Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednesday 18th of October
More little secrets/knowlegde.
When we are talking about essential oils whenever possible use natural ones, they seem to be working better.For when u need relaxation u can use lavender;u can put a few drops in a incense burner or u can have a few drops in a tissue and smeel it from time to time or u can even buy a candle with lavender but check if its natural;u can use indian icense bars but they tend to dry the atmosphere of the room quite a lot so if u want some humidity forget about it otherwise they are great.U can put also a few drops on the pillow but if what u really want is a natural way of sleeping not just relaxing u can put a few drops of cammomile, my favourite one is roman but there are 2 other varieties german and maroccan;cammomile is also an antiviral so if u do not sleep well cos of a cold or a flew u can use it as well( but remember the best essential oil for anti catarh is thyme). One good way of aromatising ur flat or room is by creating ur own ambient by creating scent from puting up to 30 drops of any essential oil that u may like into 200ml of water that are in the spray bottle;but u can put more drops if u want. U can buy essential oils from ur local health food store but the quantity content in the bottles is usually small and that compare to the price makes it quite expensive so i found that is better to buy bigger quantities (better for the wallet, but never too big).The supplier that i usually use is called G.BALDWINS&Co whose telephone number is 0207 703 5550. U can get also from them Himalayan rock salt in crystals or in rocks.But safter getting it from them i found a cheaper supplier with Nutri Center(also 0207 436 5122).With this last supplier u get discount if u can proof that u are an abitaul reader of "Positive Nation" magazine. We are bombarded with the info that salt is bad for ur health but i found that i can get a lot of suplementation from this kind of salt;it can be a bit (well a lot) more expensive (average kg around £12) but i think is worth while, well i dont go out and i dont have to spend money on fashion either so i can use the little money i get in the things like this that improve my quality of life.
When i have a shower(monday,wednesday and friday) i always put on my arm pits and( this is a "finding" cos this area was getting very enojing) on my groin, testicles and on the base of my penis(dry all this area twice);the deodorant that i use is called PIT ROK natural crystal deodorant, the solid one cos they have also a liquid spray one, i find that the solid one can last for a very long time so extra money that u may spend on salt u may save on deodorant.
As i mention before in the use of Colloidal Silver when i go tto the toilet everday i found that is very healthy after wapping my bottom to wash it ; this the end of the digestive track that starts with the mouth so if we clean our mouth way not clean ur asfinter? About washing ur mouth do not clean only ur teeth but the tongue,ur palat,ur gums and the inside of the cheeks.This is washing the mouth that i do twice a day and i find it very beneficial;whenever i go to the dentist for a regular check up finds it very convinient.Whenever i need to clean my ears from an infection i find very useful to change the enviroment inside the ear.There are 2 choices 1 is alcaline and othe ris acidic;the infections usualy happened in the alcaline enviroment so to put something to change enviroment to acidic is quite good, this enviromental change in my caes usualy is cider vinegar.Cider vinegar i use not only for cleaning my ears but for cleaning everything from glass,mirrors ,lime scale or even worktops in the kitchen(this little secret/knowledge together with putting the sponge i use for wipping my asfinter and the one that i use for helping me in the shower i put in the microwave for 30 seconds.For the shower i use sponge that has an exfoliating side so it is very neccesay to clean it well).
Well for the moment my memory its all it gives me so i see u later.


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