Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lately I am not writing much in here and I think I know why. The reason for this is that because of the global economic situation that is leaving me in a position that I don't know whether I am wealthy or I am poor.
What I mean by this is that, economically speaking, I am not better or worse than I was 1 year ago.

About 2 years ago I entered into an episode I which I had money difficulties but it was, as turned out to be, not a problem of lack of money but accountancy, knowing what I was spending and how much and once I came out of that situation I found myself facing a global credit crunch in which the government as anybody else is panicking and giving me extra income for this and for that. For other people it might be necessary but in my case, although it is not a necessary, I don't need it urgently either. But what this situation is achieving is that, if in the past I had an accountancy or bookkeeping problem it is going to happen all over again, because I am in the middle of an economic bubble. It would be much better for me if I had the money given to me when I am really needing it and not when everybody around me thinks that I might need it.
But then again, may be it could be a good idea that instead of me controlling every single aspect of my income, somebody else, in an official capacity of course, did it, because I have enough on "my plate" with being brain damaged for the rest of my life. Anyway.
Lately, I have introduced in my daily lifing, in order to make some savings a Colloidal Silver Generator (CSG.)

I went into the Internet trying to find smth that could provide me with the colloidal silver that I use every day (Incidentally quite a lot because I use it for nearly everything you could imagine) so it could save me a few pounds by making it myself rather than buying it from smb else.
In the Internet I found how to make it yourself but with American details (lovely if you live in the USA) so I could not make the best out of this idea, so I went to the British market and I found the following link:


that it also provides me with a very short history about colloidal silver (I was sold to the idea anyway because I have been using it for 4 or 5 years already; I put it always on my eyes, for about 2 or 3 months a year, in my nose and sometimes in my ears, of course in this usage I am talking about drops but I use it also everyday as a spray on my armpits, feet and a sphincter very, very occasionally I put it on plants. And I know, well I knew it before, that it could be used as disinfectant for the chopping board in the kitchen, but because it was a little bit expensive to buy I didn't use it for this nor for drinking it myself).

Colloidal Silver Maker by Zappertek

including pair of rods

Colloidal Silver for Pennies an Ounce

Colloidal Silver is broadly acknowledged as a universal agent for killing bacteria, viruses and fungi. Used for years, it has recently become more popular and well-known.

It used to be common practice to put a silver coin into a bottle of milk to keep it from souring, or into a bottle of water to purify it. The ancient Greeks & Romans used to put silver into their urns and in the Middle Ages royalty, eating with silver utensils, were less susceptible of succumbing to the ravages of the plague.

In retail stores colloidal silver sells between £15 - £25 for an 8oz bottle. By making your own with the Colloidal Silver Maker you can make your own for around 10p for the same 8oz bottle. This is 200 times cheaper than buying it ready-made.

Colloidal Silver has been called "Nature's Antibiotic". It is silver suspended in a distilled water solution. Silver is a powerful, natural, universal prophylactic and antibiotic. It is a natural disinfectant and broad-spectrum antimicrobial-agent that kills bacteria, viruses, moulds, fungi, and parasites; over 650 disease-causing pathogens or organisms.

Besides being a precious metal, silver is a TRACE MINERAL, essential to the body. Trace amounts of silver are prophylactic, or protective, in nature and helps to strengthen the immune system. As the body ages, the ability to assimilate silver decreases. This leads to SILVER DEFICIENCY and an impaired immune system. Once the immune system is weakened our defenses go down and we are less able to fight off various diseases.

Colloidal Silver is the only safe way to obtain silver as supplement. It is bio-available to allow direct permeability into the body's tissues. The Colloidal Silver Maker produces Colloidal Silver with a particle size of around .001 to .004 microns. This is very small and therefore easy for your body to absorb.

Minerals, especially trace minerals, are more important for the body than vitamins, because without minerals, vitamins can not be utilized. Research has shown a direct correlation between mineral and vitamin deficiencies and illnesses.

CHELATED minerals are a popular choice, but they only allow 40-60% absorption, whereas Colloidal minerals have a 98-100% absorption. Commercial Colloidal Silver has been around since the late 1800's. It was approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, USA) in the 1920's as a safe antibiotic. A daily dose of Collidal Silver improves the immune system resulting in more energy, vitality, quicker healing and a reduction of bodily toxins.

Colloidal Silver Replacement Silver Rods

The silver is 1.5mm wire and the purity is 99.9% which is the highest on the market. Most silver has nickle mixed in with it and this can become toxic. The silver is from a silver exchange in the city so it is bona fide real.
Approx 9cm / 4 inches long.


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