Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The 2nd of January 2008

New Year, New Life. Well not quite but probably you know what I mean. I have introduced a new aspect into my life that I will not have my glasses as often as I do have them; this is coming out of two things, first one is that from a realistic point of view I only need my glasses for no more than hour or 1 hour and a half a day however I was having them all day long; the other aspect is on that I discovered when a few years ago I did some I did some drug for charity (well I needed to have an excuse) and that was my eye lushes because I had contact lenses since I was 20 had grown quite long and bushy and when I have the glases they become adapted to the small space therefore less long and less bushy (well lets face it I look more "droppted gorgeus" without glasses).

I had revised the menu and I made a few amendments into it. Most important of all the amendments is the one mae to the soup receipe with the "SPLEEN" more in mind, if you know what I mean; I have reduced the amount of hemp seeds for the breakfast from one table spoon to a tea spoon; also I have added cockles to some lunches; less salt no mustard seeds and lesser
amount of olive oil because after paniking how slim I was getting I realized that it was part of the cycle I am into in which after expansion comes contraction (it was onluy that this time the contraction period was a bit longet than usuall, in time) and I was becoming a little bit "cudly".

Everyday (Monday to Sunday) the breakfast is devided into 3 stages. First consist of a cup of magnetised water with a drop of a teat tree oil and the morning medication (this one needs to be given to Elfrid as soon as possible while he is still in bed); Ten or 15 mins later Elfrid has the second part of the breakfast that is a cup of matte tea that has been brewing for 5 mins with a well stirred rouded tea spoon of lions mane and a lavel tea spoon of xylitol; abuot five or ten minutes later comes the porridge that it will be 50 grams of scottish porridge oats and the grounding of 4 brazil nuts, 3 walnuts (6 halves) with 1 teaspoon of the following: pumpkin, sunflower, lin and hepm seeds - grounded well and mixed with the porridge. All of this is mixed with rice milk and put in the microwave for 1 min, when it comes out you stir it well and add more rice milk if necessary before serving put for 30 sec in microvawe then put a tea spoon of cinnamon powder-stiring it well add more rice milk if necessary.

NOTE: Everyday around 11:30 Am (half an hour later on weekends) Elfrid has the lemon drink.


MONDAY- 120grms of buckwheat pasta, then you blend with the frying of one steak or loin of tuna fish that has been defrosted to which has been added two tbls spoons of extra virginolive oil, 25 grams of cockless (that have been defrosted, with the tuna, from the day before), a chopped and crushced clove of garlic, one tea spoon of the following: chives, oregano and parsley and capers (washed), add salt if necceaasy. (don't blend it too well because Elfrid likes to chew a little bit) In the blender you put another clove of garlic and 25 mustard seeds.
Tuesday – Half of butternut squash (or whole one depending on size) that needs to be steamed , The butternut squash is blended together with 1/2 jar of anchovies plus the the juice of a whole lemon and 1 teaspoon of chives
Wednesday –Defrosted cod that has been stir fried in the wok with 2 tbs of olive oil, 50 grams of cockless (also defrosted) and one clove of garlic then blended together with 175g of beetroot and 75 grams of quinoa. In the blender you need to add 1 clove of garlic, less that half of goats milk yogurt (this is kefir yogurt home made), a tea spoon of capers that have been washed , 1 teaspoon of chives and 1 teaspoon of Xylitol.

Thursday – you put in the wok 2 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil, squid that has been defrosted since wednesday evening, two chopped cloves of garlic and one tea spoon of the following: parsley, thyme and chives. when done you put in the blender with 250gr of boiled potatoes and another clove of garlic, the juice of half of a lemon and adjust the salt , blend well.

Friday – 200 grams of potatoes blended with the frying of a loin or steak of sword fish that is defrosted together 50 grams of cockles ( when you put in the wok the swordfish need to be cut in 4 pices) add tea spoon of the following orgena, reosemary, tyme and chives also add a chopped clove of garlic; all of this has to be fried with 2tb spoons of extra virging olive oil. Once the fish is ready you add less that one half of goats milk yogurt (home made) and a tea spoon of capers (washed). Blend well with an extra clove of garlic.
Saturday – 100 grms of boiled basmati brown rice blended with 150g of steamed broccolli and 1 regular size carrot, that need to be steamed also,(100g aprox.) In the blender you need to put the rice and the steamed vegs, a glove of garlic, eight olives and the juice of a whole Lemon.You blend it well and serve( remember on wednesday morning before you came to work to buy a broccolli for that day only).

Sunday – 120 grms of boiled rice with 1 tomato (raw and cut) in the blender with a big clove of garlic and 1 teaspoon of oregano and parsley (also one rounded tea spoon of wheat grass powder). When ready to blend remeber to put, a teaspoon of Tahini, 1 tablespoon of extra virginolive Oil and a half of a jar of olives + juice of the half lemon.( the wheat grass goes into it because on sunday supper we have no soup so the wheat grass has to go into the lunch) and a clove of garlic)

Note - Everyday for lunch Elfrid has a cup of soup with a rounded tea spoon of wheat grass powder stired well . (on sundays there is no soup, so the wheatgrass powder goes to the food)
After lunch the PA needs to leave on the table a cup of magnetised water with a table spoon of homemade honegar ; 5 drops of flower's remedies ( the evening ones becuse the second dosses of the morning one has been put into the soup or on Sundays into the food) into a cup of juice. When neccesary you leave also on the table an open bag of non organic walnuts.

