Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tuesday 3rd of October
Last night i had another early night. I woke up around quarter past 3am and after half an hour since i know that sleeping is when the body takes time to repair itself and therefor is neccesary, i started to do the exercises while i am in bed that i do every morning from 7am. For whom ever might benefit from this i explain, in detail, those exercises.
First i start with putting my hands onto my eyes(this something i got through informed people from CHI GONG, i hope i am speeling it right, that u need to do by warming the hands first but since i have reiki I and II i think that i have warmth enough in my hands.While i am having the hands on my eyes i tense the muscles between my bottom and my knees for 20 times then on my left leg only(all my left side is the one mostly affected by PML as muscle waist) then i try to do 15 sit ups in which i make my feet to go in extention(sit up) and reteraction(relax).After this i put my hands in the middle of my chest more or less, in the area when it suppose to be the thymus glant(the thymus glant is a very important one for defence/killer T cells or also called limphocytes.This glant was in use by our bodies before starting to growth in tyo adults that is when our bodies create their immune system by creating glants like thymus but in every organ in the body;therefor we have 3 immunes system, no wonder that we have such a messy immune system,in the first year of life our immune system is our mothers then we start to create our sown by having mainly the thymus in the active role and then the thymus goes in atrophy by getting itself full of fat while the body is starting to use the individual glants in the rest of the body like the ones we have behind the ears)and i try to whistle and then i close my eyes very tight and open them very wide 10 times , then i do put my lips like in a sad expression and then i relax them completly also 10 times(this 3 exercises and a few more other ones i have for moving the muscles around my mouth, so i can speak "better").The exercise i do next is by flexing the pireneum muscle and at the same time i try to stress the bones in the back of my neck by getting my chin close to my throat(only do this exercise under the guidance of registered physiotherapist), once i have finished this one i lift my hips while having legs bended 10 times, also i do make my lips to go 10 times to the right side and then 10 times to the left.
After doing this 2 main positions with my legs still bended i do pull my legs towards the chest for 6 times and also six times i extanded up fully into the air( first with left, then right and again left).Still with my legs bended i cross over my right foot onto my left tight and while holding each toe at each time i girate them 15 times to the right and 15 times to the left. Ones done this with the right food i do the same "operation" with my left one.While i am still in bed ones i finish the last exercise i rest completly flat on the bed covered by the bed sheets and i do 6 more exercises.First one is by lifting my forearms up into the air and i try to join by the tip of the fingers of each hand the index and anular fingers;i do this for 15 times.Then i do direct the arms in the elbow going towards the inside of the body for 25 times and then the same movement but outwards.Once i finish this i touch with the hands my shoulders and then the bed by extending them 25 times also.There are only left 2 exercises more and those are base on the principle that the right hands coordinate its movement with a left food and vice versa.First i try to flex the fingers in my hand inside while i flex the toes in my left foot 15 times and then the same on my other hand and foot.Finally i try to extend only the hand ,the right one,up in the air while i do contract the left foot and i do this 30 times in coordination with the same movements in the opossite hand and foot.
Usually by this time i start to get pretty tired but i try to do 2 more exercises before i try to get back to sleep.They are both in the hands and they do not need my body to be uncovered in anyway.This are exercises i got from 2 different therapies, reflexology and vision therapy.The first one is by rotating with the thumb from the opossite hand the tip of every finger; first one hand then the other;this is something i got from reflexology cos is a point, reflex point for the brain.Then i try to hold with one hand every finger in the other and to rotate them 15 times to the left 15 to the right.
I hope u have not fallen to sleep yet.Usually at this time i am ready to do so myself.I continue doing more exercises after changing the alarm clock for 8am but we leave this ones for another time.All in all i do around 4,5 hours of exercises every single day with the exeption of the weekends when i do rest.As i found out that when i do rest my muscles adapt to all the excitmanet they have recieved before so in a way i am exercising althought i am resting.


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