Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wednesday the 30th of January

Today I received a newsletter from Higher Nature that told me about a few things for the winter and stress but most importatnt of all it discovered something good for me and might be good also for you; its is like an apricot but it refers to like a plant than like a fruit more often than not, its name is UME but its usually put in pikles and it becomes something called UMEBOSHI and rather that me telling you what is good for (energy booster therfore fights fatigue, immune system booster there for its used a lot against colds, ...) I think its better if you look in the wikipedia for it .

Umeboshi (Japanese: ; literally "dried ume") are pickled ume fruits. Ume is a species of fruit-bearing tree in the genus Prunus, which is often called a plum but is actually more closely related to the apricot. Umeboshi are a type of tsukemono, or traditional Japanese pickled food, and are very popular in Japan.
Umeboshi are usually round, and vary from unwrinkled to very wrinkled. They taste salty, and are extremely sour due to high citric acid content – they have been known to corrode their way through aluminium lunch boxes if kept in the same spot every day.
Umeboshi are often cited in Japan as being extremely healthy. The standard Japanese folk remedy for colds and flus is okayu (Japanese congee) with umeboshi.
The central area of Wakayama prefecture is known throughout Japan for the number and quality of its ume and umeboshi. The town of Minabe, Wakayama, in particular, grows more ume and produces more umeboshi than any other town in all of Japan.

I bought it already and I am going to use it (without knowing how but I will try it anyway twice a week with the supper for Monday and Sunday, wish me luck !)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday the 29th of January

On Sunday I started to do a new exercise within another existing exercise that I hope will improve my cordination but at the moment I am doing crap and I expect it will be crap for a while.

When I am lying donw on my back when my right foot touches my left foot and I have the hands behind the head bending the arms by the elbows what I thought on Sunday is that kinesiology exercise that I do in order to improve my eye cordination I could try to draw in the air an object by extending upwards one arm at a time; the object I thought of is a triangle and when I get better in doing that I will go to a circle finally I will do the lying eight but I think that the triangle will have to do for a very long while because my cordination is crap; I draw the tringle in the air with my hand in a first extending upwards the right arm and doing the triangle 15 times (well more often that not its a square but that is the cordination) then I repeat the same but with the left arm and the triangle that can be described as a square could be also described as circles in making a squre because left side is worse cordinationwise to the right (thats life as me I suppouse).

Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday the 25 of January 2008

I do hope that it makes any logic sense what I am going to say now; I am not a scientist so I cannot prove any of this but I can hope it make somebody to think differently about what happens to somebody when you get a brain damage like PML facilitated by HIV.

When HIV enters the human body its like "throwing a spanner in the works" of the immune system; by this I mean that the immune system seems to be working in perfect harmony until a virus (well better to say retrovirus) called HIV comes inside the perfectly working in harmony immune system; withouth attaching any moral or ethical values to HIV (this values are only for human societies not for a virus) it works not only by depresing the immune system but it does plant the seeds of miscommunication perhaps by lying" to the different centres of information that the immune system has therefore making this system not only to get low, depressed but working agains itself also but "thinking" all the time that still works in the perfect harmony that it used to before the arrival of HIV and when the infection like PML comes along it has the work very easy.

Recently I told you that I discovered that the anaestethic put into my mouth when I went to the dentist had a component called adrenaline, looking into it I find out that adreneline is a substance segragated by the adrenal glands that are situated on top of the kidneys but as part of them and this same substance that we know as adrenaline is defined and called like that when it gets in contact with blood however when it gets in contact with nerws its defined as a neurotransmitter called epinephrine that in order for it to work well (whether it is in contact with the blood or through the nerve system) has to depress or low the immune system and now we need to remeber that HIV does this exactly so this substance doesnt need to do it, so it goes through the nerves into the brain where it becomes a neurotransmitter and with the immune system low is very strong indeed, actually it could be too much for the brain and therefore we have PML infection . Last Tuesday I went to the Ophtalmiologist in the hospital and they put me a liquid to dilate the pupils in the eyes so they could examine the eyes better and to my ,power of asociation, astonshment I realized that I was seeing the lights after the liquid was put into my eyes in the same way that I was seeing the lights through that destosion as a side effect of the migraine when I had it a month ago; at this point its when I started to think about all of this from a different angle and this is not that the infections facilitated by HIV are not working wrongly (they are actually) only against the body but only working in the way that they are suppoused to do nothing else; so maybe the whole work about AIDS (not the work against HIV) is wrong from the starting point of view; that when HIV enters the body produces chaos but facilitetets more chaos created by "something" that sometimes its an infection in itself but others is a colaboration that produces an infection with its outcome.

At this point I need to make quite clear one thing I do not consider myself to be extremely intelligent, only perhaps more intelligent than the average but perhaps my cleverness (clever as a differenciation from intelligence) is extreemely good. Can you understand the differeciation I make?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I have been thinking about the CHANGES that I was talking about before. This is what I came up with.
Expansion and contraction, contranction and expansion, and so on and on; from the beginning untill the end of the dream and the universe for that matter. So with this thought I can understand and accommodate any change happening in my life.
Tuesday the 15th of January 2008

Everything changes; transformation, evolution, everything changed.

The electric bed that I had had to be replaced for a new one; still electric but I think that the matress is not the best one or maybe it is that is new and I have to get used to it, one good thing that happened is that my inner ears were itching a lot and by changing the matress they stopped itching so maybe there was somekinsd of microorganism in the old matress (I had that bed bought in June 1999).

