Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Tuesday 5th of February
This is my new medication list;
It has a new medication, it's name is ASTRAGALUS (Astragalus Membranaseus, Ingredients: Astragalus Pure Powdered Herb -460mg, Capsule Shell Vegetable Cellulose - 95mg; each capsule has got 460mg)
And I take a 4 capsules a day as you can see in the medication list.
I first heard about Astragalus in conjuction with olive leave extract in the TV "day time " programm of RICHARD AND JUDY but I heard one year later that Astragalus was not good for continious use; now I hear I can take continiuosly and I take every day. First I bought from a company that asked me 47 pounds 70 pences for 5 month but after I bought it I find out that I can get it from the American company Doctor Trust for only 32 pounds every 15 month so as it is much cheaper, I bought rest off from them.

Olive Leaf 1
Emtricitabine 1
Raltegravir 1
Vinpocentine(Perwinkle) 1
Astragallus 1
The breakfast is given in 3 stages. First one is a cup of magnetised water with a drop of teatree and the medication. Second after about 10 or 15 mins a cup of mate tea with a well stirred rouded tea spoon of lions mane and a level xylitol; The third stage cosist of a solid breakfast to which 5 drops of the morning flower remedies are added. Monday to Saturday Elfrid will have the afternoon medication with the soup but on Sundays this medication will go with the juice that takes sometime arround the end of the morning and the begining of the afternoon.
Neem Leaf 2
Astragallus 2
For lunch elfrid has the soup with a well stirred tea spoon of wheat grass powder and 5 drops of flower remedies. After lunch on the table the PA needs to leave 1 cup of juice to which 5 drops of flower remedies are added, and a cup with honegar and magnetised water; when neccesary the PA needs to leave also a bag of non organic walnuts with scissors.
Vinpocentine(Perwinkle) 1
Olive Leaf 1
Atazanavir 2
Astragallus 1
The medication taken with the supper is now taken with less that a third of magnetised water after the food.
When Elfrid is ready to go to bed he will take the melatonin and raltegravir sipping a little bit (but a ne buch) of this water.
Melatonin 1
Raltegravir 1
On Mondays remember to change the water in the bedside table with (two drops) of water violet (flower remedy) (1 drop) and Walnut flower remedy (1 drop); remember that in that same day the PA needs to change the water (magnetised) in the containers on the sides of the little altar in the living room and the one by the radio that has a little stone.


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