Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday 26 th of February
Like my greatory most animals and birds in the planet I feel that I am on the move but I happen in the move quite a few month, if no years. The latest change is starting to appear now but it will change much more before it finishes and it is regarding foot. I got a new reading books about TCM regarding food I am going to change immediately the juice and I am thinking already the changing the yam cookie, the amount of fish that I eat (and other things as i continue reading getting more knowledge. About food I neeed tell you that reciepe for Thursday was missing after that last addition soup needed to cook another 2 min before cooling time; this can offer what hsas for me to have to tight everything through somebody elses mind and body I hope you can execuse me.
Another thing that will change is change in the rouitne because I have stopped hopefully you remeber that as part of my exercise routine I was doing a technique called EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT) well last Sunday i decided stop because last Sunday I felt in the every hotpoint when I was having the breakfast and after examine it with the tong I notice a called a sore so I started to take the ACICLOVIR(400MG A TABLET 3 times a day for a as long as a box last) and having to take this one is the my immune system is weak so the EFT was suppose to do physical and spiritual healing for me was not working after nearly 6 month of doing it. I concided with the my close friend about immune system and he said thats the reality for people with virus, he mentionned that when the cold soar appears it usually comes with the company of physical tiredness and a cold; well I did not get a cold, but I was very tired on the Sunday morning.
So I am finding out that many of the suggestions from JOSECHY were good only it will take a healthy person that suddenly becames unhealthy for balance the health but in the case like mine when we have a little balance his suggestions are not helping at all; but it is a little bit late to tell him this as do not count him one of friends anymore.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Suday, 17 February 2008

If I can choose one card of the tarot as the one that I identify the most with I choose THE FULL.
Last night I had a recurrent dream in which I find myself living in a place with other people and every time it's a different place and then i find myself going on a trip using buses or trains and I find myself going into something that seems like a retreat with different a group of people than the one I was with before the trip and after a few days I leave and go back to my former place but here comes the strange thing that i have to pay for the retreat and then I get a taxi to go to the station where i catch a train. This paying and posteriour tripping in the taxi doesn't happen only to me but it happens to everyone attending the retreat, it only happens that I am the last one always and although I have enough money to pay for the retreat I may not have enough money to go back home after the retreat. Well, going to a retreat was done by me a few years ago when I was attending five times a year during 3-4 years THE LONG TERM SURVIVORS GROUP OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV-AIDS. However, last night it came for the first time an image-feeling of myself when I was a teenager, something that hasn't hapened before or at least not in this dream.
If I think deep and hard enough into who I was at that time in my life I find myself as a young boy, not especially attractive, with glasses that seem to be the bottom of a bottle and full of fears and self-doubts, somebody who started to bother about his own sexuality around the age of 17 (a bit late, I think) but who suffered the bullying attention of bulllies from the age of 4 and in consequence tried to "bury" this feeling of inadequacy, of not being a part of the "big picture". This different expression of my creative personality very deep within myself this is why I was such a mess regarding my own feelings and even I planned miticulously to kill myself 4 different times and I wrote about them in diaries from the age of 18 untill the age of 22; I never managed to go ahead with a suicide mainly because i am a coward but basically because although emitionally I was in continuous crisis, spiritually I had a strength that we can see even today and probably because of this will I made up a ring of arrogance around me that although at the beginning was protecting me from other people who unknowingly wanted to harm me later in my life became an empty gap that separated me from everybody else (well, nearly everybody).