My main carer is leaving because of family problems and I have a new one strating on the 4th of February; I was feeling already settling in my life at the moment and again I have to move staying in the same place ,of course, but my emotion and my mind are moving a lot all when I was thinking that i was going to have a period of stability in my life. Another thing that is changing is my menu by reading first the book the Tao of Nutrition and then one titled Prince Wen Hui's Cook Book Chinese Dieteary Therapy I am coming to realise that in order to treat myself not only the brain damage but about my emotional behaviour with other people I need to change the diet; apparently it is all coming down to what I eat so I can understand quite well how I do behave. One thing I am finding out is that I cannot generalize what is good for me at this moment may not be good for me in two years time and the extension of that is that what might be good for me at any moment in time it might not be good for other people. This is quite a lot of information to get into so I will be asking my Accupuncturist, Nick Masters, to help me to understand and to put into practise all of this because its too mucjh for me, too much.

For example I find out that, well I knew it before already, I have a big EGO and this is due to fire yang in the liver well I am going to put a remedy to it for example by not having any more citric and I was having a lot something like having 14 lemons of it and now I added to that 7 grapefruits a week also. At the same time that I do quite helpful things to myslef in the sense of the diet I was trusting whatever other people would reccomend me without questioning anything about it so the mind exercise that Josechu recomended to make and I told you what I was doing so I appologize for this I discoverd by hearing better now that all is about is a big afirmation exercise in which a voice is telling you that you are clever, artistic, intelligent, that other people listen to your ideas, that you are masterful and well I see that this can be very good for the low selfsteam that Josechu suffers from as a resullt of a very challenging life that had many addiction problems but that kind of subliminal text for somebody with such a big EGO like me is not good at all; I trust that if people think that my ideas are rubbish they will ignore them not listen to them... also about something that Josechu recomended to me (he is one of the ex friends perhaps pseudofriend that could not adapt to the new "turn" in my life and I had to live beside) was that he recomended me Jasmine essential oil and fennel essential oil if applied to the head are quite good for healing a brain damage according to Ayurvedic medicine; and here comes my big ego thinking that he is telling me the best for me and I got exactly that I started to use it after mixing it and then I look in the internet whether those oils are good for healing a brain damage and I didnt find any reference at all. However I cannot blame him for me being such a stupid EGO.

So as you can see changes, changes, everything changed.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday the 12th of January 2008

First it was on Wednesday afternoon then I though that it was a good idea to watch it again on Thursday and Thursday became also Friday but today I will watch ZORBA the Greek with Antony Quinn; the movie that I am reffering to that I watched for three cosequtive days is Mar Adentro that I wanted to watch because it was telling the story of a tetraplegic in North West of Spain who after 28 years of being disabled managed to (with the help of his friends of course) commit suicide or I might say, kill himself. I wanted to watch it because I wanted to know somebody elses insighd (therefore the tiltle Mar Adentro) into what was moving him to do such a thing; however I watched the film for the first time looking at it from a technical point of view and I was noticing some little technical "heacups" but within half of an hour of watching the movie (it lasts for two hours) I was inside the story and I became totaly captive of it, so much that I am even writing about it now.

However the story is not about the disabled person but somebody from the outside trying to build the whole story and the main character becomes just a characcter, a main one ,of course,but ony a character.

It is a bit to late to say that I want to know that person as its been more than 11 years since he died but what I feel that has been shown in the film is a very no need to die but from the political and ideological point of view of those who do not need to kill themselves it is totaly plausible.

I dont want to judge that other disabled person since I dont want other people to judge me neither but of course I find myslef doing what everybody else would do, I end up judging him (sorry !).

In the moment we start "dream" that we receive life from our parents when we are born (quite unelaborate way of "coming" into "life" but we need that precisely) we might think that we arrive with a "pack of cards" (follow me fora while please!) and then in the transcourse of the living we become disabled we realize that we had been playing a particular "game" with that pack of cards, a game that nealry everybody plays so I cannot find any fault with this; all we need to do after a long while, as it seems it is in my case, is to "play" another game but not the destroy the "pack of cards" and this is what this gentleman did, I think. Of course there is a similar explanation for those who were born disabled but I have not that situation so I dont look into it, perhaps I will because I find incredibly fascinating life being disabled not good at all, not nice but this evaluation is from the old game I was playing before becoming disabled, of course; unfortunately, much that I try, I dont live isolated I live in contact with some other people so if I decide to change the game to play with those" cards " I end up having to convince those other people to change that game also and this is not a easy task. Actually this is the proces I am going through at the moment I am ending those friendships that I had with some of my few left friends because they keep playing a game that I cannot play anymore no if I want to keep alife and we need to think that I tried to kill myself already becuase I wanted to play that precised game and of course I cant not anymore; so in a way I was where this guy was because I had not been succesful in my trying and I am teryfied of dying, anyway (the dream, the FEAR in the dream !) .

