Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday 26 th of February
Like my greatory most animals and birds in the planet I feel that I am on the move but I happen in the move quite a few month, if no years. The latest change is starting to appear now but it will change much more before it finishes and it is regarding foot. I got a new reading books about TCM regarding food I am going to change immediately the juice and I am thinking already the changing the yam cookie, the amount of fish that I eat (and other things as i continue reading getting more knowledge. About food I neeed tell you that reciepe for Thursday was missing after that last addition soup needed to cook another 2 min before cooling time; this can offer what hsas for me to have to tight everything through somebody elses mind and body I hope you can execuse me.
Another thing that will change is change in the rouitne because I have stopped hopefully you remeber that as part of my exercise routine I was doing a technique called EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT) well last Sunday i decided stop because last Sunday I felt in the every hotpoint when I was having the breakfast and after examine it with the tong I notice a called a sore so I started to take the ACICLOVIR(400MG A TABLET 3 times a day for a as long as a box last) and having to take this one is the my immune system is weak so the EFT was suppose to do physical and spiritual healing for me was not working after nearly 6 month of doing it. I concided with the my close friend about immune system and he said thats the reality for people with virus, he mentionned that when the cold soar appears it usually comes with the company of physical tiredness and a cold; well I did not get a cold, but I was very tired on the Sunday morning.
So I am finding out that many of the suggestions from JOSECHY were good only it will take a healthy person that suddenly becames unhealthy for balance the health but in the case like mine when we have a little balance his suggestions are not helping at all; but it is a little bit late to tell him this as do not count him one of friends anymore.


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