Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday 15th of december

Oh Boy! I was getting it wrong all alone. I do have a highly descerning mind and I was using it to get through all the information it was getting to me or any I was going into; and the message is here all alone coming clear but descies to me and now I got it clear by using that descerning ability that I have reading the Upanishads. I always wanted simplicity in everything, not less since I started to walk the path of recovery but, and in this i noticed how alcoholic is my mind still after 14 years of not drinking, I was certainly leading towards simplicity but I was looking into complicated, elaborated, sophisticated theories that would lead me into the none dualistic philosophy. I first found the none dualistic philosophy in the writings of Castanieda about Juan Matus but this Juan Matus crossed over (we are not told exactly where) sometime in the seventies and then castanieda became his own "naguel" leading into his death by brain damage sometime in 1998 (I usualy believe in coincidences but I dont like this one) and by the end I didn't like very much what he was writing because his "team" was not as complete as the one from the "naguel" Juan Matus. And now after quite a few yeras I am feeling complitely lost I find Juan Matus, perhaps not the entity but his way of life, and I find it precisely in the Upanishads.

I need to abandom sophistaction, elaboration, complication and to embrace simplicity but I do like to talk as you can gather by now so this is going to a big problem for me.

I think I found the solution for the riddle that I was presenting to you on Thursday; you know the one about that pseudo friend with whom I wanted to finish the friendship but he didn't want to.
Well I think I got it now.
If I put him and his pseudo friendship (a very long one going back to when I was 11 years old and now I have 47 so you can imagine, a long time for having pseudo frienship and not realising it) with other pseudo friends and I finished with them all at the same time (as a group, This trick was useds Hans Solo in the "empire strikes back" or otherwise known as the chapter number V in Star Wars when he tries to invade the search of the empire for his ship ang hides among rubbish coming out) but without telling them so just by not communicating with them any more and whenever they communicate with me telling them that I am very busy perhaps this way they will realise that the friendship is dead but I am not closing the channel of that friendship, so "technically" speaking (I don't think there is nothing technical about friendships but it just the language that I use) I am not finishing the friendship.
Well I will tell you how it goes, but then again I may not because as soon as I finish telling you the most practical things about my recovery I will try to stop writing (talking) and will publish in my blog only pictures; well after all I am a visual person not a writer.


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