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saturday, 16 February 2008

I don't know if you can understand Spanish but yesterday I saw a Spanish movie that was awarded with a GOYA that is the equivalent but on a small scale of BAFTAs in this country, or the OSCARS in America (well, in comparison to the OSCARs much but very much actually smaller) the title is "LA SOLEDAD ERA ESTO". It gives me a very positive insight into my position of being alone or better to say on my own; this insight is not from the point of view of looking at being by yourself in opposition to being in the company of somebody else but from the point of view of if you happen to be alone there is a completely new world to explore about yourself in the company of youself and today I saw another one that is called "STRANGER THAT FICTION" in which it tells you a story of a person that after having his life completely and utterly planned for every day of his life finds that he needs to break away from his own routine what means that he needs to break away from the planner and the consequences of what is being planned for him but without him and of course he has to go through an accident or body injury that makes him to be completely free so the price of his freedom is risk but there is life at the end nonetheless.
So I take the messages from this two movies and with the one I got from other previous movies and by talking to people I make up my mind of how my life has to change and I am starting to do so already with the first step as breaking of pseudo friendships that I talked about before (the latest chapter in that point was that although I pass a message to those pseudo friends for acting regarding me as if I didn't exist they do that for nearly everything but there is something that still has been left up to my previous existense and it's up to me to react according to the new existence in which they are not included)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday the 10th of February

Here I give you my new weekly menu. It has the changes that I told boefore like reducing the citrics like lemon, reducing seaweeds because they are suppoused to clear toxics from the diet but lets face it I dont have that many toxins in my diet or less seeds in general because, although I still keep the ones for breakfast, seeds are suppoused to water the insids quite a lot and from a chinese food mediceine point of view take them to be quite watery and I do have quite a lot of water in my system. Three new tyhings that I have that I didn before areyam, ume, and sweet potatoes; I also have inluded in my diet alfalfa sprouts , water cress, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts and black beans; all of this is influenced in the new inside that I have in chinese eating and cooking as a therapy.

The books I have been reading about chinese are , well I find them , very much orientated to a professional mind and this is hardly my case so I am hoping to see whether Nick Maters, my accupuncturist, will lend me a more accesible book in this subject.

Aahh one thing I am forgeting is that I have the soup receipe; now the soup receipe becomes two and basically one is yang (tho monday one) while the other is ying (the Thursday one) and until I changed them and even even when I do they will remain ying and yand because I wnat o have that sort of balance whether is winter (ying) or summer (yang).

Everyday (Monday to Sunday) the breakfast is devided into 3 stages. First consist of a cup of magnetised water (look warm) with a drop of a teat tree oil and the morning medication (this one needs to be given to Elfrid as soon as possible while he is still in bed); Ten or 15 mins later Elfrid has the second part of the breakfast that is a cup of matte tea that has been brewing for 5 mins with a well stirred rouded tea spoon of lions mane and a lavel tea spoon of xylitol; abuot five or ten minutes later comes the porridge that it will be 75 grams of scottish porridge oats and the grounding of 4 brazil nuts, 3 walnuts (6 halves), 1 yam cookie with 1 teaspoon of the following: pumpkin, sunflower, lin and hepm seeds - grounded well and mixed with the porridge. All of this is mixed with rice milk and put in the microwave for 1 min, when it comes out you stir it well and add more rice milk if necessary before serving put for 30 sec in microvawe then put a tea spoon of cinnamon powder-stiring it well add more rice milk if necessary.

NOTE: Everyday around the end of the morning begining of the afternoon Elfrid has the smoothie/juice (on Sundays when he has this he has also the afternoon medication).


MONDAY- 150grms of buckwheat pasta, then you blend with the frying of one quarter of a steak of tuna of tuna fish that has been defrosted to which has been added two tbls spoons of extra virginolive oil, 25 grams of cockless (that have been defrosted, with the tuna, from the day before), a chopped and crushced clove of garlic, one tea spoon of the following: chives, oregano and parsley and capers (washed), add salt if necceaasy. (don't blend it too well because Elfrid likes to chew a little bit) In the blender you put another clove of garlic and 25 mustard seeds.(remeber to peel and boil the sweet potatoes so they will be ready for supper and leave soaking the seaweed also)
Tuesday – Half of butternut squash (or whole one depending on size) that needs to be steamed , The butternut squash is blended together with 1/2 jar of anchovies plus the the juice of a whole lemon and 1 teaspoon of chives (remember to leave soaking a tea spoon of each seaweeds, that is approx 5grams of each also rember to boil the quinoa)
Wednesday –Defrosted half of a steak of cod that has been stir fried in the wok with 2 tbs of olive oil, 50 grams of cockless (also defrosted) and one clove of garlic then blended together with 150 grams of quinoa. In the blender you need to add 1 clove of garlic, less that half of goats milk yogurt (this is kefir yogurt home made), a tea spoon of capers that have been washed , 1 teaspoon of chives and 1 teaspoon of brown Sugar and adjust the salt. (remeber to boil the Aubergine and onion for supper)
Thursday – you put in the wok 2 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil, half of squid that has been defrosted since wednesday evening, two chopped cloves of garlic and one tea spoon of the following: parsley, thyme and chives. when done you put in the blender with 175 grams of rice and another clove of garlic and adjust the salt , blend well.(remember to leave soaking 1 tea spoon of Kombu seaweed and to to boil 40 grams of quinoa)

