Monday, September 25, 2006

This is pretending to be an ongoing diary of what is my beautiful and sometimes horrible life. The title is the only one that i could have accepted by this comercial company. I hope nobody gets put off by it.
My spirit is not more holy then anyones and there is one thruth in the title, my legal name in this country is Elfrid but if i travel out of the country like going to my native Spain i become immediately Alfredo.
If to Alfredo take the letter o at the end will become Alfred.Before Christianity became official religion in Europe Afred became Elfrid;Elfrid is compose of two words Elf and Rid meaning the one who speaks with or like the Elfs; This is because "rid" means "speaking with" or "like".The whole word of Elf-rid is a Saxon word coming from the High Saxony region in north Germany. That when europe became christianiased as it happened with all the pogan symbols began transform into word Alfred.
And although "holy spirit of elfrid" means nothing to me everybody who reads this has to find out that was the only available choice for me to write.


Blogger Unknown said...

What a wonderful tale. I thought your name sounded Native American and the way your plant explained you were a 'walking tree' does sound like shaminism. So it all fits. I have conversed with animals since childhood but am just learning plant language. I particulärly like talking with foxes and crows and will ask them my name.

Whippet from Highlands andvIslands

4:57 PM  

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