Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday 6th of October
I am going to introduce u now into my second bedroom; this is my bedroom and as u can see it has only one single bed so i am not sharing it with anybody(Ha,ha, joke,SORRY!-i wish).
It is in here where i do the rest of the bed exercises where i listen to radio once i finish them in the morning and i listen to it again before i fall asleep and sometimes i will listen to it in the middle of the night if i wake up. As u can see i had a bonsai but these photos were taken on monday, today is friday and i took the decision to part company with the bonsai,cos it was dead yesterday.According with the book i told u yesterday ("sacred space" by Dennis Linn) thisd i9s thwe room corespondent to family ancestors so i had enough dead people in my room already(ha,ha,ha, another joke SORRY!).Cos the bed is electric athught u can not see it now it helps me very much to do my final part in the exercise rutine that is once i finish the hands and arms exercises i sit up in the bed (ah! by the way, i nearly forgot the towel that u see by the end of the bed oce is folded 5 times i use it as my pillow) to do the next position that is closing my right leg ont5o the left one and with it bent with my left arm i push it towards my left and i count to 20 so after this crossing leg i do the same crossing with the left leg on top of the right one;After this usually i cross my legs like the native american indians and i do now what is the reflexology pressure on the rtip of the fingers and then the vision therapy holding each finger, this exercise usually take between 20-40 minutes each rutine so would be about 40-80 minutes in total but my minimum time is on 14 minutes each.Once i have finished this i do 2 more that are for inproving my speech, the first one is having the lips like before making a face like you are sad u move the lips to ur left and then right holding each time for about 3 seconds;This next exercise i got it from my yesteryears when i was thinking to become an actor,a classical one and in the classical training there was pronenciation that i did use piano and a metronom, the first time we went into a stage we had to speak using verse and i ordwer to pronaunce and speak clearly enough we were told the way of warming up the voice that could be used i only ver,very speringly that was to put a long peice of a cylinder like a empty shell of a pen or ur own index finger and then u had to talk a little bit with that find under ur tongue, i would make u to speak nonsense while u had it in the mouth but u would speak very well after, the reason to use it very few times only was cos there are muscles(like the tongue) that will get acosumte of it if it was used more often but since i was speaking really badly anyway i thought that would not do me any harm.The result was good i think or i hope.
Next i will put the towel that is making my pillow onto the end of the bed, open and that inclination of the upper body together with having the legs crossed like a native american indian would help me to do my next exercise that is to amke the shuolder plates to get together in my back of course;this is an exercise i took from Madonna's rutine to keep her breats up and youthfull.From this position i rest my back against the matterace and with the palms of my hands resting on my tights facing upwards i try to breath ni and out 10 times holding the braeth out for about 4-5 seconds(i found out that this is a very exercise against the llipodistrophy that is usualy caused by the hospital medication.Still with the legs cross i go into do would i would be called a "buddha position" in which with my left hand resting on the thigh and facing upwards i join the small finger with the anular, the middle one touching the center of the palm and the index and thumb touch on the tip of the fingers while the right hand is held up in facing the end of the bed and then cos my lounges has been extended with the previous exercise i do pronaunce the sylabus "om" but dividing that into O and M;been the O sound six times then i do combine the OM once after which i do M only 6 times and i finish with combining again with OM.This exercise i do cos it give with the vabration of the sounds an internal masaage to the thymus glant but i discovered that the vibrations resonate in more patrs of the body so when i do them i also think of the kidneys.The affect of the internal massage when u do singing or shanting was disovered about 5 years ago by german scientist.
From this i go into lifting my arms and hands above my head pronauncing a few consonants from the alphabet that i have more difficulties with(i discover the ones i need by working with a speech therapist).Once i finish this one i close my hands into a feats and i thank whoever might helping me from another realm.
I conclude this individual set of exercises with 2 more positions.One position is by sliding the foot of my left leg up the right leg 5 times and then the other leg vice versa( of course i have finished the cross leged position).Finally i turn over on the bed and i lay on my stomach when i try to lift each leg for about 5 seconds 10 times ;then i hold my foot with the hands still laying on the stomach and i count to 20;and i finish this position with doing something that i call sun taning cos when we happened to be on the beach and we want to be tanned on the back we can lay flat or if we tend to be nosy like me we may want to know what hapends close by and we my lift the upper part of the body holding it with the elbows and i count 20 again.
After all of this and the ones that i told u about few days before i wait for the arrival of my morning carrer that help me to do more exercises(after a while u get use to this rutine dont worry)in which he stretch the achilles tendo in both feet, then pulls each leg for 10 second 3 times(sorry as the previous exercise) and finally when i am still laying he stretches up my left leg whileholding the other down with his right hand and then vice versa(again 3 times 10 sec each).This is my exercise rutine with Andy monday to friday only.On weekends i have Betty and with her i do giriating clock wise the hill in each leg ten 10 times and then when i turn over on the bed she does the same movement but on my knees.The once i do for myself i told u before that i do them monday to friday only but this is not true cos io do them mon-saturday and then on sundays i do ashortcut version that last about 1 hour only.


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