Friday – 125 grams of rice blended with the frying of a qurter of a steak of sword fish that is defrosted together 50 grams of cockles ( when you put in the wok the swordfish need to be cut in 4 pices) add tea spoon of the following orgena, reosemary, tyme and chives also add a chopped clove of garlic; all of this has to be fried with 2tb spoons of extra virging olive oil. Once the fish is ready you add less that one half of goats milk yogurt (home made) and a tea spoon of capers (washed) + 1 tea spoon of brown sugar Adjust the salt.. Blend well with an extra clove of garlic.
Saturday – 75 grms of boiled basmati brown rice blended with 150g of steamed broccolli and 1 regular size carrot, that need to be steamed also,(100g aprox.) In the blender you need to put the rice and the steamed vegs and eight olives .You blend it well and serve Adjust the salt .(remember to boil 100grams of quinoa for supper).
Sunday – 120 grms of boiled rice with 1 tomato (raw and cut) in the blender with a big clove of garlic and 1 teaspoon of oregano and parsley (also one rounded tea spoon of wheat grass powder). When ready to blend remeber to put, a teaspoon of Tahini, 1 tablespoon of extra virginolive Oil and a half of a jar of olives + 1 tbs of cider Vinegar.( the wheat grass goes into it because on sunday supper we have no soup so the wheat grass has to go into the lunch) and a clove of garlic remember to boil and peel it firs the sweet potatoesand to boil only the carrots and egg)

Note - Monday to Saturday Elfrid has a pice of fruit steamed (between 10 and 12 minutes), pealed and cut in quaters; so the lunch is as followas first the cup of soup then the main dish and after the steamed fruit (Monday and Thursday is apple, Tuesday and Friday is pear, finnaly Wednesday and Saturday is mango. No fruit on Sunday). Also Monday to Saturday for lunch Elfrid has a cup of soup with a rounded tea spoon of wheat grass powder stired well . (on sundays there is no soup, so the wheatgrass powder goes to the food)
After lunch the PA needs to leave on the table a cup of magnetised water with a table spoon of homemade honegar, 5 drops of flower's remedies ( the evening ones becuse the second dosses of the morning one has been added to the soup or on Sundays to the food) .
Please make sure that the food is always look warm never cold.

