(update in what I told you about how I am dealing with the pseudo friendship; well although I took the decision of terminating very slowly that pseudo friendship with others at the same time I feel quite sad about the situation with finishing the other ones but still quite determined about it)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
(update in what I told you about how I am dealing with the pseudo friendship; well although I took the decision of terminating very slowly that pseudo friendship with others at the same time I feel quite sad about the situation with finishing the other ones but still quite determined about it)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Unless I feel increadibly needed to write about something I will be publishing pictures only but knowing my "artistic" tendecies they will try to be as much creative as posisible.
So I am not saying good bye now but I am getting very close to that.

Now in the samwe body position I move the arms up and I place them behind the head as I show you in the picture with the fingers crossing each other.

What comes now is the one that I though as a possible alternative as the one above but when I did it produced such benefit in my lower back that I realised it was a very good one for the hips. Basicaly its the same one as above but on a flat matres without pillow but this time you don't need to press elbows towards the matress but the knees although in my case they cannot ,they try to move towards the matrees and holding this position for as long as its comfortable; this movement opens the whole pelvic area therefore making it very healthy for people using wheelchair full time.
Oh Boy! I was getting it wrong all alone. I do have a highly descerning mind and I was using it to get through all the information it was getting to me or any I was going into; and the message is here all alone coming clear but descies to me and now I got it clear by using that descerning ability that I have reading the Upanishads. I always wanted simplicity in everything, not less since I started to walk the path of recovery but, and in this i noticed how alcoholic is my mind still after 14 years of not drinking, I was certainly leading towards simplicity but I was looking into complicated, elaborated, sophisticated theories that would lead me into the none dualistic philosophy. I first found the none dualistic philosophy in the writings of Castanieda about Juan Matus but this Juan Matus crossed over (we are not told exactly where) sometime in the seventies and then castanieda became his own "naguel" leading into his death by brain damage sometime in 1998 (I usualy believe in coincidences but I dont like this one) and by the end I didn't like very much what he was writing because his "team" was not as complete as the one from the "naguel" Juan Matus. And now after quite a few yeras I am feeling complitely lost I find Juan Matus, perhaps not the entity but his way of life, and I find it precisely in the Upanishads.
I need to abandom sophistaction, elaboration, complication and to embrace simplicity but I do like to talk as you can gather by now so this is going to a big problem for me.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Before starting to write this blog, sometime at the end of September 2006, I had two attempts (first one sometime in 2004, second one sometime in 2005;I deleted this two previous attempts) so when I started the 3 rd attempt it was complitely new. The reason that the previous two atempts didn't work was because although in the surface I was trying not "write" a book somehow in the subconcius or uncoucious of my mind I was doing so and it didn't work. So the last thing I want to do now is to "hook" anybody into believing that because I am doing so much, so well and I am looking increadibly healthy I am trying to make people to become "my followers"; well let me put it clear again, I am not a LEADER I am just a member of one comunity and that comunity has no leaders.
Although anybody can gain benefit from reading my blogs I am writing to and imaginary male person.