There is something relevant to the analysys of this movie that I am doing that I found out in my "recovery" with A.A. and this is that I need to keep a good image, presentation, looks when I introduce myself to other people so what it means now is that in order to ask other people to play a different game I need to present myself as a plyer of that "new" game so this is why I end up looking "dropted gorgeus". Once I achieved this healthy looks, healthy image, I find myslef that people that still play the old game that I was playing before fall into the trap of thinking that I might do it in order to have physical contact with them and this is the other point that I want to make about the judgement that is not judgemental of the disabled person depicted in the movie "Mar Adentro"; He talked in the movie about the imposibility to love and I dont agree with him at all. When I was in my twenties I would agree with him because all I was doing was physical and metal sex sometimes with some "drops" of emotions more because of the other partner than me (by this I mean I was using emotions in order to accomodate my partners needs) but now I find things different maybe (oh well I am really sure) because of the new game that I need to play in order to stay alife. I find that in the sound/action to "love" there are four angles or perspectives, one corner is physical and it needs to use the next corner to it called mental and only sometimes may need to use a corner called emotions but in the 15 years that I have been having sex with other people I can say that I never used the other and last corner that its there but I never used it and this one is called spiritual; so to recap we have four persepctives physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. When two people meet and end up making love to each other we find those four perspective (at the best of times) but when we are talking disability and the inability to love somebody or to be loved by somebody we maybe talking of something that is physical, metal and perhaps emotional but usually never spiritual (well sometimes we can find in very religious people that they do the spiritual and emotional but without physical nor mental sides as its not permited by their religion). I find myself waiting for the spiritual touch but I wait and wait and wait ... Well I am homosexual and homosexual people live with the physicality mostly so what do I expext. So because of this belief or shall I call it certainty that I have I dont agree with person depicted in the picture and his final Solution. We see a moment in the picture with his body as it was after 26 years of being disabled and its not a pretty image to look at so how could anybody want to make love with him and how could he, being as careful of others as he was, wanted to disclose his body image to anybody in order to make love so it was easier for him to say " ...oh I cannot love you might but I cant ..."

As I said I hAVE WATCHED THIS MOVIE three times already and I will keep it because I can think of many more times in which I will again.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Wednesday the 9th of January 2008

Before I go into reading (well actually it will be more studying it than reading because I intend to take out as much "substance" out of it as possible) the book the Periodic Table by Primo Levi I started to read The Tao of Nutrition by Maoshing Ni With Cathy McNease and after I will read the Prince Wen Hui's Cook Book-Chinese Dietary Therapy by Bob Flaws and Honora Wolfe, in a way this last two books about nutrition are pure "chemistry" but of course not pure science more like pure art.

I find the Tao of Nutrition book very "inspiring" because it contributes to my creativity in the way that I am already changing the weekly menu I use and for example one change that happened already is that the amout of fish I eat its been reduced quite dramatically, however I dont consider as "fish" the seafood more like the French that they call it fruit of the sea but I may be wrong with this.

With this increase of the information that I hold in my mind brought through by reading a book I dont understand the current policy official or not but none the less very factual of reducing the service offered to the public by the Public Libraries; but perhaps Public Libraries instead of doing nothing and retreating into what they have should fight back by provinding their services to whereever people go into these days like shopping centres or even supermarkets (in a way like the church of England is doing now).

This attitude of "fighting" in the wrong way is something that "springs" to my mind but reffering to the new form of terrorism; it seems that their strong weapon is Ideoligy but all we see are countries like the USA or UK fighting back with guns, missils and any other kind of bombs that you can think of, then we have the everyday reality of seeing those terrorists growing like "mushrooms"; the new terrorism is like the old crime (well, actually, terrorism is a kind of crime anyway with politics or no politics involvement but crime none the less) that has survived through time because of Ideologies , most certainly a very "dogy" Ideologies but Ideologies anyway and all we have is some politicians getting into goverment fighting back with measures that do not include Ideology but "sheer" strength, physical strenght of course. I wait and see how is evolving this situation and perhaps is left for the future historians to look at and to analyze it so in a way I am history myself, very insignificant but history none the less.

The latest "chapter" of this history is that a very democratic country like Australia is the last in the "queu" , in which some not so democratic countries like north Korea are "filtering" the Internet when what some people like myself call it is Sensorship.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Saturday the 5th of January 2008

Spain is my country of birth; it has a custom that I do not agree with from the point of view of the recipient. Tomorrow 6th of January is Epifany day and traditionally is when the 3 Wise Men (3 Reyes Magos) give their pressents to the baby Jesus and of course Spain being such a traditionalic catholic country celebrates that the giving of the presents that the rest of Europe gives for Christmas in Spain are given for Epifany day leaving no time for the children to enjoy their presents but of course the church is going to feel very happy indeed because christmas is only christmas celebration all about religion not about presents. Anyway (as you can see I talk too much) yesterday I received my Christamas (a bit late for it) or Epifany (a bit early) present with 42 years of delay.

This last Monday, New Years Eve, after doing the morning exercises I had still some time until my morning carer came, so when its like this I do listen to "today" on Radio 4 and they do have guests coeditors from christmas till New Year ,more or less; and they had on Monday a former Nobel Prize Winner who is a profesor of chemistry (sorry but sadly I don't remember his name) and as it is trditional with coeditor guests the regular presenter interview him at the end of the program and he mentioned that his interest in Chemistry started when as a child in the 1960 he was given a "chemistry set" as christmas present; I told this to my friend Collin who happens to be a profesor of Chemistry at the University in Plymouth and very kindly he sent me a chemistry set by post and I got it yesterday.

When I was a child my parents gave me a few presents (well more than just a few) but I was always wishing for a chemistry set however they were not mind reading people so they didn't give that present to me. I commented this to my friend collin but as a "secret" as much for him as for me , but it was only that a secret thank you non the less because he sent me one set.

Now because of my physical limitations I cannot use it without the help of somebody else so I will wait for him to come and visit me in one or two months time so I can start to experiment; I dont think I am going to grow up to become a chemister now, as I didnt think that I was going to grow up to be such a person before but it is lovely.