Monday – One omellete of three eggs with two big cloves of garlic and 100 grams of well scratched crisps (Kettle, lightly salted, 150 grams but after scratching you will use only 100 g); put in the frying pan 2 tb spoons of olive oil.
Tuesday–60 grams of Quinoa, that has been washed and boiled, 1 teaspoon of the following: oregano, parsley and thyme, one tablespoon of each seaweed approx 5 grams of each), soaked for 10 mins before using, 1/4 jar of olives, one clove of garlic , half of Avocado adjust the salt + 2 tbs of olive oil
(remember to put to defrost the cod for Wednesday lunch together with 50 grams of cockless)
Wednesday – with the boiling of one aubergine and onion blend well with 1 medium clove of garlic, 2 fresh tomatoes & 1 tea spoon of: rosemary, oregano, thyme and parsley.(remember to put to defrost squid , for thursday lunch).
Thursday – You need to put in the blender 20 gr of goat's milk cheese (1 ball) plus the grounding of 1 table spoon of hempseeds, a pinch of tumeric, a half avocado also 40 grams of quinoa , 1 cloves of garlic, 30 seeds of mustard, 20 olives,1 teaspoon of Kombu seaweed soaked for 10 mins, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and the juice of half lemon, all in the blender with 1 tea spoon of the following: rosemary, oregano, thyme and mint. Blended all together.
(remeber to take from the freezer and put in the fridge one steak or loin of swordfish so it will be defrosted for fridays lunch; as well with 50 grams of cockless)
Friday – 200 of spinach, 50g of boiled potatoes, a white of a boiled egg , 75g of beetroot, 1 tea spoon of the following : rosemary, oregano,and thyme, juice of half a lemon, and 1 clove of garlic, all of this is blended together with 5-6 grams teaspoon of Wakame seaweed soaked for 10 mins
(Remember to take out of 75 grams of frozen anchiovies for Saturdays supper)
Saturday - In the blender you put 75gms anchioves (that have been washed, soaking for ten minutes). one clove of garlic, a tea spoon of the following: rosemary, 1 teaspoon of Arame seaweed soaked for 10 mins, oregano, thyme and parsley, a quarter jar of olives. Add 2 table spoons of olive oil, the juice of half lemon, 75 grms of quinoa , 20 grms of goats cheese (1 ball) .(remember to take from the freezer and put in the fridge 100grms of mussels so they will be ready for sunday supper)
Sunday – Vegetable Salad. With the white of a boiled egg you put 75grs of boiled carrots that have to be washed and together with this you put ¼ of a jar of olives plus 1 tablespoon of olive oil, the juice of a half lemon and a pinch of turmeric. All of this is blended well together with 100 grms of already defrosed mussels. (rember to take out of freezer put into the fridge one tuna steak for monday lunch with 25 grams of cockless)

NOTE: whether it is supper or luch Elfrid has no drink with it as the soup is suppoused to be food as there is no obvious drink for supper the evening medication that ideally should be taken 12 hrs apart from the morning one because it has the anti hiv combination is taken with a less than a third of a cup with magnetised water after the food.Before he gets into bed, later, he takes his melatonin tablet with just a little bit of magnetised water.
The mate tea is for breakfast.
Put One good teaspoon of Mate Tea into a cup and a few drops of cold magnetised water enough to wet the mate,then put 3/4 of hot boilig (also magnetised) water. Leave to brew in the mug(Covered) for FIVE minutes and then drain the water off pouring through the sieve into another cup,or mug.Then sweaten it with Sweatener called ZYLOSWEET(One Teaspoon and stir well):Once this is done you add five drops of the FLOWER REMEDIES that are prepared in the living room,and then give to Elfrid with one straw,that could be the one used to give him the water with TEA TREE,but make sure that the liquid has cooled enough,if needed add a bit of cold water before giving it to him.

Soup (for lunch)
that is made fresh every monday and thursday morning and consists of putting in a pot 2 tbs of olive oil,1 tbs of each of the seaweeds, 200grms of carrot, a table spoon of kombu seaweed and 1500mils of magnetised water; after 7 minutes of putting this add 1 pealed orange and 165 grams of celery;two mins after you add a whole bad of spinach together with one tbs spoon of the following sea weeds: Wakame and Arame; finally 2 mins after this last one you add 2 fresh tomatoes (small). Once everything seems to be well cooked we take the pot away from the hod and we add 250 grams of already beetrot and we allow the whole soup to cool down. More or less after half and hour of it cooling we add one grouded table spoon of the following seeds: sunflower pumpkin, lin and hemp; after stirring the seeds well in the cool soup you blend well with six cloves of garlic and the juice of half of a lemon; adjust the salt if neccesary. After blended there should be enough portions for three days but no more than three days.

The lemon drink is for supper.
consists of a lemon drink that is made as follows: put in the blender 300ml of filter water,1 whole lemon(to which the seeds had been taken out never peelled, and cut in 8) and 1 tblspoon of extra virgin olive oil, blend well for 3 minutes and then siev (pressing with a spoon in order to get the maximum of the liquid) all of this into a special cup (one of those that have 2 handles).

Everyday after lunch Elfrid has on the table 2 drinks. First drink Honegar with water (500 grams of honey to 500 grams of cider vinegar blended together for ten mins(the honey if necessary needs to be boiled in the container to make it soft)).

The other drink is the juice; you put in the blender 1 large banana pink grapefruip (pink one tastes less bitter) and one pinch of ginger; you blen for about 3 mins and then pass through a sieve into a cup.

On wednesday and friday for lunch I have home made yogurt. this yougurt made form kefir grains that takes approx 16 to 20 days to be made; after a few days of the kefir grains "meeting the goats milk (full fat as aparently semi skimmed has added flavour so its not very natural) about half of the quantity will be converted into whey that I drink it because is very beneficial for my gut once the kefir converts the milk into yogurt get the kefir grains out because if not it becomes too thick and therefore very difficult to separate the grains from the yogurt,


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