The reason why I say all off this is because through all my difficulties, and not so many difficulties in life I have learned one thing and this is that one looks for something that they know already, it just happens that they dont remember that they know and put that "power" in some another person who is "uncovering" that to them (and therefore this person becomes "linked" with what the "weaker" person gets) . Well I don't want to be responsible for anybody getting something high or falling through the "gutter". This point needs to be very clear to everybody, although we are in a comunity working together with each other, everybody is responsible for them selves; I am not the leader in a march , I am not a beacon or lighthouse showing a particular way or the dangers of any particular "path", I am only pretending to be a written signpost in the middle of nowhere and everwhere , and as I try to respect you, you need to try to respect me. For example I have a "friend" with whom I cannot end the friendship because he doesn't want to do so , I do want to but he doesn't, so I end up respecting his wishes but he is not respecting mine ; this is a riddle that I had not found the solution (I had not descent angle it) just yet.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Olive Leaf 1 (400 mg of olive leaf extract contains minimum 75 mg of Oleuropein)
Emtricitabine 1 (Hospital medication 200 mg FTC ;nucleoside analogues)
Raltegravir 1 (400 mg integrase inhibitor)
Breakfast is served in 3 stages , the first and second stage is in bed, and the fird and the last one in the living room on the table, first stage one cup of magnetised water with one drop of tea tree give to elfrid with all the breakfast medication; about 10 or 15 mins later he has a cup of mate tea with a rounded tea spoon of Lions Mane ( Hericium-MRL; hericium erinaceus , cultivated mushroom biomass powder) after stiring well you give to elfrid with a fresh straw to drink it; to the solid part of the breakfast you need to add 5 drops of Bach flower remedies (Crab apple, aspen, mimulus, heather)
Vinpocentine(Perwinkle) 1 (Perwinkle extract 10mg )
Neem Leaf 2 (450 mg Neem Leaf Powder in a gelatine capsule)
For lunch elfrid has the soup with a well stirred tea spoon of wheat grass powder (Sun grown wheat grass powder 2 g-tea spoon) and 5 drops of flower remedies. After lunch on the table the carer needs to leave 1 cup with juice of a banana, grapefruit and a pinch of ginger with the 5 drops of flower remedies that are on the table, and a bag of walnuts opened with a tea spoon.
Vinpocentine(Perwinkle) 1
Olive Leaf 1
Raltegravir 1
Atazanavir 2 (protease inhibitor, 200 mg per capsule, )
for supper elfrid has a cup with the lemon drink that has 5 drops of the flower remedies (Wild Oat, Vervain, Impatience, Beech)
Melatonin 1 (1.5 mg, Active-Melatonin ;98-99% pure)
On Mondays and Thursdays, remember to change the water in the bedside table (including one drop of wlanut flower remedy and another of water violet), so Elfrid can have fresh water; remember that in those same days the PA needs to change the water (filtered) in the containers by the site of the little altar in the living room.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Today I started a new combination therapy that has an integrase inhibitor but about this tomorrow.
Now a lot of my "rubbish" or "bullshit" follows so you are where that this means that if you dont want to read todays post fine lovely , I just needed to get it out of my "system".
Yesterday I finished a book and started another that promised to be very interesting (The Upanishads) but before I tell you about the new book I better tell you .
The book I finished reading yesterday mentiones that violence and evil belongs to the dark side, well if we look around violence belongs to the light side not to the dark side and evil, the devil or any deamon are creations of the creator of god that is the human being; God has not any opposite, its unique by itself so obviously the devil and his servants has to be a creature but (suprise, suprise!) the existence of a concept about the devil begins with christianity because before this religion (and its only that one of many religions that human kind had and still have) divine conceptions in other religions had a light and a dark side at the same time. Violence I think is just a reaction to FEAR there is unfortunately another fear with not so much importance except that it has been created as a response to the FEAR. Therefore violence belongs as a fear to the light side as a reaction of FEAR that some would like to put in the dark side (the dark side is not complaining!). In Yin and Yang from Taoism we find that light is mascculine and dark feminine, however we have colour white as feminine and black as masculine; is this a contradiction? I do not think so, because if you look at the symbol of Yin and Yang , it is a black half circle with a white side circle but the black has something of the white and the white has something of the black. And guess who is having the most of the violence in this world? MEN (well I better keep it as secret now, I am a men myslef).
Let me elaborate a bit more about FEAR. This FEAR was created at the begining and will stop existing at the end, animals react with fear when they face that and perhaps the differeciation between homosapiens and all the other subspecies of hominidious is that ability to face fear, to stand fear not to run away when fear faces them in short not to be an animal; of course from an evolutionary point of view homo sapiens are animals but we have capacities that differenciate us quite well from the other animal like the ability to stand in front of panic, fear or to the capacity of creating it for the sake of making a story, we call it "makebelief" and I dont think this capacity to stand fear and from fantasy to create it is present in any other animal (well I might be wrong) some people make us belief that there if FEAR that needs to confronted with their solution/fear, one of them is violence , another is religions, another one is different sexualities and even another one is drugs; why this last one, well think about it, some of the drugs have very interesting names like heroin - a female hero that sorts out something that is wrong, some others are called "crack" and what is that ? an opening through you can get out; and as the addictions "hook" on the person those names change into "shit" and all because its the fear that we try to be fighting of the other FEAR.