Yesterday I was commenting it to the accupuncturist Nick Masters and He mentioned of a book that he recommended me to read called "The Periodic Table (Penguin Modern Classics)"Primo Levi , becouse apparently this guy (the author) was a jew taken to a concentration camp by the nazis and was able to get through that horrible tornment because of the practical knowledge of the chemistry and this particular book I am told , is written with every element making a human story so I am looking forward to read it.

On Thursday I went to the dentist I didn't have any pain in my teeth but because I had 2 holes; One of them happened to be a little infected so the dentist to feel it in put me some anaestethic. As I might have told you I have some ichines in the skin lining of my ears and I found out that for this ichines the best thing for me is that in a clean area of the skin I apply the same gel that the hospitals use for anti MRSA and one or 2 mins after I put aloe vera gel; this combination seems to be working wonders but last Thursday I found out that after the dentist put the anaesthetic liquid to work on my tooth as usually it was numb not only that part of the mouth but it was also the right ear and the right eye because the teeth was on the right of my above jaw so I realised that something in the anaesthetic was not making to be very happy the particular microorganism that produces the ichiness not only in my ear but my armpits anbd shoulders. So today I did a lot of searching/surfing in the net and I found out that one of the two components of the anaestesy is adrenaline. Through TCM I know that the Kidneys or Kidneys system is very importatnt for the function of the body and from my old age of being a student I know that there was a system of adrenal glands but I forgot that these glands were on top of the kidneys I just assume that they were a part of the brain (obviously I was wrong) so I found out that in order to active the adrenal glands I need to take a diffrent look at my life style and diet. I want to take care of my adrenal glands because they make the blood vessels in the body to constrict and the system that produces the adrenaline is "unhappy" by loud sounds or strong light and this are the exact sympoms of migraine that I had twice , once was arround the end of December 2006 and the other on arround the end of November 2007 lasting in both cases for quite a while. At the begining I thought that the migraine was the brain problem (wrong again) but after consulting with my hospital doctor I was informed that its produced ,actually, by small blood vessels inbeded in cranium so obviusly if I constrict those vessels by increasing the level of adrenalin I will stop the migraine (maybe I am wrong again I am not a medical doctor but...).
The first change I am introducing is in my diet and I have taken off the food that I eat all the potatoes changing them for basmati brown rice or quinoa according with the rest of the menu.
Also I realised something that was quite obvious after reading this that I couldnt see the connection before. Coffee we drink it (well I dont drink it but anyway) in order to give us a boost or kick of energy and we have that energy from the adrenal glands so this is exactly what coffee does but in the wrong way because it gives you also a problem in the digestive system that makes you to loose liquid besides according with TCM the less liquid we have the better of course this is discoused by the Ayurvedic Medicine that tells you to drink at east 3 or 4 litres of water a day but personally in this case I link towards the TCM.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The 2nd of January 2008

New Year, New Life. Well not quite but probably you know what I mean. I have introduced a new aspect into my life that I will not have my glasses as often as I do have them; this is coming out of two things, first one is that from a realistic point of view I only need my glasses for no more than hour or 1 hour and a half a day however I was having them all day long; the other aspect is on that I discovered when a few years ago I did some I did some drug for charity (well I needed to have an excuse) and that was my eye lushes because I had contact lenses since I was 20 had grown quite long and bushy and when I have the glases they become adapted to the small space therefore less long and less bushy (well lets face it I look more "droppted gorgeus" without glasses).

I had revised the menu and I made a few amendments into it. Most important of all the amendments is the one mae to the soup receipe with the "SPLEEN" more in mind, if you know what I mean; I have reduced the amount of hemp seeds for the breakfast from one table spoon to a tea spoon; also I have added cockles to some lunches; less salt no mustard seeds and lesser
amount of olive oil because after paniking how slim I was getting I realized that it was part of the cycle I am into in which after expansion comes contraction (it was onluy that this time the contraction period was a bit longet than usuall, in time) and I was becoming a little bit "cudly".

Everyday (Monday to Sunday) the breakfast is devided into 3 stages. First consist of a cup of magnetised water with a drop of a teat tree oil and the morning medication (this one needs to be given to Elfrid as soon as possible while he is still in bed); Ten or 15 mins later Elfrid has the second part of the breakfast that is a cup of matte tea that has been brewing for 5 mins with a well stirred rouded tea spoon of lions mane and a lavel tea spoon of xylitol; abuot five or ten minutes later comes the porridge that it will be 50 grams of scottish porridge oats and the grounding of 4 brazil nuts, 3 walnuts (6 halves) with 1 teaspoon of the following: pumpkin, sunflower, lin and hepm seeds - grounded well and mixed with the porridge. All of this is mixed with rice milk and put in the microwave for 1 min, when it comes out you stir it well and add more rice milk if necessary before serving put for 30 sec in microvawe then put a tea spoon of cinnamon powder-stiring it well add more rice milk if necessary.

NOTE: Everyday around 11:30 Am (half an hour later on weekends) Elfrid has the lemon drink.


