Friday, October 13, 2006

Now I have a little bit more of time than this afternoon so i'll tell you a little bit more about me that might illustrate a little more about how it is possible my daily life.

After reading all this blog so far you might have the impression that i do, just me do, all my rehabilitation life. This is quite far from the truth because i cannot do anything, physical, by myself since i need the assistance/help of my 2 PA in health care and, psychologically, you and all my friends and family that, all of you have the immense contribution, by listening and this is quite something. For example for the last few days i have been softer regarding my character and this is only by pouring my heart and head out here in this blog.

So you can assume that i am no hero at all. However in 1993 i did 2 courses that helped me alot now and then. One was holistic massage therapy for which i had before an introduction to human biology and i study anatomy and physiology but any body could approach this by simply having an anatomy colouring book and then you will know where everything in the body is simply by putting colour into it (not a great secret); the other course was aromatherapy that gave me a great insight into how nature can have ways of healing things and i started to think of a way in which we could heal the body from HIV not by attacking HIV but by changing its environment, this position has been never explored and dont ask me why. So these 2 therapies ( masssge and aromatherpy ) together with rekki(l and ll) made possible for me to start with the help of my carers / assistants my contribution to my physical rehabilitation. At the beginning of it since i was still full of much fear and i had to call the help of anybody who offerred the knowledge (that was my merit to know who to ask) but after a few years( lets face it is yes) I have managed to control the process of my rehabilitation and this is what i am doing for the last few days here; all this that i am achieving is being achived by putting in practice process so it is this the one you should copy not me, i have achieved nothing, nothing at all, all of this "dream" reality of mine is nothing without the help of science or God's miracle; the physical reality is a fantastic "dream" body but i cannot do anything with it because after all of this is lacking coordination and the PML is not giving it to me.


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