I am lost now. I was talking about something and I forgot how it continues.
This is the problem of being out in the cloud cuculand with ferries, anyway you know what I meant.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Tomorrow Sunday the 9th of December is a new moon in Sagitarius so everything that I am going to say now, we can call it "bullshit" (well if you prefer "rubbish") Blame it on the new moon; well after all I am a water sign and this new moon is in a fire one so I am not histerical any more because eating the walnuts and obviously that energy has to come out somehow; so if you dont blame it on the moon (Im sure "she" will not mind) I will.
Well didn't I want to have a larger flat ? Well now I can see it double (althought sometimes I sometimes I see it triple or quadtriple) so I can have a new flat only by adjusting my sight although its not me who is doing the adjusting but we have the same result anyway (so much for being a control freak); the only problem with the "flat" is that the sofa is double and the bed and so on but eventually I will come around that too as I said its only a question of adjustement something or somebody adjusted my sight so now my cleavernes needs to adjust to the new reality I suppouse.
Regarding this new reality I have to say that the double vision is not so double because as I told it manifest itself like looking through a transparent and translusive bag full of frozen water, clear water of course, and I discovered that there is light always on outside of this frozen thing, and it has flashing spots like the water has been defrosted but its lways frozen and the peculiar thing about it is that I thought I saw it only during the day time but last night when I was in bed awake about 2 or 3 in the morning with my eyes closed the blinfold on top of them, (I need to use blinfold because the street light is glaring at me through the window, especialy now when the sicamore tree is sleeping during the winter) I was seeing it. Well maybe it is a sign that I was waiting for that I am getting truly mad, finally! (You see when you discover the secret before the begining and after the creation you need to pay back)
What is about sex that is so important in ourselves. As far as I as i can see sex is only , but well not only you know what I mean, Comunication that happens to be deeper an very personal but only comunication . from this point a view prostitution has got a meaning and will always be there for as long as we human beings need to comunicate with each other at a deep and personal level; and of course promiscuity does not exist its just multi comunication. (You see as I discovered recently I was not promiscious I was thinking everytime when I was meeting a man from a sexual poin of view, sometimes was 3 or 4 a day, that "...maybe this time..." ; unfortunately all those men were in for the right only not for the long term so being the kind of person I was and still I am I moved to "pastures view").
(this week I saw the film that was produced in 1982 "QURELLE" that I saw at the begininig of 1983 for the 1st time with my boyfriend and we had a "fuck" to remeber a lifetime; I am not querelle myself but I have chosen mine and if I have got to be someone in that little story I can be thye lutenet played by Franco Nero but this film is so hot because talks about two things that are taboo for us human beings death and sex )
Last night my evening carer was reading me a book in which the top question came about. WHO AM I?
Well actually upon reflection on it I though that is not the most important question but WHY. DO I THINK THAT I NEED TO ASK MYSELF WHO AM I?
Perhapas the most importatnt question is WHO ARE WE?
Why this all obsesion with individuality, we can not blame everything in the "pusuits" of Americans , most certainly they have a lot to answer for but not everything.
I come from a nation that has it share of pain and I live in that also has had that, now is the turn of Americans and probably the one after are the Chinese but we will see. In anycase we need to abandon the idea of individualism for as long its a confrontation with colectivity, is it imposible to think of and individual at the same time that we think about his or her comunity and by this I dont mean their village.