Monday – 75 grams of sweet potatos warmed in the wok together with 1 whole boiled egg, the sea weed that has been soaking all afternoon, 1/2 of a jar of pitted olives and a generous pinch of ginger. Once warmed in a wok this is put in the blender with one tea spoon of umeboshi . Blend well.
Tuesday–60 grams of Quinoa, 1 teaspoon of the following: oregano, parsley and thyme, the seaweed that has been soaking since the lunch time , one clove of garlic , half of Avocado + 1 tbs of olive oil. All of this has to be warmed up in the wok before blending it adjusting the salt if neccesary.(remember to put to defrost half of one cod steak for Wednesday lunch together with 50 grams of cockless)
Wednesday –after warming up in the wok one aubergine, one medium onion, one clove of garlic , 2 fresh tomatoes, a tea spoon of: rosemary, oregano, thyme and parsley blend well (remember to put to defrost half of a squid , for thursday lunch ).
Thursday – You need to put in the blender (after warming up in the wok with the exeption of the olives) the grounding of 1 table spoon of hempseeds, a pinch of tumeric, a half avocado also 40 grams of quinoa , 1 cloves of garlic, 20 olives,the seaweed that has been soaking from the lunch time, 1 tablespoon of olive oil ,1 tbs of cider vinegar all in the blender with 1 tea spoon of the following: rosemary, oregano, thyme and mint. Blended all together. Adjust the salt.
(remeber to take from the freezer and put in the fridge one quarter of a steak or loin of swordfish so it will be defrosted for fridays lunch; as well with 50 grams of cockless)
Friday – A whole packet of beetroot and also of alfalfa sprouts and four halves of bamboo shoots are warmed up before blending well (when blending add 1 teaspoon of UMEBOSHI). (Remember to take out 50 grams of frozen anchiovies for Saturdays supper)
Saturday - In the blender (again after warming it up in the wok with the exeption of the anchovies and olives) you put 50 gms anchioves (that have been washed and soaking for ten minutes). one clove of garlic, a tea spoon of the following: rosemary, oregano, thyme and parsley, a quarter jar of olives . Add 1 table spoon of olive oil, 100 grms of quinoa , .(remember to take from the freezer and put in the fridge 100grms of mussels so they will be ready for sunday supper)
Sunday – 75 grams of sweet potatoes, 100 grams of defrosted muscless, the white of a boiled egg, 75grs of carrots together with this you put a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of turmeric. All of this has to be warmed up before blending it well. When you blend you add ¼ of a jar of olives, one tea spoon of umeboshi and another tea spoon of Vinegar, blend well. (remember to put to defrost a qurter of a tuna steak and 25 grams of cockles, also remember to leave soaking over night for next days soup a qurter of a cup of black beans)

NOTE: whether it is supper or luch Elfrid has no drink with it as the soup is suppoused to be food. as there is no obvious drink for supper the evening medication is taken with a less than a third of a cup (look warm) magnetised water after the food.Before he gets into bed, later, he takes his melatonin tablet and the anti Hiv medication that has to be taken ideally 12 hrs apart from the morning one with just a little bit of magnetised water (again look warm).
Remeber that all the supers need to be slightly warmed in the wok before blending them.
Soup (for lunch)
that is made fresh every Monday and Thursday but its a different receipe for each day.
Monday Soup. You put in a pot 2 tbs of olive oil, 1500 mils of magnetised water, the black beans that have been soaking over night and 3 water chestnuts, for half an hour but after 18 mins of this half of an hour you put 100 grms of carrots and after 2 mins of this you add half of a bunch of asparagus (remember to cut off the thick part), after 4 minuts of this cooking you add 100 grams of celery and one peeled cucumber; after two minutes of this last two things we add 6 halves of bamboo shoots andwhen its left only one min for all of it to be cooked you add a full bag of an already cooked in natural water beetroot (250 grms). Now the whole soup is allowed to cool down for about half an hour and then we add 1 tbs spoon of grounded black sesame seeds, half of level tea spoon of dried ginger and the juice of a half a lemon, after stirring well, you blend well well and divide in 3 portions putting them in the fridge.
Thursday Soup. You put in a pot 2 tbs of olive oil, 1500 mils of magnetised water, 3 water chestnuts, for half an hour but after 18 mins of this half of an hour you put 100 grms of carrots and after 2 mins of this you add the pepper (red or yellow), after 4 minuts of this cooking you add 100 grams of celery, one peeled cucumber and 100 grms of broccoli; after 4 minutes of putting these last three things we add 1 whole bag of spinach and another of watercress plus two tomatoes. Now the whole soup is allowed to cool down for about half an hour, then we add 1 tbs spoon of grounded black sesame seeds, half of a level tea spoon of dried ginger and the juice of a half a lemon; after stirring well you blend well well and divide in 3 portions putting them in the fridge.
The mate tea is for breakfast.
Put One good teaspoon of Mate Tea into a cup and a few drops of cold magnetised water enough to wet the mate,then put 3/4 of hot boilig (also magnetised) water. Leave to brew in the mug(Covered) for FIVE minutes and then drain the water off pouring through the sieve into another cup,or mug.Then sweaten it with Sweatener called ZYLOSWEET(One Teaspoon and stir well):Once this is done you add five drops of the FLOWER REMEDIES that are prepared in the living room,and then give to Elfrid with one straw,that could be the one used to give him the water with TEA TREE,but make sure that the liquid has cooled enough,if needed add a bit of cold water before giving it to him.

