Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday 21st of march
Lately I read the thoughts that other people might live as comments of the blog I post; usually I do not comment on any of them however, one was left after the 4Th of march posting telling me that I would better be in the dark side the Moon.
Well 48 years ago I was born in the light side of the moon and for the following 19 years I live in that side thinking that I did not belong there; the following 4 years while still in the light side of the moon I was enjoying my spar time in the dark side of the moon; since September 1983 I live all the time in the dark side of the moon sometimes enjoying it very much but sometimes falling into an Avis of despair and desolation, I was here on the 19Th of March, on the 20Th I was in a valley, today I seem to be walking up a hill and I do not know where I will be tomorrow but it will be in the dark side of the moon as i belong here.


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