In the next picture I will publish shows the desk on side of the bed, holding not only a bottle of water with flower remdies that I will drink over night also in the same drawer I will put one of the urine bottles so I can urine without going to the oilet (it would be a real nightmare for me if I feel like using it in the middle of the night or in the early morning); it also shows the top of the desk where I have the telephone with its charger, the little box/machine that enables me to use the panic alarm whenever I need it, the control of the bed,the speaking clock, the remote control for the digital radio, a little hand towel (blue), a handerchief, the weights that I put around my wrists and ankles, the american "smoking" stick, one shell that I got as a gift last year from New Zeland that is suppoused to have healing or magical powers and a harmoniser on top of an amethist crystal with a crust of wide quarz (amethists are suppoused to be one of the crystals specialy for the people like me who is Pisces).
I hope I dont forget anything.
Does Does O O O Does O O O Does Does
Ah! one more thing I just remembered.
When you have blood stain in any of you cloths or bed sheets you soak them in the hydrogen pyroxide (you know the same that we use for bleaching the hair) soaked well but be a bit tight with it and then you put the cloth or the sheet in the washing machine with other things and it, hopefully, will come out at the end of the wash without the blood stain.
Also if we put hydrogen pyroxide together with sodium bicarbonate (it can be the same on we use to bake ) its like having OXYCLEANER it cleans very well or extremely well every surface.
Friday, December 07, 2007
This other picture shows the oxygen production corner in the living room that is the day room for me it has 9 plants all together, but one is dying (I think) the aloe vera and another one (the big tall one) I got from the rubbish bin outside, can you imagine it? and it looks lovely, gorgeus very healthy indeed, some people are creazy believe me.
On the shelf I have a golden Ivy and an African Violet and in betwwen them I have another God or symbol a little bronze statue of the elephant god in the hindu religion called GARNESH (again I hope I spelled right); in hindu religion they say that its the son of Shiva and Parvati but I like to think that it was worship before the invention in human mind before the whole hindu teology and it was delegated to be the child born form Parvati from Shiva (quite a story that happend maybe about 12 thousand years ago but ,hello!, this me only thinking this and maybe its just the showing of my madness ).
I do have a new exercise that I started to do today and later on I thought of a possible variation; once added to the routine it takes only 30 to 40 sec more so no time really. Once I make the pictures I will publish them and you will see how easy it is.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Today I was going to continue publishing text and pictures of many things I have in this "treasure" flat but something totaly suprising happened yesterday and as usual was something good coming from something bad; although my mental and physical parts are still (let me stress me the word still because I dont think it will be forever) not working well because last week I had a migrane maybe it was neuralgial my spiritual site is working extremely well beacuse yesterday my intuition gave me a big suprise.
I had been thinking about my body loosing weight but apart from talking with my friends Iona and Collin about it I was doing nothing about it but yesterday when trousers what size were 37 although they were suppoused to be 44 when I put them they were complitely loose around my waist I went into a near panic mood; first I contacted on the telephone THT direct they couldnt help me at all ( I dont know why there are they actually sometimes they can do absolutely niothing they are useless absolutely useless) then I contected an specialistness in my local hospital and as she could not help me at all I contacted the nutritionist that comes always very helpful when there is a problem (Charlotte Watts) and she suggested that I could have an increment in the "healthy fats" like extra virgin olive oil, seeds and nuts, oily fish and fatted yogurt. Well I do it quite a lot of fish already (whether its fatty or not I dont know but I do it anyway) I do have seeds and nuts in my diet as you may know and the yogurt I have is made from from goats milk and more often that not tends to be made form kefir; about oil I was having olive sometimes grape seed and the olive is extra virgin always, so I substituted everytime I have grapeseed for olive and sometimes I even increased it; but the suprise came now, I dont know why I thought wallnuts and I put them in my breakfast 2 a day) and even I thought of having them from time to time as a snack when I get in bed in the evenings. Later that evening I thought of searching the Internet to find out what ever it was there in wallnuts that I could benefit from and I found what I paste you below. I think its absolutely amazing and I will not say anything else about that, only paste that.
