Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Wednesday the 9th of January 2008

Before I go into reading (well actually it will be more studying it than reading because I intend to take out as much "substance" out of it as possible) the book the Periodic Table by Primo Levi I started to read The Tao of Nutrition by Maoshing Ni With Cathy McNease and after I will read the Prince Wen Hui's Cook Book-Chinese Dietary Therapy by Bob Flaws and Honora Wolfe, in a way this last two books about nutrition are pure "chemistry" but of course not pure science more like pure art.

I find the Tao of Nutrition book very "inspiring" because it contributes to my creativity in the way that I am already changing the weekly menu I use and for example one change that happened already is that the amout of fish I eat its been reduced quite dramatically, however I dont consider as "fish" the seafood more like the French that they call it fruit of the sea but I may be wrong with this.

With this increase of the information that I hold in my mind brought through by reading a book I dont understand the current policy official or not but none the less very factual of reducing the service offered to the public by the Public Libraries; but perhaps Public Libraries instead of doing nothing and retreating into what they have should fight back by provinding their services to whereever people go into these days like shopping centres or even supermarkets (in a way like the church of England is doing now).

This attitude of "fighting" in the wrong way is something that "springs" to my mind but reffering to the new form of terrorism; it seems that their strong weapon is Ideoligy but all we see are countries like the USA or UK fighting back with guns, missils and any other kind of bombs that you can think of, then we have the everyday reality of seeing those terrorists growing like "mushrooms"; the new terrorism is like the old crime (well, actually, terrorism is a kind of crime anyway with politics or no politics involvement but crime none the less) that has survived through time because of Ideologies , most certainly a very "dogy" Ideologies but Ideologies anyway and all we have is some politicians getting into goverment fighting back with measures that do not include Ideology but "sheer" strength, physical strenght of course. I wait and see how is evolving this situation and perhaps is left for the future historians to look at and to analyze it so in a way I am history myself, very insignificant but history none the less.

The latest "chapter" of this history is that a very democratic country like Australia is the last in the "queu" , in which some not so democratic countries like north Korea are "filtering" the Internet when what some people like myself call it is Sensorship.


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