MONDAY- 120grms of buckwheat pasta, then you blend with the frying of one steak or loin of tuna fish that has been defrosted to which has been added two tbls spoons of extra virginolive oil, 25 grams of cockless (that have been defrosted, with the tuna, from the day before), a chopped and crushced clove of garlic, one tea spoon of the following: chives, oregano and parsley and capers (washed), add salt if necceaasy. (don't blend it too well because Elfrid likes to chew a little bit) In the blender you put another clove of garlic and 25 mustard seeds.
Tuesday – Half of butternut squash (or whole one depending on size) that needs to be steamed , The butternut squash is blended together with 1/2 jar of anchovies plus the the juice of a whole lemon and 1 teaspoon of chives
Wednesday –Defrosted cod that has been stir fried in the wok with 2 tbs of olive oil, 50 grams of cockless (also defrosted) and one clove of garlic then blended together with 175g of beetroot and 75 grams of quinoa. In the blender you need to add 1 clove of garlic, less that half of goats milk yogurt (this is kefir yogurt home made), a tea spoon of capers that have been washed , 1 teaspoon of chives and 1 teaspoon of Xylitol.

Thursday – you put in the wok 2 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil, squid that has been defrosted since wednesday evening, two chopped cloves of garlic and one tea spoon of the following: parsley, thyme and chives. when done you put in the blender with 250gr of boiled potatoes and another clove of garlic, the juice of half of a lemon and adjust the salt , blend well.

Friday – 200 grams of potatoes blended with the frying of a loin or steak of sword fish that is defrosted together 50 grams of cockles ( when you put in the wok the swordfish need to be cut in 4 pices) add tea spoon of the following orgena, reosemary, tyme and chives also add a chopped clove of garlic; all of this has to be fried with 2tb spoons of extra virging olive oil. Once the fish is ready you add less that one half of goats milk yogurt (home made) and a tea spoon of capers (washed). Blend well with an extra clove of garlic.
Saturday – 100 grms of boiled basmati brown rice blended with 150g of steamed broccolli and 1 regular size carrot, that need to be steamed also,(100g aprox.) In the blender you need to put the rice and the steamed vegs, a glove of garlic, eight olives and the juice of a whole Lemon.You blend it well and serve( remember on wednesday morning before you came to work to buy a broccolli for that day only).

Sunday – 120 grms of boiled rice with 1 tomato (raw and cut) in the blender with a big clove of garlic and 1 teaspoon of oregano and parsley (also one rounded tea spoon of wheat grass powder). When ready to blend remeber to put, a teaspoon of Tahini, 1 tablespoon of extra virginolive Oil and a half of a jar of olives + juice of the half lemon.( the wheat grass goes into it because on sunday supper we have no soup so the wheat grass has to go into the lunch) and a clove of garlic)

Note - Everyday for lunch Elfrid has a cup of soup with a rounded tea spoon of wheat grass powder stired well . (on sundays there is no soup, so the wheatgrass powder goes to the food)
After lunch the PA needs to leave on the table a cup of magnetised water with a table spoon of homemade honegar ; 5 drops of flower's remedies ( the evening ones becuse the second dosses of the morning one has been put into the soup or on Sundays into the food) into a cup of juice. When neccesary you leave also on the table an open bag of non organic walnuts.

Monday – One omellete of three eggs with two big cloves of garlic and 100 grams of well scratched crisps (Kettle, lightly salted, 150 grams but after scratching you will use only 100 g); put in the frying pan 2 tb spoons of olive oil.
Tuesday–60 grams of Quinoa, that has been washed and boiled, 1 teaspoon of the following: oregano, parsley and thyme, one tablespoon of each seaweed approx 5 grams of each), soaked for 10 mins before using, 1/4 jar of olives, one clove of garlic , half of Avocado adjust the salt + 2 tbs of olive oil
(remember to put to defrost the cod for Wednesday lunch together with 50 grams of cockless)
Wednesday – with the boiling of one aubergine and onion blend well with 1 medium clove of garlic, 2 fresh tomatoes & 1 tea spoon of: rosemary, oregano, thyme and parsley.(remember to put to defrost squid , for thursday lunch).
Thursday – You need to put in the blender 20 gr of goat's milk cheese (1 ball) plus the grounding of 1 table spoon of hempseeds, a pinch of tumeric, a half avocado also 40 grams of quinoa , 1 cloves of garlic, 30 seeds of mustard, 20 olives,1 teaspoon of Kombu seaweed soaked for 10 mins, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and the juice of half lemon, all in the blender with 1 tea spoon of the following: rosemary, oregano, thyme and mint. Blended all together.
(remeber to take from the freezer and put in the fridge one steak or loin of swordfish so it will be defrosted for fridays lunch; as well with 50 grams of cockless)
Friday – 200 of spinach, 50g of boiled potatoes, a white of a boiled egg , 75g of beetroot, 1 tea spoon of the following : rosemary, oregano,and thyme, juice of half a lemon, and 1 clove of garlic, all of this is blended together with 5-6 grams teaspoon of Wakame seaweed soaked for 10 mins
(Remember to take out of 75 grams of frozen anchiovies for Saturdays supper)
Saturday - In the blender you put 75gms anchioves (that have been washed, soaking for ten minutes). one clove of garlic, a tea spoon of the following: rosemary, 1 teaspoon of Arame seaweed soaked for 10 mins, oregano, thyme and parsley, a quarter jar of olives. Add 2 table spoons of olive oil, the juice of half lemon, 75 grms of quinoa , 20 grms of goats cheese (1 ball) .(remember to take from the freezer and put in the fridge 100grms of mussels so they will be ready for sunday supper)
Sunday – Vegetable Salad. With the white of a boiled egg you put 75grs of boiled carrots that have to be washed and together with this you put ¼ of a jar of olives plus 1 tablespoon of olive oil, the juice of a half lemon and a pinch of turmeric. All of this is blended well together with 100 grms of already defrosed mussels. (rember to take out of freezer put into the fridge one tuna steak for monday lunch with 25 grams of cockless)