Medicinal Benefits In one region of southern France known as Perigord the long-standing traditional diet is very high in fried foods, rich meats, and fatty patés. Yet, the people suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. At first medical experts explained this phenomenon by attributing this miracle to the red wine they drink. Red wine is known for its superior antioxidants to protect the heart. Yet, the residents of this region didn't drink any more red wine than those in other parts of Europe. Closer examination revealed that their daily green salads were dressed with walnut oil and chopped walnuts, helping to lower their levels of LDL and overall cholesterol in the bloodstream.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 1994, showed that those whose diets included nuts, either walnuts or almonds, were able to lower their LDL cholesterol by 9 to 10%.
Another study that appeared in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, July 1995, found that walnuts could also diminish the extent of heart damage after a heart attack.
From ancient times through the nineteenth century herbalists prescribed the walnut, the bark, the roots, and the leaves as an astringent, a laxative, a purgative to induce vomiting, a styptic to stop bleeding, a vermifuge to expel worms or parasites, and a hepatic to tone the liver. The walnut served to induce sweating, cure diarrhea, soothe sore gums and skin diseases, cure herpes, and relieve inflamed tonsils.
The nut itself was used to prevent weight gain, calm hysteria, eliminate morning sickness, and to strengthen one's constitution. The hulls were boiled and used to treat head and body lice, herpes, intestinal parasites and worms, skin diseases, and liver ailments. The leaf was decocted to cure boils, eczema, hives, ulcers, and sores.
Even the walnut oil was employed as a medicinal aid. It was first diluted before it was used to treat colic, dandruff, dry hair, gangrene, and open wounds, while the green rind of the walnut was used to treat ringworm.
Nutritional Benefits Nuts are a highly concentrated form of excellent nutrition; however, it's important to stress that they ought to be eaten in moderation. Because walnuts, like other nuts, are high in fats, it's important to note they are also high in calories.
While one-fourth cup of raw, unsalted walnuts contains 180 calories, be aware they contain 18 grams of fat, 1.5 grams saturated. The fat in walnuts is mostly polyunsaturated. If you are watching the fat, you can calculate your fat intake by dividing the 77% of calories from fat by the180 calories to learn that a one-fourth cup serving contains 43% fat. That percentage may sound high, but it should not discourage a healthy person from gaining nutritional benefits from eating walnuts in small quantities.
Walnuts are rich in protein, providing 7 grams for that same one-fourth cup, 2 grams of fiber, and only 7 grams of carbohydrates. Walnuts can be considered a super food because they contain a full complement of vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and folic acid. They also contain a wealth of minerals, such as iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
Walnuts contain Vitamin E--alpha, beta, delta and gamma-tocopherol, making it exceptionally high in antioxidants.
Nutritionists tell us that Omega 3 fatty acids are found in only a few plant food sources, yet are essential to a healthy body. In a 2,000-calorie diet, 3 tablespoons of walnuts will provide our daily requirement of these Omega 3 fatty acids.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
in this other picture I show you two things the bed side table with the touch activated lamp and some essential oils but on top of the bedside table there is also a similar cloth to the one that I show you in the picture above but different; actually very different as this one was sold to me as the Protector and I do hope that is doing that well. It is facing the window in my bedroom and the reason is that is fengshui belief all the windows in the house is through wall the evil or negative energy comes into the house and its recomended to have a mirror opposite any window but since I am a very stylish "queen" I do choose to have mirrors where it looks nice, besides this one is doing more than just that I hope it protects me also in health point of view.
On the bed side table I got a touch activated lamp that I bought in Argos (most of the thing I have are cheap but with style ) and I have some essential oil bottles; Geranium for skin complains, Tea tree for any skin infections and for some lighter infections I might use lavender also, peper mint and lemon to put in to the daily foot bath that I have every evening and finally although very importantly Thyme that I find out from the girlfriend of a friend of mine over 3 years ago that is very good for bringing any infection from inside the body outside (any infection to do with breathing) and of course this happens quite a lot in my case but thanks to all the care I do about myself I haven't have any fever acces since March 2005.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Recovering I am from a weekend of emotional exces; as I told you on Saturday I just love having old friends (well not so old ,after all, they are ladies and ladies are ageless) from my home town back in Spain, ...
