Monday, October 09, 2006

In order to start the week i will tell u how is gone so far the sleeping.On Friday and maybe cos of the little somke and perhaps i did eat a big pack of crisps(and the salt contant made me to retain the liquids in my body) i slept whole night without any problem.Saturday i slept most of the night and whenever i woke up within 5 minutes i was sleeping again like a "baby" but last night it happend the same story all over again;Instead of waking up at the regular 3.15am it was at 3.45am so half an hour later;Thinking i was going to have another night like i had on Saturday i tried to go back to sleep but after 1 hour and 3 quarters i "realise" that was not going to be the same night like saturday at all so i started to do my exercise routine.I dont know if this ia a sign of the moon growing or is just AIDS.Anyway i tell u tomorrow.


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