Everyday after lunch there is one drink left on the table, home made honegar with water (the buch of home made honegar is made as follows 500 grams of organic honey put to 500 mils of cider vinegar blended together for ten mins ,the honey if necessary needs to be boiled in the container to make it soft. Through a funnel into a one litre bottle ).

There is one other drink that is made in the late morning or early afternoon but it thas to be drunk 1 hour before the lunch ; you put in the blender 1 large banana, 150 mls of carnberry juice and one pinch generous of ginger; you blend for about 1 mins and then poured into a cup, served with a straw.
Remeber to get out of the fridge so it can get the room temperature for one hour before the banana and the cranberry juice.

On wednesday and friday for lunch I have home made yogurt. this yougurt made form kefir grains that takes approx 16 to 20 days to be made; after a few days of the kefir grains "meeting the goats milk (full fat as aparently semi skimmed has added flavour so its not very natural) about half of the quantity will be converted into whey that I drink it because is very beneficial for my gut once the kefir converts the milk into yogurt get the kefir grains out because if not it becomes too thick and therefore very difficult to separate the grains from the yogurt,

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Tuesday 5th of February
This is my new medication list;
It has a new medication, it's name is ASTRAGALUS (Astragalus Membranaseus, Ingredients: Astragalus Pure Powdered Herb -460mg, Capsule Shell Vegetable Cellulose - 95mg; each capsule has got 460mg)
And I take a 4 capsules a day as you can see in the medication list.
I first heard about Astragalus in conjuction with olive leave extract in the TV "day time " programm of RICHARD AND JUDY but I heard one year later that Astragalus was not good for continious use; now I hear I can take continiuosly and I take every day. First I bought from a company that asked me 47 pounds 70 pences for 5 month but after I bought it I find out that I can get it from the American company Doctor Trust for only 32 pounds every 15 month so as it is much cheaper, I bought rest off from them.

Olive Leaf 1
Emtricitabine 1
Raltegravir 1
Vinpocentine(Perwinkle) 1
Astragallus 1
The breakfast is given in 3 stages. First one is a cup of magnetised water with a drop of teatree and the medication. Second after about 10 or 15 mins a cup of mate tea with a well stirred rouded tea spoon of lions mane and a level xylitol; The third stage cosist of a solid breakfast to which 5 drops of the morning flower remedies are added. Monday to Saturday Elfrid will have the afternoon medication with the soup but on Sundays this medication will go with the juice that takes sometime arround the end of the morning and the begining of the afternoon.
Neem Leaf 2
Astragallus 2
For lunch elfrid has the soup with a well stirred tea spoon of wheat grass powder and 5 drops of flower remedies. After lunch on the table the PA needs to leave 1 cup of juice to which 5 drops of flower remedies are added, and a cup with honegar and magnetised water; when neccesary the PA needs to leave also a bag of non organic walnuts with scissors.
Vinpocentine(Perwinkle) 1
Olive Leaf 1
Atazanavir 2
Astragallus 1
The medication taken with the supper is now taken with less that a third of magnetised water after the food.
When Elfrid is ready to go to bed he will take the melatonin and raltegravir sipping a little bit (but a ne buch) of this water.
Melatonin 1
Raltegravir 1
On Mondays remember to change the water in the bedside table with (two drops) of water violet (flower remedy) (1 drop) and Walnut flower remedy (1 drop); remember that in that same day the PA needs to change the water (magnetised) in the containers on the sides of the little altar in the living room and the one by the radio that has a little stone.