NOTE: whether it is supper or luch Elfrid has no drink with it as the soup is suppoused to be food as there is no obvious drink for supper the evening medication that ideally should be taken 12 hrs apart from the morning one because it has the anti hiv combination is taken with a less than a third of a cup with magnetised water after the food.Before he gets into bed, later, he takes his melatonin tablet with just a little bit of magnetised water.
The mate tea is for breakfast.
Put One good teaspoon of Mate Tea into a cup and a few drops of cold magnetised water enough to wet the mate,then put 3/4 of hot boilig (also magnetised) water. Leave to brew in the mug(Covered) for FIVE minutes and then drain the water off pouring through the sieve into another cup,or mug.Then sweaten it with Sweatener called ZYLOSWEET(One Teaspoon and stir well):Once this is done you add five drops of the FLOWER REMEDIES that are prepared in the living room,and then give to Elfrid with one straw,that could be the one used to give him the water with TEA TREE,but make sure that the liquid has cooled enough,if needed add a bit of cold water before giving it to him.

Soup (for lunch)
that is made fresh every monday and thursday morning and consists of putting in a pot 2 tbs of olive oil,1 tbs of each of the seaweeds, 200grms of carrot, a table spoon of kombu seaweed and 1500mils of magnetised water; after 7 minutes of putting this add 1 pealed orange and 165 grams of celery;two mins after you add a whole bad of spinach together with one tbs spoon of the following sea weeds: Wakame and Arame; finally 2 mins after this last one you add 2 fresh tomatoes (small). Once everything seems to be well cooked we take the pot away from the hod and we add 250 grams of already beetrot and we allow the whole soup to cool down. More or less after half and hour of it cooling we add one grouded table spoon of the following seeds: sunflower pumpkin, lin and hemp; after stirring the seeds well in the cool soup you blend well with six cloves of garlic and the juice of half of a lemon; adjust the salt if neccesary. After blended there should be enough portions for three days but no more than three days.

The lemon drink is for supper.
consists of a lemon drink that is made as follows: put in the blender 300ml of filter water,1 whole lemon(to which the seeds had been taken out never peelled, and cut in 8) and 1 tblspoon of extra virgin olive oil, blend well for 3 minutes and then siev (pressing with a spoon in order to get the maximum of the liquid) all of this into a special cup (one of those that have 2 handles).

Everyday after lunch Elfrid has on the table 2 drinks. First drink Honegar with water (500 grams of honey to 500 grams of cider vinegar blended together for ten mins(the honey if necessary needs to be boiled in the container to make it soft)).

The other drink is the juice; you put in the blender 1 large banana pink grapefruip (pink one tastes less bitter) and one pinch of ginger; you blen for about 3 mins and then pass through a sieve into a cup.

On wednesday and friday for lunch I have home made yogurt. this yougurt made form kefir grains that takes approx 16 to 20 days to be made; after a few days of the kefir grains "meeting the goats milk (full fat as aparently semi skimmed has added flavour so its not very natural) about half of the quantity will be converted into whey that I drink it because is very beneficial for my gut once the kefir converts the milk into yogurt get the kefir grains out because if not it becomes too thick and therefore very difficult to separate the grains from the yogurt,

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

1st of January 2008

Well I told you that I was not going to post anything in the rest of the year of 2007 and so I did; but now we are in a New Year so I will.

Last Wednesday, boxing day, in the afternoon I was feeling not very well with the old migraine pain on the right side of my head and stomach pains that I identify as pancreas or more exactly the spleen; that night I went to bed quite early and I slept nearly 11 hours therefore allowing my body to heal itself and next day I asked my assistant to search the Internet for something that could be food like and good for the spleen and we found the following document. I publish it but obviously its not my writing so I hope there will be no problem.

