Sunday, November 29, 2009

SUNDAY, 29 November 2009
We are two days before the World AIDS day and I don't like it; not because of the time of the year but that day is used by people, who usually look after other people to celebrate (hello!) the fact that they are so good doing what they do but the reality is that when you have AIDS or HIV, your life is crap.
If you work, you are discriminated against, socially people hate you or even worse, they patronise you by sending loving images to you, but wait a minute to think about this last thing. In your daily life, every day of your life, do you send loving images to everybody else that you get in touch with? If the answer is an absolute NO, then why would you do it to people like me? Is that supposed love coming from LOVE or from a patronising attitude? And what does it mean in real terms, that loving message?
You might say, I am not in a very good mood and you could be right, but here is where I am at the moment and since you disguise your patronising attitude in a loving message, you need to disguise your disgust and showing loving RESPECT for what I say.


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