begining of the year 2000...
Now I will publish the pictures of the two little treasures that I have.
One is the picture of the shelf that has got the imagine of feather serpent with the offerings of quinoa and two containers, containing filtered water and 3 moonstones. The feather serpernt came about as a serpent or a snake on stone that my friend Iona gave me 7 or 8 years ago, the stone is from Esnodonia and this snake is cley and was made by Iona and now next year I want her to glue feathers to the serpent because in the Aztec mythology the feather serpent is the most important sybol for "QUETZ ACOTEL" (I hope I am spelling it right) and I got the first feather because about 2 years ago I was obsesed with cleansing my home since it seemed that needed my attention constantly (still does) by having little repairs needed to be done one after another so I though that maybe some cleansing ceremony needed and since I tried with some native american indian "parafernalia" I thought that it was time for somking/cleansing ceremony not knowing me (I start things and never finish many of them) I got the tools but I didnt do it and now its how I have this that is like a shran to that particular God or symbol. Since this God didnt reuire and usually any human sacrifice but products of the mans work in a farm I thought of offering it the quinoa that I change very month and when I do I polish the whole shelf; The moonstones are because they are the stones for Pisces and I am a Pisces they are in water because mine is a water since besides they help to mostiurise the air; I change the water twice a week and its filtered.

This other picture shows the oxygen production corner in the living room that is the day room for me it has 9 plants all together, but one is dying (I think) the aloe vera and another one (the big tall one) I got from the rubbish bin outside, can you imagine it? and it looks lovely, gorgeus very healthy indeed, some people are creazy believe me.
On the shelf I have a golden Ivy and an African Violet and in betwwen them I have another God or symbol a little bronze statue of the elephant god in the hindu religion called GARNESH (again I hope I spelled right); in hindu religion they say that its the son of Shiva and Parvati but I like to think that it was worship before the invention in human mind before the whole hindu teology and it was delegated to be the child born form Parvati from Shiva (quite a story that happend maybe about 12 thousand years ago but ,hello!, this me only thinking this and maybe its just the showing of my madness ). 
I do have a new exercise that I started to do today and later on I thought of a possible variation; once added to the routine it takes only 30 to 40 sec more so no time really. Once I make the pictures I will publish them and you will see how easy it is.
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