The Spleen

Just as the Earth is the centre of the cosmos from the viewpoint of a human being, 'Earth's Organ', the Spleen, is seen as holding a central place in the human body. Our well-being can be seen as dependent on our ability to absorb and process nourishment. This is the realm of the Spleen in Chinese medicine. The Spleen is responsible for providing the nourishment which supports all aspects of healthy functioning. It is an Organ of transformation and nourishment.Through the transforming action of the Spleen food becomes nutritional substances, information is digested and transformed into knowledge and sensual experience is received and transformed into a core sense of well-being. It is also through the Spleen that healing energy is received into the body . The Spleen is responsible for nourishment. A strong Spleen ensures that a person is well nourished. A weak Spleen may result in being undernourished. At the physical level it is possible to eat a good diet yet not be strong enough to convert the food into proper nourishment. At the emotional level one may be in an apparently nourishing situation yet still be unable to receive the available nourishment.In the history of Chinese medicine whole schools have grown up around the idea that in the treatment of all illness we must first address the Spleen and its paired Organ, the Stomach. Without this central ability to transform food and experiences into nourishment, life lacks its central support. So let us look a little more closely at the realm of the Spleen and how we can support and strengthen Spleen energy.The Spleen's Physical RealmThe Spleen's transformative action is best embodied in the digestive process and the Spleen may be taken to refer to the whole digestive tract from mouth to anus and all the various juices and transformative agents released along the way. This includes the pancreas which secretes enzymes into the small intestine to assist in the assimilation of nutrients. One measure of the Spleen's strength is the vigour of the digestive system. Its transformative action converts food into Blood and Qi.The strength of Blood and Qi are, therefore, significantly dependent on the Spleen. The nourishment generated by the Spleen is transported along the meridians, through the soft tissues of the body. The Blood and Qi, derived from the original transformation within the digestive system, invigorate the soft tissues and give them tone. Soft tissues support the structure of the physical body, keeping things in place, holding up the body and giving it shape. With poor tone in the soft tissues a body feels and looks saggy and in extreme cases may suffer from prolapse. When the Spleen is strong, physical vitality is also strong and the soft tissues provide the body with good support. The Spleen may therefore be seen as the provider of the body's physical tone.The Spleen's Non-Physical RealmThe Spleen is said to house the power of Thought, the 'Yi' of Chinese medicine, the power to concentrate and apply the mind. This is an odd concept to the western mind, so what does it mean? The digestive process is mirrored at the mental level by the thinking process. Digestion begins with a desire to eat which leads to the intake of food. The food is then sorted into what is usable and sent to where it can be used or stored in the body. What cannot be used is excreted. The thinking process follows a similar path: the desire for knowledge leads to the intake of information which is then sifted and sorted. Whatever can be put to immediate use is applied and the rest is stored for later. Irrelevant or unusable information is rejected and forgotten.Our everyday language reflects just how similar and related these processes are. We talk of 'food for thought', of being 'unable to digest certain information', of 'verbal diarrhoea', of 'eating our words', of 'chewing over an idea'. Most of us will also recognise more obvious physical connections such as being unable to concentrate after eating too much, or developing food cravings during intense periods of study or not being able to eat when we are worried (a knotted form of thinking). The Latin proverb Mens sana in corpore sano, a healthy mind in a healthy body, underlines the relationship between physical vitality and mental alertness.If the Spleen governs the power of thought at the mental level, at the emotional level it governs feelings of concern both for self and for others. A healthy concern for our own needs leads us to nourish ourselves emotionally and, if we are ourselves emotionally nourished, we can give appropriate nourishment to those we care about. Strong Spleen energy lays the groundwork for a healthy emotional life in which needs are satisfied; we are able to overflow into life with generosity rather than grasp at life from a hungry place of lack.Turned inward, concern may become self-concern, a self-absorption which leads to Stagnation of energy. Turned outward, concern may become overconcern for the needs of others where, like the naked man who offers another a coat, we project our own need onto others and give from an unbalanced place. This perpetuates a distortion of Spleen energy into the wider community.Psychologically the Spleen also has to do with issues of nourishment and support. Spleen energy is mature when we are able to nourish ourselves from within, when we feel self-supporting and are not driven so much by need but by an overflowing of our own abundance. This is a tall order! In a culture where traditional systems of support (the sense of community, tribe, family) have largely broken down, most people experience a crying out for support and nourishment. To work with the Spleen we need to work with emotional nourishment as well as physical.Archetypally the Spleen is related to the mother. In the process of growing up the needs that are initially provided for by the mother are increasingly provided for by the growing child itself. Eventually a person develops an 'internal mother', an ability to find comfort and nourishment from within. At this point in development the Spleen energy can be said to mature.The Well-Nourished SpleenAbundant Spleen energy will tend to generate a deep inner sense of well-being and a wonderful sense of ease and comfort in the body. We feel content, enjoy the pleasures of life, and have a deep relationship with our own sensuality. We feel abundant at all levels, equally able to give and receive generously. Digestion is relaxed and efficient, the body feels supported and toned, the mind is clear and able to concentrate well. We are grounded, as in touch with the earth as we are with our body, and we rest secure in the knowledge that we are safe and deservedly looked after by the divine Mother, Providence or whatever name we give to the provider of our needs. When the Spleen is in disharmony there is usually a poor ability to digest food. This will often be mirrored by a decreased ability to receive emotional nourishment. Often weak concentration is linked with difficulty in sifting and sorting nutrients in the physical body. Sometimes, when deeply hungry for love, we turn instead to food to bury our pain. When feeling emotionally unnourished the body may contract and impede the flow of nourishment into the soft tissues; or the posture may collapse, especially the middle section of the torso and at the lumbar-sacral joint, giving up in both an emotional and physical sense.Nourishing the Spleen The Spleen loves touch. Anything we can do to feed ourselves at this most fundamental level will strengthen the Spleen. Deprived of touch, the human being shrivels up, behaves crazily and sinks into depression. Touch is as fundamental a need as food, so supporting the Spleen also means entering a deeply sensual relationship with the body. To receive bodywork, to cuddle friends and family, to touch oneself