Saturday, May 30, 2009

Earlier on this afternoon my carer read me an article about astaxanthin that appeared in the latest issue of Higher Nature. And of course being me I was interested about it so, as usual, I went into th3e internet to find out more. Here is the link of a very good place that does research for food supplements and it seems to be a non-profit organisation.
Everything I read about astaxanthin seems to be very good so I am deciding at this very moment that I will take it and since I cannot find a decisive opinion for how much I need to take a day I will start taking 1 capsule of 4 mg per day.
Two other things that I am taking in the last few months are DMAE that I buy from Higher Nature and Coenzyme Q10 that I forget where I buy it from at the moment but I seem to remember that it's a pharmaceutical company that is based in the Channel Islands. Of both I take 1 a day, DMAE in the mornings and Coenzyme Q10 in the afternoons. The new capsule of astaxanthin I will take it also in the morning.


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