Saturday, September 30, 2006

saturday 30th September
Spirituliality is communication, nothing less and nothing more.This communication needs to be between two subjects and with all basic communication first, one is calledEmisor and the other is called receptor secondly the receptor is called Emisor and the Emisor is called Receptor, and so on....this is basic communication.
It is essential that the communication needs to be between two subjects, the subject can be an individual or a collectivity. If comunication is happening between a subject an object there might be comminication happening but this communicaation is not a spirirituality.
This, although quite clear to me might be confusing to other people; when a person puts their hands together in a supposed pray or dialogue with God this is only one form of spirituality and no more important than a conversation between two friends for as long as God has a dialogue with the person praying. So according to this the Primeminister of this country has some explanation to make; he said that before sending the troops to Iraq he prayed to God but what we dont know is whether if his God ansewer him back or maybe he left his action of praying without engaging in the communication and therefore not having a spirituality in that communication.
A sprituality is making the bed.
A spirituality is cooking.
A spirituality is cleaning the car.
We understand that the psychological uncoverings of the last 200 years that every prerson is made up of ego, super ego and something called it also called sometimes socialbrain and not very often inner adult. So communication can happen within oneself only, say for example between the ego and the it. So here we have a spirituality becoming a reality for the individual or self.
Enough of "serious" stuff.
I think we have got into winter already; I think we have seen the best of the summer (and the worst also) unti 2007.
I find out that I watch DVD movies using my computer. A few months ago I bought , on instalments, a big (27 inch,wide screen and high definition) monitor and if i put a DVD in the computer I can watch comfortably well, any movie. So far I have watched Shrek 1 and 2, Bruce Almighty (rubbish), collateral (not so good), and American Pie 2 (sometimes I wonder wht gets into my mind!); I love shrek, mostly 1 because 2 although it was very good it was , also, clear to me that they were exploiting the success of number1. I identified with 2 characters in the first one princess Fiona when she was in a tower of a dark castle that was on a rock in the middle of a lake pumping hot and melting rock, being the castle guarded by my second character identification a dragon(female!?I do not mind). In the next 2 weeks I am planning to watch 4 more movies. they are madagascar (animation), broke buck mountain, memoirs of a geisha and pirates of the carribean (the curse of the black pearl).


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