I will post now a new revised menu that is, more or less, like the one that I put a few days ago but a few changes were made. One of them is that I "discovered" the importance of PH balance in the food and of course I have made some changes mostly in the breakfast time in order to acomodate that but most probably will change more because of PH. Also I was having a lot of food in the evenings and I remebered what my friend M.Messenger (the "M" to me is Margeuritte and to some people is Margo and I prefer the long name because is fluidic, it represents more the woman that she is I think) told me about the amount of the meals that actually is much better to have not much , amount wise, for supper as the body can rest better; so I tried to achieve that but bringing into consideration that because of all the physical exercise I do I need to eat well but a lot otherwise I become strong and healthy but very slim indeed and I don't like it; I dont want look fat but neither slim; so for example the soup that was in the supper now is with the lunch and I reduced much of the rice,quinoa or potatoes for supper but I increased the amount in lunch after all, I do all my exercising in the morning and early afternoon. And I hope to sleep better by eating less (we'll see ... )
Before leaving the bed Elfrid has a glass of water with one drop of Tea Tree, this one to be added to the water immidietly before he has it, with all the antiHIV medication (a few minutes after he will have Mate Tea).
Monday to Sunday is porridge that it will be 50 grams of scottish porridge oats and the grounding of 4 brazil nuts with 1 teaspoon of the following: pumpkin, sunflower,lin and hemp seeds - grounded well and mixed with the porridge. All of this is mixed with rice milk and put in the microwave for 1 min, when it comes out you stir it well and add more coconut milk if necessary before serving put for 30 sec in microvawe then put a tea spoon of cinnamon powder-stiring it well add more rice milk if necessary.
MONDAY- 120grms of buckwheat pasta, then you blend with the frying of one steak or loin of tuna fish that has been defrosted to which has been added two tbls spoons of extra virginolive oil, a chopped and crushced clove of garlic, one tea spoon of the following: chives, oregano and parsley and capers (washed), add salt if necceaasy. (don't blend it too well because Elfrid likes to chew a little bit) In the blender you put another clove of garlic and 25 mustard seeds.
Tuesday – Half of butternut squash (or whole one depending on size) that needs to be steamed , The butternut squash is blended together with 1/2 jar of anchovies plus the the juice of a whole lemon and 1 teaspoon of chives
Wednesday –Defrosted cod that has been stir fried in the wok with grapeseed oil and one clove of garlic then blended together with 175g of beetroot and 50 grams of quinoa. In the blender you need to add 1 clove of garlic, less that half of goats milk yogurt (this is kefir yogurt home made), a tea spoon of capers that have been washed , 1 teaspoon of chives and 1 teaspoon of Xylitol.
Thursday – you put in the wok 2 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil, squid that has been defrosted since wednesday evening, two chopped cloves of garlic and one tea spoon of the following: parsley, thyme and chives. when done you put in the blender with 250gr of boiled potatoes and another clove of garlic, the juice of half of a lemon and adjust the salt , blend well.
Friday – 200 grams of potatoes, one tb spoon grape seed oil, one chopped or crushed clove of garlic together with a loin or steak of sword fish that is defrosted ( when you put it in the wok it need to be cut in 4 pices) add tea spoon of the following orgena, reosemary, tyme and chives also 25 mustard seeds. Once the fish is ready you add less that one half of goats milk yogurt (home made) and a tea spoon of capers.Blend well with a clove of garlic.
Saturday – 100 grms of boiled basmati brown rice blended with 150g of steamed broccolli and 1 regular size carrot, that need to be steamed also,(100g aprox.) In the blender you need to put the rice and the steamed vegs, a glove of garlic, eight olives and the juice of a whole Lemon.You blend it well and serve( remember on wednesday morning before you came to work to buy a broccolli for that day only).
