Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday the 22nd of March
Yesterday I was telling you that I was walking up a hill today I am strolling leisurely on a plateau but still in the Dark Side of the Moon, of cause.
On Thursday I was telling you that I have a Paine located in my neck, shoulders and the middle upper part of my spine; well a few months ago I found out that when you are in a wheelchair all day you have that kind of Paine but I thought it was too much in the last few weeks so I decided to stop doing some of the morning exercises that work out my neck, shoulders and upper half of the spine and so far the Paine has reduce quiet a lot in intensity; this coming week i will post the photographs.
Sometimes intuition works very well.
Apart from this, I downloaded a while ago "LA Cageaux FOLLES" Number 2, now I got also number 1 and I am hoping to finish the downloading, pretty soon, number 3; I saw many, many years ago number 1 and a few months ago number 2 so I am going to enjoy very much to have the 3.
So the two reasons express above make my living in the Dark Side of the Moon lighter.


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