Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday, 12th of March
It is time of fantasy; In my mind I am starting to think about whenever I am going to be less disable(there is a new story about Mexico that I found by reading the book Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra but I will tell all about some another time. It seems quite hope full though).
There was time when I thought of becoming a gardener, but being the arrogant person sometimes still that was a big to simple for me so I thought after I becoming well a landscape gardener; once I got of the idea and my arrogance becaming more a humility thing I thought of becoming a shop assistant in a clothes shop and after I grew out of this I Drag Queen and now I am back where i was25 years ago well thinking that I can be again a creator but from the artistic point of view no from the mystical one because a from the spiritual point of view we are all creators or I better say co-creators. Creating a form an artistic point of view I mean that I have tendencies to play roles that are not me and I feel that I have capacity to make believe that are giving space is something also by arranging the furniture in a particular way or the playing with the light or even using paint to make to appear different if you do know what I mean come to my home and you will understand (of course this is a figure of speech because unless you get to know me you will not come to my home but hopefully you will understand what I mean).
All this of becoming a creator from the artistic point of view comes from because I am starting to think ways in which the photographic thing (SEEDS) can produce some art work that means reality but is using fantasy and of course before getting HIV I was realising that my ideas for entertaining people were quite good I only needed to improve the language that those people use(no my language theirs) and now after going thru learning shamanism I come to wanting to be a story teller and of course I cant just tell a story with word in the mouth or in a paper a screen of the Internet but by creating something like a movie or play and this is I will try to do from now on but of course having the challanges that being disable brings to me.


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