Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday the 13 of December

Before starting to write this blog, sometime at the end of September 2006, I had two attempts (first one sometime in 2004, second one sometime in 2005;I deleted this two previous attempts) so when I started the 3 rd attempt it was complitely new. The reason that the previous two atempts didn't work was because although in the surface I was trying not "write" a book somehow in the subconcius or uncoucious of my mind I was doing so and it didn't work. So the last thing I want to do now is to "hook" anybody into believing that because I am doing so much, so well and I am looking increadibly healthy I am trying to make people to become "my followers"; well let me put it clear again, I am not a LEADER I am just a member of one comunity and that comunity has no leaders.

Although anybody can gain benefit from reading my blogs I am writing to and imaginary male person.

The reason why I say all off this is because through all my difficulties, and not so many difficulties in life I have learned one thing and this is that one looks for something that they know already, it just happens that they dont remember that they know and put that "power" in some another person who is "uncovering" that to them (and therefore this person becomes "linked" with what the "weaker" person gets) . Well I don't want to be responsible for anybody getting something high or falling through the "gutter". This point needs to be very clear to everybody, although we are in a comunity working together with each other, everybody is responsible for them selves; I am not the leader in a march , I am not a beacon or lighthouse showing a particular way or the dangers of any particular "path", I am only pretending to be a written signpost in the middle of nowhere and everwhere , and as I try to respect you, you need to try to respect me. For example I have a "friend" with whom I cannot end the friendship because he doesn't want to do so , I do want to but he doesn't, so I end up respecting his wishes but he is not respecting mine ; this is a riddle that I had not found the solution (I had not descent angle it) just yet.


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