Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tuesday 26th of September
Last night i explained how i arrived to calling me Elfrid from Alfredo. This afternoon i am going to explain you how i got to Walkingtree from Boto Alvarez. The first word Boto is coming from my father and the second one,obviously is coming from my mother. About 23 years ago i paid for the "cote of arms" to be done in Madrid and therefor i know that the family boto represented by 2 red cows are comig from the NW of Portugal where they serve the King of Portugal on the sea (so they were fisherman). This family came to NW of Spain aeround 400 years ago. The family Alvarez his story is a bit more obscure ( perhaps because this name is as common in Spain like the name Patel in India) but perhaps cos i was paying i was told that they were coming from the Romans.
So with such "common" family names no wonder being the "queen" that i am i wanted a surname more "original" and "classy". One day in the late summer of 1995 i was cleaning leaf by leaf, Ficcus and Benjamina that i had in my front room in Queensbridge Road (Hackney) at the time; as i do talk with my plants,well with any plant and also to animals i happened to be saying to the plant when i was cleaning her that she was very beautifull and i tought that she told me back (at least i felt so in my head) that yes but you are more beautifull; i asked har what she mean by saying so and she told me well it's obvious you are a walking tree. At this moment i need to explain that i was starting to walk the path of shamanism so i didn't know what walking tree meant straight away.As i did not understand the name i asked her what she meant by that and she replied that in the scale of evolution on this planet human being were the next step from trees that we could change our roots while trees were always in a fixed place.After a while of thinking with myself i understood this point that a walking tree means human being so a few months later i changed legally my name to Elf-rid Walking-tree but after the suggestion from the lawyer that the signs will be lost in my name the final name was Elf-rid Walkingtree. Therefor meaning my whole name "The human being who speaks or like Elfs". I love it.
Finally after so many years of sufferinf with my own blood family i was able of saying "I am my own family!".
But all in all i have a wonderfull living and life is great.
Next week i will publish some pictures after i become blond and pictures of some of my rooms.


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