lovingly: all these are ways to strengthen the Spleen. Often we focus on food when in fact this other fundamental need, the need for contact, is the secret cure.We can maintain the tone and free flow of nourishment in soft tissues by stretching. The Spleen loves to stretch. Stretching eases constriction and opens the flow of nutrients into the muscles. It is a good way to enter into a relaxed relationship with the body. Other ways include learning how to fall, crawl and roll around on the ground. This playful approach reconnects with the earth and helps the body develop trust in the earth's support. When we innately trust the earth to support us, internal resistance to gravity softens, our energy becomes more grounded and the effort used in holding the body upright can be freed to give the body more vitality.Touch, stretching and physically reconnecting to the earth all direct us to becoming more fully embodied. Being comfortably at home in the body is the natural expression of Spleen energy. In the touch-deprived, over-sedentary and ungrounded lifestyle typical of modern culture, the Spleen has a hard time. Of all the Organs, the Spleen is the most commonly deficient.As well as finding groundedness in the body, we can create grounding in our daily lives. We can do this by creating structure and routine in the otherwise chaotic nature of daily life. A structured life is a Spleen-supportive life. This may be as simple as creating a daily space to drink tea, meditate, sit with a book, write in a journal, massage the body, anything which nourishes. It may also mean eating regular meals or keeping regular sleeping and waking times. Routine and structure create a constant, safe and dependable place in our lives, an external support for the Spleen.We can extend this idea of structure to the physical structure we live in, the home. The home is an external mirror of the internal condition of the Spleen. Creating a comfortable and safe home can also be seen as creating an external support for the Spleen. The Spleen longs for a sense of home and it is no coincidence that people who travel a lot find that their Spleen energy is often put under extra strain. Many illnesses actually have their source in a kind of homesickness, a deep need to feel the security and care that belongs, or should have belonged, to one's childhood home. Creating a sense of home, even when moving from one place to another, will support the Spleen.A short anecdote illustrates this last point. I once fell into conversation with a man on a train in India. When he found out that I worked within the healing professions he asked me what he could do about his chronic sinus congestion. Our conversation eventually led back to his original home which he had left because of his job. It turned out that, although he had been to several doctors and tried many medicines, the sinus problem was relieved by nothing except his return home. At home his sinus problems would vanish. The deep loss of home was simply too stressful for him. From a Chinese medicine point of view, the Spleen processes the moisture in food and produces mucus which the Lung then stores. In his case, the Spleen was weakened through homesickness and unable to properly process the moisture in food, creating an excess of its by-product (mucus).The sense of home is vital to the Spleen's health. Ideally, through the childhood experience of secure and nourishing home life, we develop an internal sense of home which enables us to be at home anywhere, independent of place and circumstance. In other words, we become at home in ourselves, accepting of ourselves and comfortably relaxed in our own bodies.Just as it is helpful to stretch and exercise the body, so it is helpful to train the mind. Learning study skills supports the Spleen's function of sifting and sorting information. Clearing out mental clutter, simplifying involvement with the paperwork of modern life, finding ways of working with the perpetually encroaching chaos: these are all ways of supporting the Spleen.The Spleen's emotional territory covers the relationship with needs, and inner feelings of trust and safety. The Spleen calls us to honour our needs and attend to them, to enter a nourishing relationship with ourselves, to become self-nourishing. Unattended to, our needs will find their own way to fulfilment and the more they are ignored the more disruptive this way may be. Asking oneself 'What do I truly need to feel nourished, supported and safe in this world?' is a way of engaging with the Spleen at the emotional level.We can nourish the Spleen in daily life through simple things such as cuddling with someone (even the dog will do!), getting bodywork regularly, making a nesty corner in the home, creating a daily self-nourishing ritual, rolling around on the floor or on the earth, and taking the time to give to ourselves in whatever way we need.Nourishing the Spleen Through FoodThe Spleen likes to feel a satisfied glow of comfort after eating. An eating style that nourishes the Spleen is one that is homely and generous, one that gives attention to the 'feel-good factor', generating a sense of abundance and care.In Chinese medicine the Spleen is said to be nourished by sweet food. This does not mean sugar but rather the deep sweet taste of grains or root vegetables as in rice pudding or pumpkin soup. Generally speaking the Spleen likes well-cooked food such as thick soups or stews which are easy on the digestion; it has more difficulty with raw and cold food. The weaker the Spleen, the more it benefits from well-cooked meals.The Spleen also dislikes being flooded with too much fluid so it is helpful to drink only a little fluid with meals and have most fluid intake between meals. It is helpful to separate fruit and sweetened foods from the main meal, eating them instead as between-meal snacks. This assists the Spleen's function of sifting and sorting and helps reduce digestive fermentation.Chewing well helps the Spleen to digest, and warms chilled or raw food. We can also assist the Spleen by sitting in a relaxed way with an open and untwisted posture. Sitting slumped or twisted will compress the digestive organs and hinder digestion.Aromatic flavours stimulate the digestion, so the inclusion of aromatic herbs and spices in cooking will encourage the Spleen not to become Stagnant. Sweet-flavoured foods, especially foods rich in complex carbohydrates, are used by the Spleen to release energy steadily into the system; they form the centre of a Spleen-supportive diet.Finally, according to the system of correspondences in Chinese medicine it is said that yellow/orange foods such as squash, 'red' lentils or carrot are energetically resonant with the Spleen and will support its functions

Amazing, isn't it? I didn't know so many important facts about the spleen. From now on I pay more attention to it and I have changed already the soup receipe and with my hands I am giving it a lot of body warmth and you know two things that happen already? I sleep better, when I an affraid I feel in company and the migraine pain seems to be less painful.


On a Thursday of the last month of December , more or less, I told you that I was going to get rid of a pseudofrindship using a tactic that I got from the Chapter number 5 of Star Wars; do you remeber? Do you remeber , as well, that I was although determined feeling quite sad about it because some pseudofriendships were hard to give up , well it came out than when I gave up the main pseudofriend some other pseudofriendships that I was not counting with came out to be in the open because I thought of them as "real" friends and then came out to be pseudofriends . So all in all I can say that in the year 2007 I left behind some 20 or 25 people including the death of my mother of whom I am starting to find out some things that I dont like at all.