Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday the 25 of January 2008

I do hope that it makes any logic sense what I am going to say now; I am not a scientist so I cannot prove any of this but I can hope it make somebody to think differently about what happens to somebody when you get a brain damage like PML facilitated by HIV.

When HIV enters the human body its like "throwing a spanner in the works" of the immune system; by this I mean that the immune system seems to be working in perfect harmony until a virus (well better to say retrovirus) called HIV comes inside the perfectly working in harmony immune system; withouth attaching any moral or ethical values to HIV (this values are only for human societies not for a virus) it works not only by depresing the immune system but it does plant the seeds of miscommunication perhaps by lying" to the different centres of information that the immune system has therefore making this system not only to get low, depressed but working agains itself also but "thinking" all the time that still works in the perfect harmony that it used to before the arrival of HIV and when the infection like PML comes along it has the work very easy.

Recently I told you that I discovered that the anaestethic put into my mouth when I went to the dentist had a component called adrenaline, looking into it I find out that adreneline is a substance segragated by the adrenal glands that are situated on top of the kidneys but as part of them and this same substance that we know as adrenaline is defined and called like that when it gets in contact with blood however when it gets in contact with nerws its defined as a neurotransmitter called epinephrine that in order for it to work well (whether it is in contact with the blood or through the nerve system) has to depress or low the immune system and now we need to remeber that HIV does this exactly so this substance doesnt need to do it, so it goes through the nerves into the brain where it becomes a neurotransmitter and with the immune system low is very strong indeed, actually it could be too much for the brain and therefore we have PML infection . Last Tuesday I went to the Ophtalmiologist in the hospital and they put me a liquid to dilate the pupils in the eyes so they could examine the eyes better and to my ,power of asociation, astonshment I realized that I was seeing the lights after the liquid was put into my eyes in the same way that I was seeing the lights through that destosion as a side effect of the migraine when I had it a month ago; at this point its when I started to think about all of this from a different angle and this is not that the infections facilitated by HIV are not working wrongly (they are actually) only against the body but only working in the way that they are suppoused to do nothing else; so maybe the whole work about AIDS (not the work against HIV) is wrong from the starting point of view; that when HIV enters the body produces chaos but facilitetets more chaos created by "something" that sometimes its an infection in itself but others is a colaboration that produces an infection with its outcome.

At this point I need to make quite clear one thing I do not consider myself to be extremely intelligent, only perhaps more intelligent than the average but perhaps my cleverness (clever as a differenciation from intelligence) is extreemely good. Can you understand the differeciation I make?


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