Sunday – 120 grms of boiled rice with 1 tomato (raw and cut) in the blender with a big clove of garlic and 1 teaspoon of oregano and parsley (also one rounded tea spoon of wheat grass powder). When ready to blend remeber to put, a teaspoon of Tahini, 1 tablespoon of extra virginolive Oil and a half of a jar of olives + juice of the half lemon.( the wheat grass goes into it because on sunday supper we have no soup so the wheat grass has to go into the lunch) and a clove of garlic)
Note - Everyday for lunch Elfrid has a cup of soup with a rounded tea spoon of wheat grass powder stired vigourously . (on sundays there is no soup so the drink becomes water and the wheatgrass powder goes go to the food)
After lunch the PA needs to leave on the table a cup of magnetised water with a table spoon of homemade honegar ; ( 5 drops of flower remedies-remeber the evening ones) into one cup of juice made from one banana one pink grapefruit and a pinch of ginger.
Monday – One omellete of three eggs with two big cloves of garlic and 100 grams of well scratched crisps (Kettle, lightly salted, 150 grams but after scratching you will use only 100 g); put in the frying pan 1 tb spoon of grape seed oil.
Tuesday–60 grams of Quinoa, that has been washed and boiled, 1 teaspoon of the following: oregano, parsley and thyme, one tablespoon of each seaweed approx 5 grams of each), soaked for 10 mins before using, 1/4 jar of olives, one clove of garlic , half of Avocado adjust the salt + 1 tbs of grape seed oil
(remember to put to defrost the cod for Wednesday lunch)
Wednesday – with the boiling of one aubergine and onion blend well with 1 medium clove of garlic, 2 fresh tomatoes & 1 tea spoon of: rosemary, oregano, thyme and parsley.(remember to put to defrost squid , for thursday lunch).
Thursday – You need to put in the blender 20 gr of goat's milk cheese (1 ball) plus the grounding of 1 table spoon of hempseeds, a pinch of tumeric, a half avocado also 40 grams of quinoa , 1 cloves of garlic, 30 seeds of mustard, 20 olives,1 teaspoon of Kombu seaweed soaked for 10 mins, 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil and the juice of half lemon, all in the blender with 1 tea spoon of the following: rosemary, oregano, thyme and mint. Blended all together.ADJUST THE SALT!
(remeber to take from the freezer and put in the fridge one steak or loin of swordfish so it will be defrosted for fridays lunch)
Friday – 200 of spinach, 50g of boiled potatoes, a white of a boiled egg , 75g of beetroot, 1 tea spoon of the following : rosemary, oregano,and thyme, juice of half a lemon, and 1 clove of garlic, all of this is blended together with 30 mustard seeds,5-6 grams teaspoon of Wakame seaweed soaked for 10 mins
(Remember to take out of 75 grams of frozen anchiovies for Saturdays supper)
Saturday - In the blender you put 75gms anchioves (that have been washed, soaking for ten minutes). one clove of garlic, a tea spoon of the following: rosemary, 1 teaspoon of Arame seaweed soaked for 10 mins, oregano, thyme and parsley, a quarter jar of olives. Add 1 table spoon of grapeseed oil, the juice of half lemon, 75 grms of quinoa , 20 grms of goats cheese (1 ball) .(remember to take from the freezer and put in the fridge 100grms of mussels so they will be ready for sunday supper)
Sunday – Vegetable Salad (boiled only). with the white of an egg (boiled also), 75grs of boiled carrots that have to be washed and together with this you put ¼ of a jar of olives plus 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil, the juice of a half lemon, and a pinch of turmeric; when going to blend add one teaspoon of kombu and another oneof wakame (seaweeds, approx 5 grams of each), that need to be soaked for at least 10 mins before using. All of this is blended well together with 100 grms of already defrosed mussels. (rember to take out of freezer put into the fridge one tuna steak for monday lunch)
NOTE: for supper Elfrid has normaly a "lemon drink" cup (see datails below)
The mate tea is for breakfast.
Put One good teaspoon of Mate Tea into a cup and a few drops of cold magnetised water enough to wet the mate,then put 3/4 of hot boilig (also magnetised) water. Leave to brew in the mug(Covered) for FIVE minutes and then drain the water off pouring through the sieve into another cup,or mug.Then sweaten it with Sweatener called ZYLOSWEET(One Teaspoon and stir well):Once this is done you add five drops of the FLOWER REMEDIES that are prepared in the living room,and then give to Elfrid with one straw,that could be the one used to give him the water with TEA TREE,but make sure that the liquid has cooled enough,if needed add a bit of cold water before giving it to him.
The soup if for lunch
one cup of soup(to which has to be added one rounded tea spoon of wheat grass powder, stiring well) the soup is made fresh every monday and thursday morning and is made as follows, In a pot put 1 tbs of grape seed oil,1 tbs of each of the seaweeds, 1 aubergine cut inpices, one cucumber also cut, 200grms of carrot and a full bag of spinaches, 1500mils of magnetised and filtered water add salt and boil for 20 mins, when cooked leave to cool down, and add 1 tea spoon of the following seeds that have been grinded (pumpkin, sunflower, lin, hemp)when ready to blend add 6 cloves of garlic, the juice of a half of a lemon, blend well and adjust the salt if necessary . This soup that will do Monday to Saturday is one of the drinks for.
The lemon drink is for supper.
consists of a lemon drink that is made as follows: put in the blender 300ml of filter water,1 whole lemon(to which the seeds had been taken out never peelled, and cut in 8) and 1 tblspoon of extra virgin olive oil, blend well for 3 minutes and then siev (pressing with a spoon in order to get the maximum of the liquid) all of this into a special cup (one of those that have 2 handles).
Everyday after lunch Elfrid has on the table 2 drinks. First drink Honegar with water (500 grams of honey to 500 grams of cider vinegar blended together for ten mins(the honey if necessary needs to be boiled in the container to make it soft)).
The other drink is the juice; you put in the blender 1 large banana pink grapefruip (pink one tastes less bitter) and one pinch of ginger; you blen for about 3 mins and then pass through a sieve into a cup.
On wednesday and friday lunch we have home made yogurt made with kefir grains this yougurt made form kefir takes approx 16 to 20 days to be made; after a few days of the kefir grains "meeting the goats milk about half of the quantity will be converted into whey that Elfrid drinks it because is very good for his gut once the kefir converts the milk into yogurt get the kefir grains out because if not it becomes difficult to separate the grains from the yogurt,
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Worlds AIDS DAY. I dont know whether to congratulate myself or to feel pitty about me.
Anyway yesterday when I mentioned to you a few things that I am doing about my health I forgot to mention that I have a personal magnetiser around my neck as a pendant that although I bought the cheapest one ot looks very good around my neck.
As I told you yesterday I am receiving the visit of three friends of mine from my home town this weekend. One of them is one of my closest friends and I am really excited about everyone coming but especially about her (not physically excited although it shows through my mouth and my behaviour ) and I find it all a little bit too much. You see in my home town we are quite loud not only speaking but behaving and I used to be the wild one among my friends and everybody who knows me in my home town so you can imagine the chaotic scenes that we have here but I like it very much is breaking some kind of isolation that although I was living with I didn't pay much attention to it until now. (I really miss to be in my home town)
Although in my case because circumstances of my yourney in life brought me to it I realize how important its to have a clesely need knitted circle or need of friends.
When I was drinking alcohol I used to have many,many friends as you may know I am a highly sociable person, but when I became recovering alcoholic I lost most of them (in around of 95 per cent most probably) ; people that had put on with me through my HIV diagnosis and posterior living with disapeared after I was declaring myself recovering alcoholic , after this I made a lot of "recovery room" friends and these ones also disapeared around 10 years ago when I became a person living with AIDS. So this is why now I am house bound not so much because physically I cannot get out (that I cannot much anyway) but because I have nowhere to go and nobody to see. In the last few years once my speech and look became more acceptable and changing to daily used trousers instead of pyjamas bottoms (was a big change ) I started to call my all hometown mates and to my suprise although geograficaly a long way away from me they seemed to be open and receptive towards having the friendship reignited . So lucky for me .
So this is why I am here today having this visitors and this is why I am so excited and today is Worlds AIDS Day .
(sorry I am just enjoing myslef at the moment)